Thrasybulus's blog

No to the extradition of comrades: the Free5 solidarity campaign

A solidarity campaign is underway in Greece to block the extradition to Italy of five students in regards to the events in Milan on the 1st May. This is a case that will have implications for international organising.

Turning No into Yes: Syriza's Memorandum

Some thoughts on current developments in Greece. While events are still moving and uncertain at the moment the along awaited third memorandum between the Greek state and the Troika seems to be on its way. For all the hopes and promises of Syriza, austerity remains.

Protests over workers' deaths met by police and fascist repression

Riot police protecting the Golden Dawn office in Aspropyrgos

A fire at the Hellenic Petroleum(EL.PE) refinery cost the lives of four workers back in May. Since then protests against this industrial 'accident' targeting the second richest family in Greece have been meet by joint police and fascist repression.

Continuing hunger strike of political prisoners

Anarchist banner on the steps of parliament

For more than a month now political prisoners in Greece have been on hunger strike demanding the removal of various repressive and anti-terror structures. The hunger strike and its solidarity campaign have so far been the first major political opposition to the coalition government led by Syriza.

Anarchists occupy Syriza's headquarters

Anarchists have occupied Syriza's headquarters in Athens as an act of solidarity with an ongoing hunger strike.

Syriza's first month

A month since its election Syriza has moved far from its anti-austerity, anti-bailout rhetoric.

Quick look at the Greek election results

Electoral map of Greece: Red=SYRIZA Blue=ND

The Greek election results have come in and it seems far-left party SYRIZA has won a significant victory on an anti-austerity platform.

Victory for the hunger strike of Nikos Romanos

Anarchist Nikos Romanos ended his hunger strike after thirty days this week. The strike brought Romanos to the edge of death as Greece came close to the point of insurrection in his support.

'Asphyxiating for a breath of freedom': Wave of Hunger Strikes in Greece

Nikos Romanos at the hospital window

A number of hunger strikes are ongoing with imprisoned anarchist Nikos Romanos in his third week of action.

Clashes in the Greek universities

Riot police attacked protesters trying to enter university buildings in the run up to the commemoration of the 1973 student uprising.

Hunger Strike in all Greek prisons

Thousands of prisoners across Greece are on a hunger strike to protest the planned changes to prisons and the creation of new high security facilities.

Finance Ministry cleaners protest mass firings

Several hundred cleaners previously employed by Greece's Finance Ministry have been protesting their mass firing.

Election developments in Greece

The results of last weekend's European and Local elections have done little to change the political landscape of Greece. However, they are another sign of the fragmentation of the political scene.

Bank of Greece hit by car bomb

A large car bomb exploded outside a Bank of Greece branch this morning in central Athens. Whilst damage was caused to the building there were no injuries. No claim of responsibility has yet been made.

Tension in Greek prisons

Amidst deteriorating conditions and harsher regulations anger boiled over this week as a prison guard and prisoner were killed in Malandrino prison.

Golden Dawn attack on self-organised space Resalto

Fascist murders, we will crush you

Supporters of Golden Dawn took to the streets to attack the self-organised space Resalto close to the spot of the murder of antifascist musician Pavlos Fyssas.

Greece remembers the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos

police kettle outside the University

A day of demonstrations and clashes with the police marked the five anniversary of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos and the December Revolt.

Crackdown on the Golden Dawn

GD leader Nikolaos Michaloliakos under arrest

With the arrest of several party leaders the Greek government has begun a crackdown on the far-right Golden Dawn in the wake of the murder of Pavlos Fyssas.

Summer time in Greece

The traditional August summer holidays were not a time of peace and relaxation this year in Greece.

Fifth antifascist patrol in Athens

Antifascists patrolled the streets of Athens in large numbers once again on Thursday evening.