- published: 03 Nov 2016
- views: 1221
OMG!!!WTF!!! - America’s most radical Christian hate groups
Terrorism, RADICAL Islam vs RADICAL Christianity (Social Experiment)
Radical Christianity Is Normal by Francis Chan
Christian VS Muslim
An Inexcusable Puerility (Radical Christians Going Crazy!)
Video Proof of Radical Christianity
Who Are The Christian Terrorist Groups?
Sharpton and Michael Moore: Radical Christianity just as bad as Radical Islam
Radical Christianity – Return to the Source!
Liberal Muslim Sympathizers STUMPED
PLEASE READ: Seems people are disliking before understanding the concept of this video This video shouldn't offend anyone, it simply opens up a dialogue to a tragedy, This video will raise questions to why certain things happen, watch the WHOLE video to understand *TURN ON MY POST NOTIFICATIONS SO YOU DONT MISS A VIDEO!* Subscribe to my Vlog Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/JoeySalads2 ADD me on Twitter https://twitter.com/JoeySalads http://instagram.com/joeysalads https://www.facebook.com/JoeySalads
Website: http://www.sermonindex.net | Twitter: http://goo.gl/f9i0R The work and ministry of sermonindex can be encapsulated in this one word: REVIVAL. sermonindex is not a organisation, business, or any attempt by man to build something for God. It is rather a expression of a heart burden to see the Church revived and brought back to holiness, purity, and power with God. "The mission of SermonIndex is the preservation and propogation of classical vintage preaching and the promotion of genuine biblical revival to this generation."
Please consider supporting my work through Patreon here: http://www.patreon.com/DarkMatter2525 What could possibly go wrong? This bird has two right wings. Basically, it ain't gonna fly. This video is mainly addressed to people I would define as ultra right wing radical Christians in America. Some people tell me that Islam is worse, because at least the Christians aren't beheading people who don't respect their religion. The whole point of this video is "beware what you wish for". The reason certain Christians don't do such things is simply because they live in a secular society that won't allow such things, but they want that to change. They want the theocracy. They want people like me to be punished. They are the Taliban that is not allowed to act like the Taliban. This video is a caut...
0:01 Yes, you are correct. Science is used to determine the truth that corresponds with reality. Since your God is supernatural, it will never be able to be proven or disproven by science because it exists outside of the natural world (figment of your imagination). 0:13 That is truly a problem. Since we all have to live together on this planet we all should cooperate and cohabitate in a peaceful manner. To begin thinking that you are too good to be friends with others or that they are too evil to be your friend is the foundation of atrocious acts. 0:16 Yes it is recognized because it mentions some historical places and events. However, no one with half a brain accepts the Genesis creation myth or the idea of a global flood. 0:23 Well that is just too bad. See, there is this thing...
David Knight breaks down the mainstream media narrative that is pushing the idea of radical Christians being the real threat to your life. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones Infowars on G+ - https://plus.google.com/+infowars/ :Web: http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/ http://www.infowars.net/ :Subscribe and share your login with 20 friends: http://www.prisonplanet.tv http://www.InfowarsNews.com ***Get the Best Patriot Made Firearms on the Market** http://www.HD...
John Iadarola (https://twitter.com/jiadarola) and Jimmy Dore (https://twitter.com/jimmy_dore) filling in for Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) host of The Young Turks discuss the Christian terrorist groups that no one is talking about. "Terrorism is usually something that is thought to involve far away desert caves, bearded Islamic believing Arab men with AK-47s, and maybe a camel to balance out the feng shui. However, despite this stereotype there are a number of terrorist groups operating around the globe and even within the United States that identify as Christian in their faith according to a report released by the Southern Poverty Law Center that covered these groups from early 2009 to early 2015. These groups can be found in almost any area of the planet and are usually ...
On this channel we refer to ourselves as “survivors”, but did you know that the word “survive” means to “live above”? A Christian is one who “lives above” by following the teachings of Jesus and rejecting the corrupt ways of the world, even when it leads to martyrdom. That may sound extreme, but remember that life is short here on earth, and if we persevere, we’ll be living above in eternity when Jesus returns. Sadly, many Christians have lost this vision...a vision which is essential for living in the end times. We hope this video will help you if you feel you’ve also lost the vision for eternity. Please click here http://goo.gl/LTcTzH to read more on this topic. Join in forum discussions on this topic and more by clicking here http://goo.gl/Y6HiE1 Our email address can be found on the...
Cucks at a Bernie Sanders rally try to defend radical Islam, get BTFO Follow me @hunterswogg for the shitposts! (https://twitter.com/hunterswogg) SUBSCRIBE YOU CENTIPEDES!
PLEASE READ: Seems people are disliking before understanding the concept of this video This video shouldn't offend anyone, it simply opens up a dialogue to a tragedy, This video will raise questions to why certain things happen, watch the WHOLE video to understand *TURN ON MY POST NOTIFICATIONS SO YOU DONT MISS A VIDEO!* Subscribe to my Vlog Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/JoeySalads2 ADD me on Twitter https://twitter.com/JoeySalads http://instagram.com/joeysalads https://www.facebook.com/JoeySalads
Website: http://www.sermonindex.net | Twitter: http://goo.gl/f9i0R The work and ministry of sermonindex can be encapsulated in this one word: REVIVAL. sermonindex is not a organisation, business, or any attempt by man to build something for God. It is rather a expression of a heart burden to see the Church revived and brought back to holiness, purity, and power with God. "The mission of SermonIndex is the preservation and propogation of classical vintage preaching and the promotion of genuine biblical revival to this generation."
Please consider supporting my work through Patreon here: http://www.patreon.com/DarkMatter2525 What could possibly go wrong? This bird has two right wings. Basically, it ain't gonna fly. This video is mainly addressed to people I would define as ultra right wing radical Christians in America. Some people tell me that Islam is worse, because at least the Christians aren't beheading people who don't respect their religion. The whole point of this video is "beware what you wish for". The reason certain Christians don't do such things is simply because they live in a secular society that won't allow such things, but they want that to change. They want the theocracy. They want people like me to be punished. They are the Taliban that is not allowed to act like the Taliban. This video is a caut...
0:01 Yes, you are correct. Science is used to determine the truth that corresponds with reality. Since your God is supernatural, it will never be able to be proven or disproven by science because it exists outside of the natural world (figment of your imagination). 0:13 That is truly a problem. Since we all have to live together on this planet we all should cooperate and cohabitate in a peaceful manner. To begin thinking that you are too good to be friends with others or that they are too evil to be your friend is the foundation of atrocious acts. 0:16 Yes it is recognized because it mentions some historical places and events. However, no one with half a brain accepts the Genesis creation myth or the idea of a global flood. 0:23 Well that is just too bad. See, there is this thing...
David Knight breaks down the mainstream media narrative that is pushing the idea of radical Christians being the real threat to your life. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family: http://www.infowars.com/show Follow Alex on TWITTER - https://twitter.com/RealAlexJones Like Alex on FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/AlexanderEmerickJones Infowars on G+ - https://plus.google.com/+infowars/ :Web: http://www.infowars.com/ http://www.prisonplanet.com/ http://www.infowars.net/ :Subscribe and share your login with 20 friends: http://www.prisonplanet.tv http://www.InfowarsNews.com ***Get the Best Patriot Made Firearms on the Market** http://www.HD...
John Iadarola (https://twitter.com/jiadarola) and Jimmy Dore (https://twitter.com/jimmy_dore) filling in for Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) host of The Young Turks discuss the Christian terrorist groups that no one is talking about. "Terrorism is usually something that is thought to involve far away desert caves, bearded Islamic believing Arab men with AK-47s, and maybe a camel to balance out the feng shui. However, despite this stereotype there are a number of terrorist groups operating around the globe and even within the United States that identify as Christian in their faith according to a report released by the Southern Poverty Law Center that covered these groups from early 2009 to early 2015. These groups can be found in almost any area of the planet and are usually ...
On this channel we refer to ourselves as “survivors”, but did you know that the word “survive” means to “live above”? A Christian is one who “lives above” by following the teachings of Jesus and rejecting the corrupt ways of the world, even when it leads to martyrdom. That may sound extreme, but remember that life is short here on earth, and if we persevere, we’ll be living above in eternity when Jesus returns. Sadly, many Christians have lost this vision...a vision which is essential for living in the end times. We hope this video will help you if you feel you’ve also lost the vision for eternity. Please click here http://goo.gl/LTcTzH to read more on this topic. Join in forum discussions on this topic and more by clicking here http://goo.gl/Y6HiE1 Our email address can be found on the...
Cucks at a Bernie Sanders rally try to defend radical Islam, get BTFO Follow me @hunterswogg for the shitposts! (https://twitter.com/hunterswogg) SUBSCRIBE YOU CENTIPEDES!
Website: http://www.sermonindex.net | Twitter: http://goo.gl/f9i0R The work and ministry of sermonindex can be encapsulated in this one word: REVIVAL. sermonindex is not a organisation, business, or any attempt by man to build something for God. It is rather a expression of a heart burden to see the Church revived and brought back to holiness, purity, and power with God. "The mission of SermonIndex is the preservation and propogation of classical vintage preaching and the promotion of genuine biblical revival to this generation."
At its core, Christianity is far from boring, sedate, humdrum… The Creator of the universe has chosen to demonstrate His great love for us by literally becoming human, dying, and rising again so that we might know Him. Having a relationship with God leads to a radical life of unparalleled excitement, adventure, and influence . . . or, it should! Request the full message today: http://store.answersbc.org/p-569-eight-keys-to-radical-christianity.aspx
Hit subscribe http://bit.ly/1CtXGai Very interesting video showing some radical Thugs outside of a Mosque Attacking Muslims trying to provoke a fight while hiding under the banner of Christianity. Notice that we didn't use the terms "Radical Christianity" or "radical Christians" as we know that these thugs don't represent the true teachings of Christianity the same way the 0.009% of the small radical fringe element that the Media and disingenuous politicians prompt up as being exemplary Muslims don't represent Islam. These extreme characters who are attacking and provoking a fight outside of a peaceful place of worship are the same type that if given the first chance would be acting the same way while committing the same crimes against humanity that other radicals are doing. More good pe...
Welcome to the official Youtube channel of Revival House Fellowship, a Cross centered, Spirit filled church based in Moncton, NB, Canada. Revival House meets every Sunday and every Wednesday and invites you to join us in experiencing the Presence and Power of God. Founded in June of 2011, Revival House is a place where Jesus Christ is Lord and where His People gather under His Lordship to walk in transforming Grace and in the Anointing of God. If you're in the Moncton, NB, area and are looking for a non denominational fellowship or simply want to visit, you can visit us online at http://revivalhousefellowship.com
This 1993 Alternative Views program features a compelling interview and incredible documentary footage as they take a comprehensive look at the radical Christian Right and its efforts to take over political power at all levels of society. Through information provided by undercover agents and by monitoring of Christian Coalition TV programs, the documentary shows the strategies, the deviousness, and the dangers which these religious fanatics pose to secular society and civil liberties. We also review the book 'Holy Terror.' Originally Published August, 2009 http://www.abovetopsecret.com
OUR OTHER CHANNEL IS https://www.youtube.com/user/Newschannel428 WE REPORT YOU DECIDE WHAT TO DO WITH THE INFORMATION AND PLEASE TAKE NOTICE AND READ. IF We Air a Video from someone else, IT IS BECAUSE We have PERMISSION To do so. This Christian Channel Has Many Different News,Teaching, Preaching, show's.. Just like a regular TV Station . WE have many different shows every day YOU may watch what you find interesting to you. and comment, But be a Civilized Person any cursing, or insult's or other hateful comments will be removed. ALERT IF ANY Video's Offends you, then DO NOT WATCH IT.. .THIS Channel will NEVER be Politically Correct. we will tell the REAL TRUTH Regardless if you like it or not.
RADICAL CHRISTIAN HATE PREACHERS EXPOSED I'm sharing brother Yahya Snow video where he compiled some of my videos & from other brother Channels a compile of exposing there lie and deceit and there NON LOVING NON FRIENDLY WAY of engaging with Muslims .!! #Lizzy Schofield and PFUNDER FILMS HATE GROUP #JaySmith ChildOfAdam.com ChildOfEve.com just #pixwup and #datacanfeedtheworld AppStore link http://Apple.co/2d1nxjA SYEDsSHAHID PRODUCTIONS O.S.C.C.#DAWAH IS SPONSORED BY : PixWup.com ChildOfAdam.com ChildOfEve.com just #pixwup and #datacanfeedtheworld https://youtu.be/flLlJvb_V4o السلام عليكم Hey everyone peace and love to you all , plz support me on getting better tech , sound equipment etc and a new camera it's for my Dawah projects , & I would like to thank to the ppl wh...
This is an extract/demonstration from a larger project.Please follow the link below to find out more. http://www.stjohnstimeline.co.uk/ note:some of our extracts loose sound but continue to play as a taster to further content
Francis Chan - Radical Christianity Is Normal - June 9, 2017 Thank for watching. To hear more inspiring messages from Francis Chan, visit & subscribe to this channel http://goo.gl/YBLRnQ God bless us all! #FrancisChan #FrancisChan2017 #FrancisChan2016 #FrancisChanSermons #FrancisChanPrayer #Christian #Christianity #God #Lord #Bible #Truth #Faith #Spirit #Temple #Chapel #Gospel #Jesus #Christ