Thank you for visiting my website! I hope you enjoyed your visit and come back soon.


Hi, I'm Denise and I'm snapp happy

'A snapshot keeps a moment from running away' ~ Eudora Welby

more about us

SNAPP HAPPY started life in 2002 ... simply as a means of sharing holiday photographs and gaining some experience in web design. The website has had a number of re-designs over time as my experience of web design has increased. My latest design is fully responsive which means it can now be viewed on both tablets & mobile phones.

I have taken up photography as a hobby in recent years and this website now features several categories of photography including insects, birds and landscapes, as well as the original holiday photographs which started it all.


All photographs contained on these pages are the sole copyright of Denise Mitchinson [unless stated otherwise]. No image may be downloaded, copied, printed, sampled or redistributed in any form, whole or part without prior written permission. If you are interested in any of my photographs please E-MAIL me.

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© Denise Mitchinson 2015