- published: 30 Aug 2010
- views: 11465
Stephen or Steven /ˈstiːvən/ is a masculine first name, derived from the Greek name Στέφανος (Stéfanos), in turn from the Greek word "στέφανος", meaning "wreath, crown, honour, reward", literally "that which surrounds or encompasses". In ancient Greece, a wreath was given to the winner of a contest (from which the crown, symbol of rulers derived). The use of the noun was first recorded in Homer's Iliad. The name is significant to Christians: according to the Book of Acts in the New Testament, Saint Stephen was a deacon who was stoned to death and is regarded as the first Christian martyr. The name has many variants, which include Stephan, Stevan, Stefan and Stevon.
In Middle English, the name Stephen or Stephan was pronounced as a bi-syllabic word — Step-hen or Step-han — much like a Scandinavian surname. Steve was pronounced as it is in Modern English. This etymological usage began a decline in the mid-19th century.
Steve is the common short form, while various diminutives such as Stevie and Ste are also used. Many family names are derived from Stephen: the most common are Stephens/Stevens and Stephenson/Stevenson (others include Stephen, Stephan, Staphan, Stefan, Stevin and Stever).
juvecentus lyrics
1984/85 European Super Cup - Juventus - Liverpool
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Track No 8 - Marc Brijjuz bill-kant minn Stephen Mizzi, Socjeta De Paule, Rahal Gdid.
La Supercoppa UEFA 1984 è stata la decima edizione, la prima disputata in finale unica. L'incontro ha visto di fronte gli inglesi del Liverpool, vincitori della Coppa dei Campioni 1983-1984, e gli italiani della Juventus, detentori della Coppa delle Coppe 1983-1984: furono quest'ultimi a conquistare il trofeo, prevalendo per 2-0 grazie a una doppietta di Boniek; si trattò del primo successo bianconero nella competizione, nonché il primo assoluto per una formazione italiana. Torino 16 gennaio 1985, ore 20:30 Stadio Comunale (55 384 spett.) Juventus 1 Luciano Bodini 2 Luciano Favero 3 Antonio Cabrini 4 Massimo Bonini 5 Sergio Brio 6 Gaetano Scirea (c) 7 Massimo Briaschi 8 Marco Tardelli 9 Paolo Rossi 10 Michel Platini ...
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A look at the Juventus side managed by Giovanni Trapattoni in the mid-1970s and 80s, featuring interviews with Trapattoni, Claudio Gentile and Dino Zoff.