wildcat strikes

Turkey: When the workers make their voices heard

Strikes at Renault Bursa febr.-march 2016

In the current situation of global crisis and rampant local wars, Turkey has an important place. The tensions in this country are running high, both within the capitalist class(1) and between capital and labor. In this article we report on recent workers' struggles that develop in Turkey against the effects of the crisis. Workers are struggling despite state repression and attempts to divide workers.

Coalminers strike against Pittston Company in Virginia, 1989-1990

Striking miners rally

A short history of the successful 10 month long strike at Pittston Coal against cuts to retirement and health benefits, which included mass sit-ins and sabotage.

The Bridport wildcat strike, 1912 - Steven Johns

The Bridport wildcat strikers

A very brief account of the wildcat strike of women workers in Bridport, Dorset.

Battles on the Barbican: the struggle for trade unionism in the British building industry, 1965–7 - Charlie McGuire, Linda Clarke and Christine Wall

Construction workers at the Barbican. Photograph by John Steeden.

History of the industrial disputes and workers' struggles on the Barbican construction site 1965-1967.

Building the Barbican 1962-1982: taking the industry out of the dark ages

Workers on the Barbican site, 1965

Fantastic pamphlet on the workers' struggles during the construction of the brutalist masterpiece the Barbican in central London. Told largely in the words of the workers themselves.

Wildcat strike at SOAS

A crowd gathers at SOAS today

The School of Oriental and African Studies in London has been shut down today after management suspended a union activist. This is a deveoping story, updates in the comments.

New series of factory stories from China


Chinese worker activists have been documenting and analyzing the situation and struggles of factory workers in the Pearlriverdelta in South China over the past few years. Since 2012 they have been publishing reports the magazine "Factory Stories" (工厂龙门阵 gongchang longmenzhen).

Wildcat strike: a study in worker-management relationships - Alvin W. Gouldner

A study by Alvin W. Gouldner of a wildcat strike.

The scene of the action: a wildcat strike in Barbados - Constance R. Sutton

Constance R. Sutton's dissertation on the 1958 wilcat strike by Barbadian sugar workers.

Continuing the fight for economic justice: the Barbadian sugar workers' 1958 wildcat strike - Constance R. Sutton

History of the 1958 sugar cane workers' wildcat strike in which workers at two adjoining plantations in Barbados refused to cut cane unless they were given a 15 cent per ton wage increase, before spreading plantations around the country.