
In July 2004, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued its verdict on the 'Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory' and declared this construction illegal, choosing to refer to it as a "wall". 

The maps show the ongoing colonization of Palestine from before 1948 to the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip to the Apartheid Wall, which is Israel’s current attempt to force the Palestinian people into Bantustans.

    Israeli arms exports take dramatic hit amid growing boycott campaign 

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has been running highly visible campaigns against military trade with Israel that have seen 12 banks and pension funds exclude Israeli arms company Elbit Systems from their investment portfolio. Israeli owned arms factories have been blockaded, and a growing number of political parties and trade unions have called for an end to military ties with Israel.

The governments of Norway and Turkey have both announced military embargo policies against Israel in recent years.

Mahmoud Nawajaa, general coordinator with the Palestinian BDS National Committee, the largest Palestinian civil society coalition that leads the BDS movement, said:

“Israeli military companies market their products on the basis of their successful use in Israel’s massacres of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, yet it now seems that growing public awareness of and opposition to Israel’s war crimes are starting to hit Israel’s military exports.”  

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Also don't miss the new briefing published by the BDS Movement on military cooperation and trade of Israeli weapons, tools of repression against the ongoing Palestinian protests. The military trade is at the heart of Israeli oppression: find out more on the military companies and the complicit international institutions, and on the campaigns that work against these and the military aid to Israel.

This briefing marks another step in the effort to stop the EU's funding to Israeli military and security companies. It denounces the financial assistance awarded within the framwork of the Horizon2020 research and development funding scheme of the EU to Elbit Systems and other Israeli military companies through FLYSEC, an airport security project.

Download the new briefing here!

Stop the Wall collects here the relevant documentation - including briefings, letters, parliamentary questions and answers from the EU - for the campaign "Stop Supporting Israeli Apartheid - EU Funding For Elbit Systems". The initiative, developed in cooperation with the BNC and ECCP, aims to stop funding to Elbit Systems and other Israeli companies involved in the military-industrial-scientific complex of Israel, a country that systematically commits war crimes and is in ongoing violation of the basic norms of international law and human rights.

Such funding violates not only the growing call for a military embargo on Israel but as well the EU’s obligations under international law.

The organizing committee for the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio, has chosen the Israeli company ISDS as an official arms supplier and combat training team. Accused of training death squads in South America, it is teaching Brazilian police officers to shoot at people's heads...

The Case of Beit Jala: the Apartheid Wall in the Cremisan Valley.

Since the beginning of August 2015 the Israeli Occupation Forces started to position signs in many areas of the land of Bir 'Ona, neighborhood of the city of Beit Jala, north-west of Bethlehem, to resume the construction of the Apartheid Wall after the approved decision of the Israeli Supreme Court that came on the 6th July 2015.


Among the many faces of Occupation, daily demolitions play a relevant and devastating role of land theft and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. Susiya is only one of the many examples: a village whose people live in constant fear of being ejected from their land and deported, as has already happened three times in the last thirty years. This policy is part of the two key overall plans of the Israeli administration: The ‘Relocation Plan’ aimed at clearing Area C in the West Bank from the Palestinian communities in order to prepare it for definitive annexation, as well as the Israeli master plan to ‘Judaize’ Jerusalem, the Galilee and the Naqab and the confiscation of large parts of the West Bank. 

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) has called for a campaign "Olympics without Apartheid". This campaign calls for ISDS and other companies complicit with Israeli apartheid to be banned from the Olympics, for pressure until the Olympics will be free of apartheid. See here the Stop the Wall factsheet on the background to the company and the campaign.

More than 100 companies supplying military and security equipment to Israel have bases in the UK. The map includes UK companies that sell arms or provide security services to Israel, UK sites of international companies which arm Israel and UK sites of Israeli arms companies. Find out more about the suppliers on your doorstep at


To view a map of Israeli suppliers in the UK, view the attatchment below


Elbit, one of the most iconic accomplices of Israeli violations of International law and a notorious war profiteer, has already applied with at least 6 projects to Horizon 2020. One of its aims is to develop is Laser Gated Imaging (LGI) technology, a dual-use technology employed in military applications, and is likely to be used in the maintenance of the Wall, settlements and/or military technology.


 are the written contribution of the Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity, of which Stop the Wall Campaign is part, to the first session of the intergovernmental working group mandated with the elaboration of an international legally binding instrument on transnational corporations (TNCs) and other business enterprises with respect to human rights.

This submission is part of the Peoples Mobilizations on the First Meeting of Stated on obligations to TNCs on Human Rights, 6-10 july 2015. Please see the full program here.

The Italian Coalition Against the Agreement with Mekorot (No Mekorot) published a video appeal from Palestine to Rome's mayor against the agreement between the city's public water company Acea and Mekorot. The videos were collected during a delegation of the Italian water movements last fall. In English, with some Arabic, and Italian subtitles. Click here or on the image on the left to access the video. 

Israel is planning to forcibly relocate some 27,000 Bedouin living in 46 communities Area C in the occupied West Bank to three 'relocation' townships in order to prepare Area C (over 60% of the West Bank) for final annexation.

This factsheet gives the key data, an analysis on the political background and impact, ongoing Palestinian resistance to it and ideas on how you can help to stop this ethnic cleansing policy.

The Land Defense Coalition, the popular movement to strengthen the resilience of the population in areas targeted by the Israeli Occupation Forces, and to build grassroots actions and international solidarity in order to confront the Israeli occupation, the settlement project and their implications, has prepared a small brochure. The brochure presents the Coalition, its member organizations, its work and political analysis.


Stop the Wall has published a new briefing on EU funding for Elbit Systems. This briefing follows the announcement by Israel that the EU has already approved 205 projects with Israeli participation within the framework of the EU research cycle Horizon2020.


On July 9 2014, ten yers after the Advisory Opinion of the International Court on the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, 92 legal experts and 41 legal networks and organizations have issued a joined letter summarizing the legal significance of the Opinion and underlining the duties of third states and cooperations in front of Israel' ongoing violation of peremptory norms of international law. 


In occasion of the 10th anniversary of the decision of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of Israel's construction of the Apartheid Wall, al Haq has developed a new interactive map on the Wall.

Elbit on the ground


The Gaza connection


Wandering Raven has published an excellent summary of the information publicly available on the use of drones – in particular Elbit drones Hermes 450 and Hermes 900 – during the Gaza massacre this July/August. The testimonies about use and development of drones include the Israeli defense minister, military commanders and news outlets.

UN OCHA in the occupied Palestinian territories have developed the 'Vulnerability Profile Project (VPP)'. According to OCHA it is 'a tool designed to visualize/map humanitarian indicators in an interactive-web based platform'.

The Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem (CCPRJ) and the Palestinian Human Rights Organisations Council (PHROC) have released a new policy paper on the  dangers of decontextualising East Jerusalem and urge the international community to address Israel's responsibility as an Occupying Power.

Eight year after the campaigning efforts against the Israeli military corporation Elbit Systems started, the struggle to Stop Elbit on the rise again. This document presents: 

A timeline of successes.

On 10th Anniversary of Historic ruling against Israel’s Wall, Israel bombs Gaza: at the UN, 86 top legal experts urge UN and third-state action, protests continue in Palestine, worldwide events to stop Israeli impunity.

See the letter in: English - Spanish - Portuguese.

video 1: Popular Resistance activists destroy parts of apartheid wall on the 10 anniversary of  the decision of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of Israel's construction of the Wall in occupied Palestinian territory (July 9 2004)

UN OCHA has published a detailed map on the Bdouin communities in the Palestinian hills east of Jerusalem that are currently resisting increasing threats of displacement by Israel. The communities are being ethnically cleansed in order to make place for the expansion of the illegal Israeli settlement project E1.


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