Get Involved

mailchimp button shadowWant to be part of Melbourne Activist Legal Support (MALS)? It is an exciting and formative time for MALS. There are many ways to contribute to our work, knowing you are helping to provide an essential support to those standing up for social and environmental justice.

To get involved, fill out our online Expression of Interest Form.
We also recommend you check out our Resources page.

Volunteer roles include:

  • Legal Observers: MALS is developing a team of trained-up legal observers to be rostered as needed to support community actions. Legal observers need to attend a Legal Observer Training before being rostered as a legal observer.
  • Legal and organisational support roles: Dependent on your experience, capacity, and interest, a number of roles are available in the areas of pro bono legal work, legal observing at community actions, office support, legal support briefing facilitation, training development and delivery, communications, promotion, resource development, research and policy work. To find out more, contact us.