


South African egg donor Genevieve Uys is running an agency that brings egg donors to Australia.

South African egg donors fly to Australia

Young South African women are due to arrive in Australia this month to serve as egg donors for local IVF patients who are desperate for babies.

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Norbert Herrmann and Suzanne Pattison with their 21-month-old daughter Elke.

Our baby joy after a decade of heartache

Suzanne Pattison would often see women playing with their kids in the park and long for that kind of love in her life and, after a decade of waiting, now she has it.

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Adoption and Fostering

Deirdre Cheers is the CEO of Barnardos Australia.

For some children, adoption is the best option

Australia hasn’t a lot to be proud of when it comes to children in care. The impact of past child welfare policies, specifically the Stolen Generations of Aboriginal children, the Forgotten Australians who grew up in institutional care, and the injustice of forced adoption must always be remembered. It is a shameful history.

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