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OFA Legg-Calve-Perthes Procedures

In an effort to assist breeders in establishing a control program to limit the prevalence of the LCP, the OFA offers a health database specific to LCP. The OFA evaluations and the subsequent database of information will allow breeders to make more informed breeding decisions.

The same radiographic image can be used to evaluate the presence of both LCP and hip dysplasia. Evidence of LCP would be detected during an OFA hip dysplasia evaluation and would yield abnormal results. A dog over 12 months of age receiving a normal OFA preliminary report or an OFA hip number is therefore also normal for Legg-Calve-Perthes disease and is automatically eligible to obtain an OFA LCP number.

To receive an OFA LCP number based on a previous hip evaluation, owners should complete the appropriate application and the OFA will assign an LCP number. Evaluation fees will be refunded for dogs determined by the OFA to be affected.


Canine Health Information Center (CHIC)

Canine Health Foundation

Morris Animal Foundation

Animal Health Trust

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