Melb Activist Legal


Melbourne Activist Legal Support training & resourcing activists, fielding Legal Observer Teams since 2011. Support us at

Melbourne, Australia
加入于 2014年9月


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  1. 100 years ago fingerprint tech was highly regulated by parliaments of the day- this tech has been rolled out with almost none-

  2. 12月18日

    Call for witnesses/photos or video relating to a young woman being pushed under a police horse and injured at the protests at the Melbourne Convention Centre at approx 8:15am on Tuesday 29th October 2019. Email

  3. 12月10日

    On this , we recognise legal observers like and who observe protests and rallies to monitor the interactions between police and protesters to ensure they are conducted in as safe and legal way : .

  4. 12月6日

    New report re: excessive use of force by against anti mining protesters in . Details unrestrained use of capsicum spray, use of batons and dangerous use of police horses to break up protest lines. More than 100 protesters were arrested.

  5. 12月9日
  6. 12月6日

    Check out this brilliant report, documenting and critiquing the policing of the IMARC protests in (featuring me in action on the cover!)

  7. 12月8日

    What is ‘Strategic Incapacitation’ - And why is it important for activist movements to understand it?

  8. 11月11日

    Some clear-headed analysis of the policing of recent climate crisis protests in Melbourne by 's Anthony Kelly, along with a plea for the introduction of an independent police complaints mechanism

  9. 12月4日

    🇦🇺Australia's rating has been downgraded due to police raids on journalists, creeping surveillance and punishment for exposing government wrongdoing. Press Release ():

    和另外 7 人
  10. 12月4日

    NEW REPORT: People Power Under Attack 2019 is out. Highlights state of civic freedoms in 196 countries. Shows only 3 percent of global population living in countries with an open

    和另外 7 人
  11. 12月6日

    Legal observers found police 'set tone of violence' at anti-mining protests - thanks for reporting - Cases like these are why we downgraded Australia's civic space rating this week:

  12. 12月6日

    Fantastic and important work by and . Hard for Vic Pol to deny confrontational and brutal tactics when it is all documented, captured and reported. The right to peaceful protest must be protected. via

  13. 12月6日

    Thank you friendly nerds for helping folks stay safe! Here's some digital security resources that might help too - incl from

  14. 12月6日
    和另外 4 人
  15. 11月29日

    Legal Observers on duty at an XR blockade of an Exxon Mobil office building in Collins Street - monitoring, recording actions of

  16. 11月28日

    As a result of unlawful use of police powers, charges are dropped against more than 100 Extinction Rebellion protesters. Hundreds more are expected

  17. 11月28日

    If you are keen on skilling up on defending/protecting - we recomend this course! rock + free + train with pple from all over the world +++

  18. 11月24日

    Problems with downloading our report on the policing of last month's Extinction Rebellion protests are hopefully now fixed. You can read the full reprt (PDF) here:

    Netpol's report on the policing of October's Extinction Rebellion protests
  19. 11月20日

    We are delighted to have launched our sister website on Saturday: Please share this new resource, which sets out some of the key issues at the heart of the undercover political policing scandal.

  20. 11月20日

    PRESS RELEASE: Restricting the Rebellion – The policing of . The Metropolitan Police were far more interested in preventing October’s Extinction Rebellion protests than in facilitating it. Our latest report on policing.



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