- published: 16 Feb 2016
- views: 16297
KPR, originally known as Kodak Photoresist, is a photosensitive material used in photoengraving, Photogravure and photolithography. Once dried KPR can be dissolved by several solvents but after exposure to strong ultraviolet light it hardens and becomes insoluble by some of these solvents. It is also resistant to acid, ferric chloride and other chemicals used to etch metals.
The fundamental method of its use was first described in two US Patents, USP 2610120 (https://www.google.com/patents?id=TD9eAAAAEBAJ&printsec=abstract&zoom=4#v=onepage&q&f=false ) and USP 2670287 (https://www.google.com/patents/US2670287?dq=2670287&hl=en&sa=X&ei=_RLwUfS6GKWIiAK22YG4BQ&sqi=2&pjf=1&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAA), assigned to the Eastman Kodak Company of Rochester, New York. These photo-resistant resins were formed of cinnamic acid esters with the most preferable being polyvinyl cinnamate. While they were developed primarily for photolithography for high-speed print setting for uses such as newspaper printing, their perhaps highest value came from their ability to produce non-conducting layers on top of conducting layers to precise dimensions. This enabled the "printing" of large scale, closely placed conductive and non-conductive pathways to create binary gates. These were semi-conductors or the means to create semiconductors. This technology was utilized heavily by the Shockley 8, at the original Fairchild Semiconductor to produce more and more closely spaced semiconductors for computing. It is ironic that Kodak, the original patent assignee, did not really participate in the economic juggernaut that it created through this lithographic printing technology.
John Paul may refer to:
Paul Patton may refer to:
John Paul Patton 'KPR' - Gear Interview - Klikklip
Rey Marshall 'KPR' - Gear Interview - Klikklip
Kelompok Penerbang Roket - Hujan Badai (Panbers Cover) - Klikklip
Kelompok Penerbang Roket - Mati Muda (Official Video)
Hukum KPR Bank Konvensional dan Bank Syariah - Ustadz Ammi Nur Baits
Beli Rumah KPR Bersubsidi Bolehkah - Ustadz Khalid Basalamah
KPR the winner of JDOS indie band competition
Beberapa waktu lalu Klikklip bikin Gear Interview bareng gitaris Kelompok Penerbang Roket, Rey Marshall. Gear Interview kali ini giliran mengulik peralatan yang dipakai sang pembetot bass, John Paul Patton alias Coki. Jangan lupa follow @penerbangroket di Twitter dan Instagram untuk update seputar gigs KPR. Kunjungi www.klikklip.com yang berisikan video performance, aftermovie, behind the scene dan interview dari musisi Indonesia.
Buat yang penasaran sama gear yang dipakai anak-anak Kelompok Penerbang Roket, lo harus pantengin Klikklip.com. Gitaris KPR, Rey Marshall berbagi soal gear yang ia gunakan untuk bermusik bersama KPR. Jangan lupa follow @penerbangroket dan @reymarshalls di Twitter. Kunjungi www.klikklip.com yang berisikan video performance, aftermovie, behind the scene dan interview dari musisi Indonesia.
Untuk kedua kalinya Kelompok Penerbang Roket (KPR) tampil di Studio Session Klikklip.com. Kali ini ngebawain single “Hujan Badai”. “Hujan Badai” merupakan lagu dari grup legendaris Panjaitan Bersaudara atau Panbers. KPR membuat album bertajuk HAAI yang berisi delapan lagu milik Panbers yang diaransemen ulang. Semua info tentang KPR bisa didapatkan dengan follow akun Twitter dan Instagram @penerbangroket. Kunjungi www.klikklip.com yang berisikan video performance, aftermovie, behind the scene dan interview dari musisi Indonesia.
Album 'Teriakan Bocah' format digital bisa didapatkan di iTunes: http://bit.ly/TeriakanBocah "Mati Muda" merupakan single pertama dari grup Kelompok Penerbang Roket. Kelompok Penerbang Roket terbentuk sejak tahun 2011 karena sebuah proyek kompilasi piringan hitam, band rock serabutan ini pada awalnya sempat menjadi band pengiring seorang penyanyi wanita (Sapphira Singgih), Kelompok Penerbang Roket memiliki formasi tetap yakni John Paul Patton alias Coki (Bass/Lead Vocal), Rey Marshall (Gitar/Back Voc) dan Igusti Vikranta atau lebih akrab dengan Viki (Drum/Back Voc). “Mati Muda” is the first single of Kelompok Penerbang Roket (KPR). KPR is an indonesian rock band formed in 2011 by a record project. This band has been an accompaniment band for a lady singer named Sapphira Singgih by the st...
BAŠTRNG - SEPRP - KPR SEPRP: námet a scenár: Michal Kubovčík kamera: Miroslav Málek hudba: Juraj Haško animácia: Ján Ivan odborná spolupráca: doc. MUDr. Viliam Dobiáš réžia: Karol Vosátko Nový seriál SEPRP- SEdlácka PRvá Pomoc. S odbornou pomocou MUDr. Viliama Dobiáša, v spolupráci s Krajinou záchrancov a hlavne po Baštrngovsky sa pokúsime pozrieť prvej pomoci na zúbky. Bezvedomie, šok, resuscitácia, stabilizovaná poloha, epileptický záchvat, infarkt...a mnoho iného preberieme s rovnakou radosťou a hravosťou ako tomu bolo pri povinnom čítaní ( v ktorom pokračujeme tiež). http://www.prvapomoc.sk/ https://www.facebook.com/Bastrng © 2016 Baštrng
Hukum KPR Bank Konvensional dan Bank Syariah, halal atau haram? Simak Penjelasan ringkas Ustadz Ammi Nur Baits, semoga bermanfaat. - Cuplikan dari video Kajian Islam berjudul: "Cara Bertaubat Dari Harta Haram" Link lengkap video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOUqE4bdsEM - MP3 Kumpulan Ceramah Singkat Ustadz Ammi Nur Baits: http://pakdenono.com/ceramah-singkat-ammi-nur-baits.htm
Winner announcement of JD On Stage Indie Band competition. Your friends at Jack Daniel's remind you to drink responsibly. www.jackdaniels.com/responsibility/global JACK DANIEL'S and OLD NO. 7 are registered trademarks ©2013 Jack Daniel’s.Tenn Whsky 40% Alc/Vol (80 proof).JACK DANIEL DISTILLERY, Lynchburg,Tenn.
I've got a broken sky
Miles above
I talk to every night
It used to be the one to say it's all right
Now it's the setting sun
Every part of me is you
Can we make this black sky blue?
Well maybe I wouldn't be so broken-hearted
If you were still here with me
Love is just a disease
I'm taught about it
It only makes me cry
I walk these empty rooms
Half alive
And not the way I knew
Sometimes the silence seems so loud
I hear it in my dreams
Every part of me is you
Can we fill these empty rooms?
Maybe I wouldn't be so broken-hearted
If you were still here with me
Love is just a disease
I'm taught about it
It only makes me cry, ohhh...
Every part of me is you
Can we make this black sky blue?
Well maybe I wouldn't be so broken-hearted
If you were still here with me
Love is just a disease
I'm taught about it
It only makes me cry... oooh...