- published: 08 Feb 2016
- views: 3797
Gamla (Hebrew: גמלא) or Gamala was an ancient Jewish city on the Golan Heights, believed to have been founded as a Seleucid fort during the Syrian Wars. The site of a Roman siege during the Great Revolt of the 1st century CE, Gamla is a symbol of heroism for the modern state of Israel and an important historical and archaeological site. It lies within the current Gamla nature reserve and is a prominent tourist attraction.
Situated at the southern part of the Golan, overlooking the Sea of Galilee, Gamla was built on a steep hill shaped like a camel's hump, from which it derives its name (Gamla meaning 'camel' in Aramaic). Although the site was inhabited since the Early Bronze Age, the city appears to have been founded as a Seleucid fort during the Syrian Wars (3rd century BCE) which later became a civilian settlement. Jews inhabited it from the last quarter of the 2nd century BCE, and it was annexed to the Hasmonean state under king Alexander Jannaeus in c. 81 BCE.
Josephus Flavius, Commander of Galilee during the Jewish Revolt against Rome, in 66 CE fortified Gamla as his main stronghold on the Golan. Josephus gives a very detailed topographical description of the city, which he also referred to as Gamala, and the steep ravines which precluded the need to build a wall around it. Only along the northern saddle, at the town's eastern extremity, was a 350 meters-long wall built. It was constructed by blocking gaps between existing houses and destroying houses that lay in its way.
Limhamn is, in an administrative sense, the southern district of Malmö Municipality in Sweden. Before 1915, Limhamn was (briefly) a town of its own.
The population of Limhamn-Bunkeflo (including suburbs) is 31,000, of which 7,000 live in the southern suburbs Tygelsjö and Bunkeflostrand, and some live in neighbourhoods that are not usually counted to Limhamn proper.
Archeological findings revealed a stoneage village from the Ertebølle culture at Limhamn. The interpretation of Limhamn's fate in later times diverge. Limhamn is by some held to have been one of the more important fishing villages in Scania, with a population living of the sea and relatively stable in size through the centuries, but this opinion is not undisputed.
Limestone has been quarried in Limhamns kalkbrott since the early 16th century or earlier, which can be inferred from the fact that king Christian II of Denmark (1513–1523) forbade the trade on the illegal harbour Limhamn. But only since 1871 has the quarry been of industrial extent. A large cement factory, railway connection to Malmö, and a freight harbour were constructed in 1889. Soon also other industries were established.
Gamla Limhamn is a neighbourhood of Malmö, situated in the Borough of Limhamn-Bunkeflo, Malmö Municipality, Skåne County, Sweden.
4K SWEDEN, STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE VIDEO, Best Places To Go, Top Attractions, Best Things To Do
Stockholm Vacation Travel Video Guide
Gothenburg Sweden | Travel Guide
Stockholm Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Kungliga Slottet Vacation Travel Video Guide
Kalmar Slott (Sweden) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Visby (Sweden) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Stockholm ,Sweden Walking travel tour : Old Town, Gamla Stan (Ultra 4K )
Stockholm Sweden: As We Travel Europe
Stockholm, Sweden: Gamla Stan
4K SWEDEN, STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE VIDEO, Best Places To Go, Top Attractions, Best Things To Do Welcome my world travel guide channel. If you like my video, please subscribe my channel and share my videos. I would be really happy. And you can also follow me on other social media platforms: https:// www.facebook.com/dunyabirmasaldir https:// www.instagram.com/ozgur_cagdas/ https:// www.youtube.com/user/OzgurCagdas https:// www.twitter.com/Ozgur_Cagdas https:// www.plus.google.com/+OzgurCagdas and my blog: https:// www.dunyabirmasaldir.com (The World is a Fairy Tale) In my travel channel, I share my own trip videos from my journeys. Until now, I traveled around 40 countries and I produced 10.000 stock footage. I am professional traveler and videographer, working many microstock footage co...
Travel video about destination Stockholm in Sweden. Stockholm is a city that floats on water, the 'Venice of the North' was built on 14 islands. Gamla Stan, or 'Old Town', is the name of the city's three central islands that are linked by numerous bridges. Its ambience is that of the Middle Ages and small and mysterious alleys and beautiful buildings that date back to the 7th century characterize the life of the traders who once lived there. The old town's most dominant building is the royal castle of Kungliga Slottet. Larger than London's Buckingham Palace, it contains 608 rooms. The Stadshuset is one of the city's landmarks and was designed in Medieval style eith a tower that is almost 106 metres tall. The most important artists of the time were engaged in the creation of the Blue Hal...
/ / THOUGHTS (attractions and time durations posted below for each excursion) I visited Gothenburg for a conference where I presented a poster on behalf of my college. But, there is always time for a little sightseeing when you're travelling with a purpose. Want more tips on Gothenburg? Comment and let me know. Have some tips on Gothenburg? Comment and let everyone know. / / WHAT TO DO IN GOTHENBURG 1) Garden Society of Gothenburg (Trädgårdsföreningen) / 2 Hours 2) Gothenburg Museum of Art / 3 Hours 3) Padaan Sightseeing Boat Tour / 50 Minutes 4) Liseberg Amusement Park / Half Day (Evening) - Full Day 5) Skansen Kronan / 1 - 3 hours 6) The Island Ferry leaving from Saltholmen / 3 hours 6A) Pit Stop at Branno / + 3 hours 7) Seafood Feast at the Fish Church or at an Upscale Restaur...
The Swedish capital, ‘the Northern Venice’ is a remarkably beautiful city, which is surrounded by clear water, while nature reaches into the heart of it. During the almost 800 years history of the city many beautiful buildings were constructed and a rich cultural heritage was left behind. Many events and museums await the tourists. In the Gamla Stan, the Old Town, the houses surrounding the Royal Palace were built in the 13th-18th century. The squares are surrounded by romantic palaces and gothic temples. The Nobel prizes are given away here at the City Hall, while the party afterwards is being held in the modern inner city, in the Konserthuset. Djurgarden island is famous of its Vasa Museum where one can take a look at a 17th century boat lifted out of the sea and then renovated. Not far ...
Travel video about destination Kungliga Slottet in Sweden. Kungliga Slottet is a majestic royal castle that is located on the highest point of the island of Stadsholmen in the middle of the attractive historical old town of Stockholm known as Gamla Stan. The castle became an official royal residence when Swedish monarch, King Adolf Fredrik, resided there. With its 608 rooms the castle is considered to be one of the greatest royal residences in the world and home to the Swedish crown jewels. The design of the Royal castle and its splendid facade was created by the architect, Nicodemus Tessin The Younger. His father, Nicodemus The Elder, built the Tre Kronor Castle at the end of the 17th century which was named after the three crowns that are depicted in the Swedish coat of arms. In 1697 a d...
Vacation travel video about destination Kalmar Slott in Sweden. -------------- Watch more travel videos ► http://goo.gl/HYQdhg Join us. Subscribe now! ► http://goo.gl/QHWi2p Be our fan on Facebook ► http://goo.gl/0xmbQk Follow us on Twitter ► http://goo.gl/334ln5 -------------- Thanks for all your support, rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated! Please: respect each other in the comments. Expoza Travel is taking you on a journey to the earth's most beautiful and fascinating places. Get inspiration and essentials with our travel guide videos and documentaries for your next trip, holiday, vacation or simply enjoy and get tips about all the beauty in the world... It is yours to discover!
Travel video about destination Visby in Sweden. Visby is a city of both roses and ruins and capital of the Baltic island of Gotland in south east Sweden. It is one of the most important Hanse towns with a well conserved mediaeval cityscape. Since 1270, and for a hundred and fifty years, construction of a long mediaeval wall, up to ten metres high, was undertaken around the historic city centre. However, the residents of the city did not want to protect themselves from enemies from abroad, but the attacks of farmers on the island, to whom access to the city was prohibited. The mainly German Hanse merchants were very wealthy and did not wish to share their good fortune with anyone else.Construction continued unabated and a modern city of the Middle Ages was created with more, and higher, ...
Next video : January 7,2015 . Stockholm City Hall Prochain vidéo : 7 Janvier 2015 . Stockholm City Hall Description en français plus bas. Stockholm , Sweden Walking travel tour : Old Town, Gamla Stan (Ultra 4K)Description en français plus bas and description in English follow . Gamla stan (The Old Town), until 1980 officially Staden mellan broarna (The Town between the Bridges), is the old town of Stockholm, Sweden. Gamla stan consists primarily of the island Stadsholmen. The surrounding islets Riddarholmen, Helgeandsholmen, and Strömsborg are officially part of, but not colloquially included in, Gamla stan. The word "stan" is simply a contraction of the word "staden" ("sta'n"), meaning "the town."The to...
http://www.aswetravel.com/stockholm-sweden-travel-video/ - Stockholm Sweden As We Travel Europe Välkommen till Stockholm, Sverige, mitt hemland. Låt oss gå checka in. We’re in Stockholm, the capital city of Sweden. We’re going to start the morning by exploring Gamla Stan, the old part of town. Gamla Stan is where Stockholm was founded in 1252, and in the 18th and 19th century it was considered a bit of a slum where no one really wanted to be. But today, it’s one of the most popular and beautiful tourist attractions in Stockholm. It’s really cute here as well. Let’s go and have a look around. During the Europe Train Challenge, we’ve gone to so many old towns, but Gamla Stan here in Stockholm is still my favorite. It’s so cute, it’s so cozy, and it’s so quiet. I love it. It’s also kind of...
Stockholm's compact island core is charming, photogenic, and full of antiques shops, street lanterns and surprises like the beautiful Lutheran cathedral . The main drag is a favorite with shoppers and tourists. But just a block or two from the commotion, the atmosphere changes. Tranquil lanes feel much like they did back in the 17th century, when all of Stockholm fit on Gamla Stan. For more information on the Rick Steves' Europe TV series — including episode descriptions, scripts, participating stations, travel information on destinations and more — visit http://www.ricksteves.com.
Ever been in a situation where you try to fix a mistake & only land up making it worse? That's the story of Anjali's life... Subscribe for Regular Updates http://goo.gl/tBtxtt Like us on http://www.facebook.com/DharmaProductions Follow us on http://www.twitter.com/DharmaMovies Circle us on Google+ https://plus.google.com/+DharmaMovies Watch More Comedy Scenes http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLlUPygAcL2W491r6l3HwE2IuVEWZg8ei
Flavius Josephus wrote about the Great Revolt and told the story of Gamla, that was conquered and destroyed in the year 67 CE, three years before the Temple and Jerusalem were ruined in 70 CE. In 73 CE also Massada fell . My collegue Oded Ambar wrote me that Shemaryahu Gutmann didn't like the fact that Gamla and Massada were compared; because though they fell both in the same era, the stories are completely different. http://uriahyaniv.blogspot.com/
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LÄS HÄR INNAN DU FRÅGAR NÅGOT OKOK? KOM IHÅG behandla andra som du själv vill bli behandlad, tänk på de innan ni slänger ut er en hatkommentar :* Sociala Medier: ♡ Instagram - tovahelgesson ♡ Snapchat - tovabullen ♡ Min mail - minachokladbitar@hotmail.com ♡ Business mail ( INTE FAN MAIL ) : tovabullen@hotmail.com ♡ Periscope: tovabullen ♡ Min Facebook - Tova Helgesson ♡ Min ask - http://ask.fm/tovahelgesson (Ej aktiv för tillfället, om jag skaffar tillbax ask är de på detta namnet, så alla andra är fake, anmäl gärna!) Övrigt: ♡ Jag filmar med Canon EOS 550D & redigerar i Imovie på min MacBook Air ♡ Är född 1999 ♡ Bor i Skåne/Kävlinge OM NI VILL SKICKA POST TILL MIG SÅ ÄR MIN ADRESS: Mårtensgatan 17 244 30 KÄVLINGE Ja, jag vet att de är konsekvenser med att ge ut sin adress, men flera...
LÄS HÄR INNAN DU FRÅGAR NÅGOT OKOK? OKEJ LISTEN UP! Jag va dum nog att pausa varje gång jag kommentera nånting under videons gång, tänkte lixsom så jag inte pratar samtidigt som videon blir as jobbigt att kolla på, men de slutade me att de va skit svårt att redigera o synka allt, därav är videon skit. Lägger ut den endå för många ville, men ha i åtanke att de va svårt o redigera och detta va verkligen de bästa jag kunde göra av sitsen, detta eller ingen video alls. Och pls, skriv inte hat, dessa videosarna är verkligen känsliga för mig och får tbt när jag va mobbad. Kämpade allt med att försöka få bort dom men de gick inte. Älskar er KOM IHÅG behandla andra som du själv vill bli behandlad, tänk på de innan ni slänger ut er en hatkommentar :* Sociala Medier: ♡ Instagram - tovahelgesson ♡ ...
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Tycker ni om de gamla bilderna på mig? Haha, oj herregud säger jag bara. Coolchey97 liksom. Erkänn att ni blev rädda efter outrot hahah Min vloggkanal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1ra... SOCIALA MEDIER: Instagram: LovisaK97 Twitter: Lakidoris1 Snapchat: LovisAwesome Mail: Lakidoris@live.se ADRESS: Splay AB Lakidoris Malmskillnadsgatan 32, 111 51 Stockholm.
VI HAR STARTAT EN NY KANAL TILLSAMMANS https://www.youtube.com/c/wilmaemil Denna video laddas upp igen på grund av att google tagit ned video eftersom vi tidigare hade taggar i beskrivningen. Många har velat att videosen ska upp igen, så därför har laddat upp dom igen :) Hoppas ni förstår! Billiga sminkborstar med bra kvalité på: http://www.wilmasbeauty.se/ ★ Instagram ♥ http://instagram.com/wilmaholmqvist Business ♥ info@wilmasbeauty.com Alla mina låtar är från http://www.epidemicsound.com/, dess låtar är copyright fria och hittas oftast inte på fler ställen än den siten. Utrustning: Kamera: Canon EOS 70D Redigeringsprogram: iMovie och Adobe After Effects
Idag kollar jag tillbaka på mina gamla videos... Skulle ni vilja ha fler sånna här videos? gilla så vet jag:))) OCH Så får ni inte glömma att följa mig ;) Instagram:http://instagram.com/beatrice_00 Twitter:https://twitter.com/Beatrice_reiman Mejla mig : beasliv060@gmail.com Ha det BÄST, och så hörs vi igen nästa söndag :) Kommentera "baby bea" om du ser det här.
Official Music Video for the 2015 Melodifestivalen finalist "Möt mig i Gamla Stan" performed by Magnus Carlsson. Directed by Rickard L Eriksson Copyright: Lighthouse Music Central AB Download and listen: iTunes: http://goo.gl/IMEmrO Spotify: http://goo.gl/TL9Kte Social media: Instagram: http://goo.gl/8lQu9c Facebook: http://goo.gl/FERDQK Website: http://goo.gl/FDdCFP Twitter: http://goo.gl/LBdm25
Flera personer skadades när polishästar red in i folkmassa vid demonstrationer mot det nazistiska Svenskarnas Parti som höll tal på Limhamns torg. Polisrytteriet skulle skingra folkmassan men flera demonstranter hann inte undan utan hamnade under hästarna. Redan innan denna incident hade polis och demonstranter drabbat samman vid ett flertal tillfällen där knallskott och flaskor kastades. Polisen rubricerar händelsen som ett våldsamt upplopp. SE MER PÅ WWW.TOPNEWS.SE Publicerad av TOPNEWS.se - www.topnews.se - 25 aug 2014 Topnews består av sju videofotografer i Skåne som med vår samarbetspartner i Danmark - localeyes.dk - levererar videoklipp och foto från nyhetshändelser i Öresundsregionen. Topnews ingår i nyhetsbyrån Video4news vilket även ger oss möjligheten att leverera videokli...
Flera skadades vid motdemonstrationen mot Svenskarnas parti i Limhamn. Fotograf: Patrick Persson.
Allsång, gamla segelskutor och massor av hantverk och mat står på programmet när hamnfestivalen på Limhamn drar igång.
Nu rivs gamla färjeläget på Limhamn. Här ska bli bostäder liksom på cementfabriken mittemot. Vi grävde ner oss i färjeminnen!
en film om alla geeks och töntar i limhamn och bunkeflo i malmö