- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 66397
Peştera (Romanian pronunciation: [ˈpeʃtera], meaning "the cave" in Romanian) is a commune in Constanţa County, Romania. It includes five villages:
At the 2011 census, Pestera had 3,178 Romanians (99.28%), 18 Turks (0.56%), 4 Tatars (0.12%), 1 others (0.03%).
Peștera Muierilor, or Peștera Muierii (Romanian for "The Woman's Cave"), is an elaborate cave system located in the Baia de Fier commune, Gorj County, Romania. It contains abundant cave-bear remains, as well as a human skull. The skull is radiocarbon dated to 30,150 ± 800, indication an absolute age between 40,000 and 30,000 BP. It was uncovered in 1952. Alongside similar remains found in Cioclovina Cave (from ca. 29,000 BP), they are among the most ancient early modern humans in Romanian prehistory.
The human skull is that of a woman with obvious anatomically modern human traits, including a high forehead, small jaw and small supraorbital ridges. Despite the tall cranial vault, the occipital bone forms a distinct dome, a trait normally associated with Neanderthals. The largely intact facial bones indicate a woman with "rugged traits". This mosaic of features mirrors that seen in the Peștera cu Oase find, indicating possible Neanderthal admixture or generally robust (archaic) traits (or both). The early date makes the find referable to the early Cro-Magnon group of finds.
Cogealac is a commune in Constanţa County, Romania.
The commune includes six villages:
The territory of the commune also includes the former village of Colelia (Turkish: Kuleli), at 44°36′10″N 28°24′39″E / 44.60278°N 28.41083°E / 44.60278; 28.41083, disestablished by Presidential Decree in 1977. The former village was populated by Dobrujan Germans until 1942 and it is now the site of the Colilia Monastery.
At the 2011 census, Cogealac had 4,466 Romanians (98.89%), 4 Turks (0.09%), 46 others (1.02%).
Pestera cu aburi interzisa publicului, din Baile Herculane.
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Urmariti un film documentar exceptional despre Pestera Ialomitei (Ialomicioara), format din patru parti: Prezentare generala / Habitat / Fauna / Ecosistem. Peştera Ialomiţei este situată în Romania, localitatea Moroeni, judetul Dâmboviţa, pe versantul drept al Cheilor Ialomiţei, la o altitudine de 1.660 m, scobită în calcarele jurasice ale Muntelui Bătrâna. Încărcătura deosebită a acestor locuri i-a atras de-a lungul timpului atât pe daci, cât şi pe primii creştini, călugării, care se aflau în căutarea însingurării şi a unui loc de rugăciune. Se spune că în Peştera Ialomiţei a poposit şi Apostolul Andrei, unul dintre cei doisprezece apostoli ai lui Iisus Hristos, cel trimis să încreştineze România. Mihnea Vodă, voievodul Ţării Româneşti, a ridicat în prima jumătate a secolului al XVI-lea...
As aprecia enorm daca ai apasa butonul de LIKE ( ˘ ³˘)❤️ CUMPARA JOCURI IEFTINE: https://www.g2a.com/r/IHATEPINK Foloseşte codul "ROZ" pentru 3% REDUCERE TRICOURI, SEPCI, CANI IHATEPINK: http://bit.ly/shop-ihatepink INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/IHATEPINKTF FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/IHATEPINKTF Music and SFX provided by: Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com) Incompetech (https://incompetech.com)
Tip rezervaţie - Monument al naturii, speologic Suprafaţă - 5 ha Amplasare - La 50 de km de Constanţa, în nord-estul satului Gura Dobrogei, la sud-vest comuna Târguşor Acces la rezervaţie - Se face din DN 2 Constanţa – Mihail Kogălniceanu (25 km), apoi pe DJ 222 Mihail Kogălniceanu –Târguşor (11 km), Târguşor – localitatea Gura Dobrogei (pe drum pietruit) Peştera "Gura Dobrogei" are 3 intrări şi mai multe galerii, lungimea galeriilor fiind de peste 480 m. În această peşteră au fost atestate numeroase mărturii ale activităţii umane, unelte de silex paleolitic şi neolitic, fragmente de ceramică neolitică, cât şi obiecte mai recente din metal aparţinând epocii fierului. Peştera oferă condiţii optime pentru coloniile de lilieci, care au dat şi numele peşterii, Peştera Liliecilor. Astfel, cele...
As aprecia enorm daca ai apasa butonul de LIKE ( ˘ ³˘)❤️ CUMPARA JOCURI IEFTINE: https://www.g2a.com/r/IHATEPINK Foloseşte codul "ROZ" pentru 3% REDUCERE TRICOURI, SEPCI, CANI IHATEPINK: http://bit.ly/shop-ihatepink INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/IHATEPINKTF FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/IHATEPINKTF Music and SFX provided by: Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com) Incompetech (https://incompetech.com)
Song:Manfred Mann's Earth Band - Shelter From The Storm
si pestera Gruet
De la Garda de Sus, pe Valea Garda Seaca se poate ajunge la Ghetarul de la Scarisoara. Muzica: Glacier David O'Brien, Gareth Johnson
Una dintre cele mai mari pesteri in calacar din lume se afla la Criva Briceni. Pestera Emil Racovita, i se mai spune si Cenusareasa. Echipa noastra a fost impreuna cu clubul speologic ABIS in anul 2007.
The cave was first explored in 1928 by P.A.Chappuis and A. Winkler and was the first place where the treasure of The Romanian National Bank was hidding during the Second World War. The recent state of the cave facilitated the thorough exploration of the area formerly submerged. A large chimney has a perfect vertical opening in Gorganul Hill and the discovery of claw marks and of the Ursus Spelaeus fossils lead to the theory of the presence of a higher fossil floor through which the beasts could enter the cavity.
As aprecia enorm daca ai apasa butonul de LIKE ( ˘ ³˘)❤️ CUMPARA JOCURI IEFTINE: https://www.g2a.com/r/IHATEPINK Foloseşte codul "ROZ" pentru 3% CASHBACK TRICOURI, SEPCI, CANI IHATEPINK: http://bit.ly/shop-ihatepink INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/IHATEPINKTF FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/IHATEPINKTF Music and SFX provided by: Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com) Incompetech (https://incompetech.com)
Join as we travel to Budapest, Hungary on a quest to visit as many attractions and discover as many things to do in Budapest as we possibly can. Our Budapest travel guide offers visitors a glimpse at some of the top baths in the city along with fascinating things to do along the Danube river, architectural gems worth marveling over and museums to check out. We also hit up the local food scene slurping on Goulash and catapulting into legendary Budapest nightlife by visiting ruin bars. From the iconic Parliament Building to Castles to Baths we've got you covered in a destination where you get two cities for the price of one - Buda and Pest. Divided by the Danube (Duna) you'll want to spend ample time on both sides and if you're like a lot of our friends you'll never actually want to leave ...
Hello there, traveler! The Tourist in Romania team will help you find the best deals in Romania in terms of traveling. We love traveling and discovering new places. http://touristinromania.net/ România este o tara bogata si superba. Cu toate acestea milioane de romani au fost fortati sa plece de aici din cauza saraciei. De ce? Aici e un posibil raspuns: https://goo.gl/zzzdJI
This short, 2-minute video, profiles our experience at the Matka Canyon in Macedonia. From the cool, fresh air, to the sounds of exotic birds, the cloud-shrouded Matka canyon is a treat for the senses. The crown jewel of Matka is the Vrelo Cave, which harbors the deepest underground lake in the Balkans, and potentially, the world. Its mineral deposits have formed into mysterious shapes and create a special acoustic atmosphere, which provided the backdrop for a philharmonic performance in 1995. Tricia and I even managed to help a stranded Japanese tourist who had fallen off a canyon cliff and was attempting to signal our river boat in the encroaching darkness of nightfall. My limited Japanese language skills hopefully helped to make his return to safety easier. It is a subtle reminder tha...
A short travel video about my weekend near Rasnov Citadel in Romania. Music: Noah Cyrus - Make Me (Cry) [feat. Labrinth] (Marshmello Remix)
https://www.facebook.com/ZahMihaiBaileHerculaneTraseeTuristice/ Descoperă natura din jurul Stațiunii Băile-Herculane! Trasee turistice ! Este un documentar pentru cei ce iubesc muntele. Cuvintele: aven si horn, chiar daca am fost atenționat că nu se folosesc în lectura documentarului , le voi rosti și in alte filmări cu peșteri de adâncime. Nu sunt speolog , nu am realizat documentarul pentru speologi ca să folosesc aceleași cuvinte. Tocmai pentru a evita repetarea lor, în această lectură, în loc de puț am folosit aven si invers , în funcție de vorbele alese. Cuvântul horn l-am folosit pe porțiunea de coborâre în puțul 2 ( avenul 2) care se aseamănă cu o coborâre printr-un coș de fum,dupa care galeria se lărgeste . Vizionare plăcută !
Two world famous attractions in one destination: Postojna Cave & Predjama Castle. EXPERIENCE THE WORLD YOU CANNOT SEE ANYWHERE ELSE
Travel video about destination Horezu in Romania. In the midst of the wooded hills of Oltenia's Carpathian countryside is the Horezu Monastery that was donat
Aceasta pestera situata in North Island (Noua Zeelanda) este cunoscuta in intreaga lume pentru o caracteristica extrem de neobisnuita: mii de viermi bioluminescenti din specia Arachnocampa luminosa traiesc in adancurile ei.
website: http://www.postojnska-jama.eu/en/ facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PostojnaCave The best-known cave in the world SLOVENIA SLOVENIJA Postojna Cave is the best-known cave in the world. It is also the greatest tourist attraction in Slovenia and one of the world's largest karst monuments. 21 km of passages, galleries and magnificent halls offer a unique experience of the underground world. For 140 years, the Postojna Cave, as the only cave in the world, offers a unique and adventurous ride with a special train, which will take you into the cave, under spectacular underground arches, which are embellished with chandellier look-alike stalactites, through a beautiful subterranean world full of playful limestone sculptures. http://www.postojnska-jama.eu/en/ - ...
A short movie with our cave guide.
[RO] Singura pestera amenajata din Muntii Bucegi a fost recent modernizata cu fonduri europene. Daca doriti sa o vedeti vizitati http://bit.ly/1hEJ0Nn. [EN] The only cave in the Bucegi Mountains available for turists has been recently upgraded using EU founds. If you want to visit it please check out http://bit.ly/1JkfJjM.
Cazanele Dunarii - intrarea in Pesterea Ponicova Danube Valley - Ponicova Cave entrance
Detalii: www.travelinfinit.ro Tabere Centre Energetice Conferinte, Cursuri, Terapii si terapeuti, Concerte, Emisiuni TV
Of decerned lip
Disease into perfection
Spoiling human stomach
Vomit onto life, vomit onto her
Vomit to a point of my jaw unhinging.
"Collapse your simple neck."
Her body grows infection
"Please, don't let me go..."
The limbs would politely whimper, vomit onto her