- published: 30 Dec 2016
- views: 572
Coordinates: 39°34′N 47°06′E / 39.567°N 47.100°E / 39.567; 47.100
Çimən (also, Chiman and Chemen) is a village in the Fizuli Rayon of Azerbaijan.
Mazlum Çimen (June 18, 1958 in Elbistan, Kahramanmaraş) is a Turkish musician, ballet dancer, film actor, folk singer, and award-winning film score composer.
He was born in Sevdilli village of Elbistan in Kahramanmaraş Province on June 18, 1958.He is the son of Nesimi Cimen who is a great Ashik, songwriter and Cura Virtuoso in history. His parents are originating however from Hozat in Tunceli Province.
His family moved to Istanbul as he was still in pre-school age. After Mazlum finished his primary school education, he attended Istanbul State Conservatory to study violin. Four years later, he switched over to ballet dancing section of the same music school and graduated in 1981. He entered Istanbul State Opera and Ballet as a ballet dancer, where he is still employed.
Mazlum toured across the country with his father Nesimi Çimen, a well-known folk music singer, and was so introduced in music composing. He created his first compositions already in 1980. With his music teacher İhsan Yüce's initiation, he stepped into the film music field, where he found the strong support of Onat Kutlar, a poet and co-founder of the Istanbul International Film Festival.
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Humor 2017 me Cimen - Magjia e grues
Gezuar me Cimen 2015 - Cuclla e kungjit
Gezuar 2013 me Cimen - Fiza e Qart (Official Video 2013)
Gezuar me Cimen 2016 - Japanci
Mazlum Çimen - Feryad-ı İsyanım [ Feryadı İsyanım © 2002 Esen Müzik ]
Gezuar me Cimen 2014 - BAKSHISHI I KUNGJIT
Mazlum Çimen - Değilmisin
Gezuar me Cimen 2015 - Kartela e bankes
Gezuar 2013 me Cimen - Cime Melaqja (Official Video 2013)
"Magjia e grues" - Humor 2017 All Rights Reserved © ARTSKILL Producent: Nexhmi Mehmeti Publisher: OnAirFM
Ben Enes Batur , Çimen simulator yani en mal oyun oyna dık ve toplamda 3 tane gerizekalı oyun oynadık trollfacequest , güzel ve eğlenceli ve komik bir video oldu iyi seyirler. Kanala Abone OL : http://goo.gl/1rDcXB KAY VE VUR CHALLENGE : https://goo.gl/KNiAbn Sosyal Medya: Facebook Sayfası ► http://goo.gl/g7EZUN Facebook Grubu ► http://goo.gl/IKiFFe Twitter ► https://goo.gl/uHUUEF İnstagram ► https://goo.gl/WfrpOG İş Teklifleri (Business) enesbatur56@gmail.com ------------------------------------------- İZLENDİĞİNİZ İÇİN TEŞEKKÜR EDERİM SÜPERSİNİZ!!
Produksioni Kola // Produksioni me i madh i muzikes popullore dhe folklorike ne trojet shqiptare. All Rights Reserved (P) & (C) Kola Commerce Copyright: OnAir.FM https://www.facebook.com/onairfmnetwork
Feryadı İsyanım © 2002 Esen Müzik http://geni.us/feryadiisyanim https://www.facebook.com/MazlumCimenO... https://twitter.com/mazlumcimen http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1256789/ http://www.sinematurk.com/kisi/1704-m... Mem nelere gark olmadı zinin ateşi için Ferhat dağı delmedimi Şirinin düşü için Kusur ise her saniye her yerde seni anmak Mecnun azmı yemin etti Leylanın başı için Gözlerinin dokunduğu her mekan memleketim Bakı verde uzamasın gurbetim esaretim Ahmet Arif hasretinden prangalar eskitmiş Beni böyle eskitense prangalı hasretin Sana yine sana yandım Nesimide dün gece Gözlerinle yüzüleyim bend olayım hallaca Böyle hüküm buyurmuşlar Tanrılar divanında Ha ben sana yollanmışım ha Muhammet miraca cümle cihan güzellerin yüzlerine ben örsün gözlerin balyozu oldu içerimdeki ...
ArtSkill Official prezanton skeqin "Bakshishi i Kungjit" Publisher: OnAirFM https://www.facebook.com/onairfmnetwork
Day 3 in Saint Petersburg- "Hermitage with 45,000 of my closest friends, Yusupov palace where Rasputin was assassinated."- Alselin Maloney. Blog: http://kelseybang.com/ Kelsey's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kelseybang/ Jake's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacobbharris/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/KelseyBang Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kelseybangcom SnapChat: KelseyBang
In the dearth of the Light
Under the eye of Rhianonn´s land
A strange moon shines upon tonight
The world will break like stone into sand
I feel the breaking of the Maelström
Cornish’s spirits shall hunt thy souls
The hearts of men pierced by a thorn
Some might hear their weapons call
The shores seems to rise
An earthquake begun
The moon seem to cry
The men are waiting, but can’t feel anything
Swords still in their sheath
The fire is near…
A deadly army arrived
“To arms” shouted the king of clan
Druids prepare yourselves in time
For the battle has begun
From the earth and seas and heavens
Cornish´s spirits are on their way to war
The hearts of men possessed by ravens
Courageous and brave fight under the stars
The horses ride pride
Men show their wrath
Although they will die
The spirits approach
Arrows fly on Ymbolg
Swords raised claiming blood