Jetpack 3.9.5 and 3.9.6: Maintenance Releases

WordPress 4.5 will be released in a few weeks, and we’ve made updates to Jetpack to account for the significant changes that will be introduced in this new version of WordPress.

These updates have involved making sure that certain Jetpack features work properly in the Customizer view, namely adding support for selective refresh. Big thanks to @westonruter for contributing the code!

Other enhancements and bug fixes:


  • Contact Form: no longer calling the datepicker method if it’s not available.
  • Single Sign On: settings checkboxes now honor filters and constants that restrict certain sign-in modes.
  • Shortcodes: fixed a problem with Gist fetching.
  • Shortcodes: fixed invalid HTML5 markup in YouTube embed code.
  • Shortcodes: made Vimeo links work properly in case of multiple mixed uses in one post.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to 3.9.5:

Christopher Finke, Derek Smart, Elio Rivero, Igor Zinovyev, Jeremy Herve, Matt Wiebe, Michael Cain, Miguel Lezama, Mo Jangda, Philip John, Tammie Lister, and Weston Ruter.

Jetpack 3.9.6 was also released today to fix an issue with some comments incorrectly rendering video embeds. Our apologies! Consider it an early April Fools’ Day joke…

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Custom CSS: The Basics

If you’ve ever tried to make changes to the appearance of your site, you’ve probably discovered that you can do so using CSS. In this article, we’ll give an overview of what CSS is, how Jetpack can help you get started with CSS customizations, and a few links to helpful resources to learn more.

Continue reading → Custom CSS: The Basics

Posted in Design Series | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Hook of the Month: Customizing Contact Forms

Did you know you could create contact forms with Jetpack? This month, we’ll discover different ways to customize these forms on your site.

Use filters to customize Contact Forms on your site

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Jetpack 3.9.3 and 3.9.4: Maintenance and Compatibility Releases

Jetpack 3.9.4 is now available for download. We’ve fixed a number of bugs and added several enhancements, including compatibility with the new Custom Logo feature coming to WordPress 4.5.  We recommend that you update your sites to the latest version as soon as possible.

Jetpack – Supercharge your WordPress

Jetpack 3.9.3

Custom Logo

Custom Logos are a new feature coming to WordPress 4.5, allowing theme authors to designate a location for site administrators to add a logo. Originally, this was a Jetpack feature and now Jetpack will defer to the WordPress 4.5 implementation as needed.


When using our Carousel and Photon features, full-sized images in the Carousel will now link to the Photon version of the image to save you bandwidth.

We’ve improved the performance of Jetpack with internal enhancements to Comments, Infinite Scroll, Markdown, Publicize, Sitemaps, and the Subscription widget.

We’ve made Jetpack more flexible by improving filters: Infinite Scroll’s infinite_scroll_settings filter will be applied later to avoid being missed in some cases and added a number of hooks to our Top Posts Widget. is a great website to help you find design ideas, home improvement professionals, and more. Now, you can easily share what you find on your site either by pasting a link to a page on a line by itself in your posts.
Houzz Embed

Other fixes

This release also includes other bug fixes:

  • Comments: No longer reloading the page when clicking ‘Reply’
  • Contact Form: Fixed a formatting problem with e-mails in some clients.
  • Shortcodes: Fixed issues with the Vimeo shortcode involving dimensions and warnings.
  • And many more updates, listed in the changelog.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to 3.9.3:

Andrew Duthie, Biser Perchinkov, Brandon Hubbard, Brandon Kraft, David Anderson, Derek Smart, Elio Rivero, Enej Bajgoric, Igor Zinovyev, Jennifer Dodd, Jeremy Herve, Joseph Park, Miguel Lezama, Ryan Hellyer, Sam Hotchkiss, and Yoav Farhi.

Jetpack 3.9.4

Jetpack 3.9.4 resolved an issue that resulted in some comments being displayed incorrectly.

We’re always looking for beta testers to help us catch issues like this. Sound interesting? Learn more about our beta program.

Contributors to 3.9.4:
Brandon Kraft, Elio Rivero, Sam Hotchkiss

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5 years in, Jetpack is soaring higher than ever!

Today is a big day: Jetpack turns five!

On March 9th, 2011, a five-person team within Automattic released Jetpack 1.0 in an effort to extend a few excellent features to folks who host their own WordPress. Today, our team of 50 is proud to celebrate Jetpack’s 5th birthday, along with millions of our users and the rest of the WordPress community.


Jetpack Team – October 2015

Jetpack has a unique connection to the WordPress community — we started with just a few features from and expanded that list over time, based on what we learned from our contributors, beta testers, and you. You’ve all had a hand in making Jetpack great, so we’re celebrating Jetpack’s birthday with your words and stories.

The Food Blogger: Shayda Torabi

Shayda is a long-time Jetpack user and the author and editor of Dine with Shayda, a food and travel blog showcasing the delicious meals she enjoys at restaurants all over the world

Dine with Shayda is a passion project, but I work on it like it’s a full time job. I love food and I love blogging, so it’s been fun to develop the site and learn new WordPress skills. I installed Jetpack immediately: It’s such a great suite of tools that I can’t imagine my site without it. I’ve got 20 or so of the features turned on, and they all improve the quality of my site. Not to mention, Jetpack is easy to understand and use.

I especially love Publicize because I don’t have to log in to Twitter or Facebook to promote my newly published posts; it happens automatically and it’s a time saver! And Related Posts, because one of the biggest things a blogger wants is engagement with their readers; I love its intuition to show my readers other posts they can check out, so it keeps them on my site longer. It’s a feature that just works without anything additional from me.

Pro tip: “Normally ‘related posts‘ plugins do their expensive text-processing and analysis on your server, using inefficient queries and too many resources. We use’s massive infrastructure to do that work for you, for better recommendations that don’t burden your server.” – Beau Lebens, Jetpack Product Lead

The Dedicated Developer: Aaron Ware

aaronAaron Ware is the president and founder of Linchpin, a full-service digital agency in Rhode Island. Aaron and his team of 10 manage 75 blogs, boutique sites, e-commerce stores, and online businesses, and Jetpack is one of their go-to tools.

I started using WordPress for a project in 2008. I realized how supportive the WordPress community was when I had a few questions, and I really gravitated towards it. At Linchpin, 100% of our sites utilize Jetpack Protect. Security is paramount, and Protect is one of those tools that just works out of the box.

Manage is an important tool for us as well. Using a single interface to update plugins and manage content allows us to spend more time working on projects and less time on day to day maintenance.

Pro tip: Protect guards your site against brute force login attempts. We use data collected from millions of websites to identify botnets and hackers. Through this unique algorithm we’ve already blocked well over ten billion malicious logins.” – Sam Hotchkiss, Jetpack Team Lead

The New User: John Botte

johnJohn Botte is a partner and co-founder at Digital Natives Group, an award-winning digital agency. Their Whisper communications platform provides web and mobile tools to help grow schools and student outreach. John and his team started using Jetpack a few weeks ago, after discovering the Photon module.

I immediately asked myself: why did I take so long to try this? I was blown away with how quickly my images went from being hosted on my server to Photon. It was like flipping a switch. I’m most impressed with the image optimization: it served up the same image file with no visible degradation, cut the file size in half, and sped up page-load times. Knowing resource usage and photo bandwidth won’t be an issue allows me to recommend more affordable hosting solutions to our clients.

I’m excited to try Manage and its auto-update feature. I dread updates on my client websites. Plugin updates across 50 sites can take away two to three days of productivity, and a tool that streamlines the process is invaluable.

Pro tip:Photon leverages WordPress core’s implementation of responsive images, so that not only are we serving you images from a super fast CDN, but they’re responsive!” – Derek Smart, Jetpack Engineer

The Convert: Michelle Schulp

schulp-headshot-2016-socialMichelle, founder of Marktime, is an independent visual communications designer and UX-focused theme developer. She came from a traditional design background, but grew into web development through WordPress. Today, she’s active at WordPress events as both a speaker and an organizer. Although she didn’t always use Jetpack, she now installs it on all her client’s sites. What won her over?

Intuitive modularization in conjunction with the fact that it provides a seamless, “core-feeling” experience to some powerful tools that all my clients come to expect. Also, many of the alternatives I looked into were pretty heavy and clunky.

Jetpack is now just a part of my clients’ WordPress sites, and they don’t think of it as a separate feature. They definitely appreciate the functionality and benefit of features like Stats, and it’s easy for me because everything just works.

Shayda, Aaron, John, and Michelle mentioned some great core features of Jetpack, but those features aren’t the only thing that make the Jetpack experience powerful. Thousands of our users have also experienced awesome support from our Happiness Engineers, and today is a special day for them too. 

Happy Birthday to Jetpack Support, too!

Since day one, we’ve provided free support for every Jetpack user. Our support team helps users with everything from getting set up to complex customization and coding questions.

A few Jetpack Happiness Engineers on meetup - October 2015

Just a few of our Happiness Engineers on meetup – October 2015

“We have a growing community ranging from the newly-minted user just starting with WordPress to the experienced engineer. It’s fun to help every single one of them.” – Jeremy Herve, Jetpack Mechanic

Jeremy is one of 21 Happiness Engineers who helps hundreds of users all over the world solve problems every day.

“Last year we responded to over 93,000 support messages over our email and forums support. The Jetpack support team is distributed across the globe, so we’re always available to help!” – Carolyn Sonnek, Happiness Rocketeer

Jeremy, Carolyn, and the rest of the support team not only help Shayda, Aaron, John, Michelle, and the rest of our users fix their technical issues and learn new ways to leverage Jetpack’s tools — they also play a vital role in Jetpack’s continued improvement.

What’s your story?

We are committed to continually improving Jetpack, and we have some really great plans for the future. We want to help you build faster and more secure websites, but to do that we’re going to need your help. Over the years we’ve tracked some of our favorite Jetpack sites, but we learn so much more about how you use Jetpack and what you want for the future through your stories.

Let us know how Jetpack saved you time, helped you build a faster website, or helped you generate more traffic. Help us understand what you want to see in the future — how we can improve your Jetpack and help you reach your goals for the next five years.

Comment below or use #JetpackTurns5 in your social media and WordPress posts so we can all hear your story!

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Jetpack 3.9.2: Maintenance and Security Release

Jetpack 3.9.2 is now available for download. We’ve added two security updates as well as several bug fixes and enhancements. We recommend that you update your sites to the latest version as soon as possible.

Jetpack – Supercharge your WordPress

Security updates

  • Beautiful Math: there was a potential XSS vulnerability when parsing LaTeX markup within HTML elements. The issue was discovered and fixed by our security team.
  • Contact Form: private site credentials could be saved in plain text in WordPress’ postmeta table when said credentials were set to be stored in Environment variables. The issue was discovered by Oliver Liu.

Other minor fixes

This release also includes other bug fixes:

  • Nova Menus: fixed notices as well as issues when adding menu items in bulk.
  • Publicize: Authors can now access their Publicize settings again.
  • Publicize: fixed problems for Australian and Canadian English sites using Publicize to send their posts to Facebook.
  • Embeds: it is now possible to embed Instagram posts using a www in the URL.
  • Widget Visibility: fixed an issue appearing when a page title matched an existing page ID.
  • And many more updates, listed in the changelog.


We added 2 new oEmbed providers, Codepen and Sketchfab. Just paste a URL in your post editor, and enjoy! Here’s a Codepen example:

We also added new filters to allow you to customize the Contact Info widget, define custom patterns to be ignored by Jetpack Markdown, or change the heading of the Related Posts.

Finally, we created a [jetpack_top_posts_widget] shortcode to allow you to display the Top Posts & Pages Widget anywhere on your site.

Staging Mode

Do you use a backup / cloning plugin to clone your production site to a staging environment? Starting with Jetpack 3.9.2, you can use a constant or a filter to flag a site as “Staging site”, thus avoid conflicts and synchronization issues with Jetpack.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to 3.9.2:

Alex Kirk, Allen Snook, Andrew Duthie, Barry Abrahamson, Ben Lowery, Bob Ralian, Brandon Kraft, Chris Rosser, Christopher Finke, Claus Colloseus, Crystal Barton, Dan Walmsley, Daryl L. L. Houston, Derek Smart, Elio Rivero, Enej Bajgoric, Eric Binnion, Gregory Cornelius, Igor Zinovyev, James Nylen, Jenia Laszlo, Jeremy Herve, Joey Kudish, Jorge Bernal, Justin Shreve, Kat Hagan, Konstantin Kovshenin, Lance Willett, Mahangu Weerasinghe, Marcus Kazmierczak, Matt Wiebe, Miguel Lezama, Mike Adams, Mo Jangda, Payton Swick, Rocco Tripaldi, Sam Hotchkiss, Sendhil Panchadsaram, Stephen Edgar, Timmy Crawford, and Veselin Nikolov.

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Five Things You Didn’t Know Jetpack Could Do

How well do you think you know Jetpack? Most people know about Stats, Publicize, and Sharing. You may even have your own personal favorite module like Tiled Galleries or Subscriptions. But what about the rest of Jetpack? Here are five things you might not know you can do:

Continue reading → Five Things You Didn’t Know Jetpack Could Do

Posted in Features | Tagged , , , , , , , | 17 Comments

Hook of the Month: taking control of email subscriptions

Are you familiar with Jetpack Subscriptions? This month, we’ll use filters to customize this module, and control which posts should be sent to your subscribers.

Jetpack’s Subscriptions module sends an email to your subscribers every time you publish a new post. That’s practical, but sometimes you may not want to bother your subscribers for something that might not be interesting to them.

Use filters to take control of Jetpack Subscriptions

Posted in Code snippets, Tips & Tricks | Tagged , , , , , | 13 Comments

Building a Beautiful Photoblog with Jetpack

Jetpack is a powerhouse of added functionality for self-hosted WordPress. As a photographer, some of my favorite features are the ones that elegantly and easily add beauty to a site, helping you quickly launch a new photoblog or enhance an existing one. Jetpack makes it simple for WordPress bloggers of any proficiency level to create a stellar photoblog in very little time, no matter the theme — these four modules will get your photoblog off to a great start:

Continue reading → Building a Beautiful Photoblog with Jetpack

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Securing your Site with Jetpack


Website security is important, although it can seem daunting or tedious — it doesn’t have to be. These six simple and effective best practices will help you protect your WordPress website from malicious, unwanted attention (hint: Jetpack can help!).

Continue reading → Securing your Site with Jetpack

Posted in Security Series | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments
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