Best Locksmiths in Bendigo VIC


Locksmiths ready to help

  • 1
    Locksmith in Bendigo

    Bendigo Screens & Doors

    Overall rating 83/100
    Bendigo, VIC
  • 2
    Locksmith in Bendigo

    Affordable Mobile Lock & Key

    Overall rating 83/100
    Bendigo, VIC
  • 3
    Locksmith in Bendigo

    RBF Consulting

    Overall rating 83/100
    Bendigo, VIC
  • 4
    Locksmith in Golden Square

    Central Victorian Locksmiths

    Overall rating 83/100
    When it comes to security, nothing rivals the optimum protection provided by the expert locksmiths at Central Victorian Locksmiths. So call them for inquiries if you need help locking up.
    Golden Square, Bendigo

Latest reviews

  • Quick to receive quote and did the job (install new dishwasher) well. We needed an extension hose and connector which was unfortunate but Selim gave me clear instructions of what to buy and where and he was right in saying that it was a very simple process to complete the insta..

    Left for The Service Guy
  • It was really stupid of me to lock myself out of my own home. It's a good thing that my friend had this guy's number and I called him and in no time at all he was already there. It didn’t take long for me to be able to get inside and the best thing was he didn't have to damage ..

    Left for Pro Service Locksmiths

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Past Locksmith jobs

  • Locksmith Job from Michele Clifton

    Macgregor, QLD

    What type of locksmith service is required?

    Broken lock, One front door lock is missing inside lock, deadbolt is stiff. A security screen is locked but the key is missing, a second security screen has a key snapped into the lock. An internal lock on a bedroom door is missing a key. I would like to

    What kind of lock needs work?

    Deadbolt, Doorknob

    How many locks?


    Where is the lock?



    This is a rental property and after many years, so many keys ... I would like to have the one key to fit as many locks as possible.
    I would like this work completed this week if possible as new te...

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