No New Coal in Victoria


(Residents of Mirboo North and surrounds: the community has declared itself coal and gasfield free)


There is no place for new coal in Victoria. Wherever exploration licenses and proposed new coal projects have appeared, both in Gippsland and Western Victoria, they have been met with fierce opposition.  The Victorian government has acknowledged that the process for approving mining exploration is inadequate, leading to the Minister taking back the power to grant new licenses from the department. This is not enough. Victorian communities need to know that their farmland, water and health is not under threat from reckless projects.

In addition, it is clear that exploring for, digging up and burning more coal is incompatible with ensuring that average increases in global temperatures remain below two degrees. Already, twelve leaders of some of our nearest neighbouring countries have urged Australia to support a global moratorium on new coal. Their survival, and our prosperity, depend on it.

It's time for Victoria to do its bit. Tell Premier Daniel Andrews and the Minister for Industry, Energy and Resources, Lily D'Ambrosio to institute a full moratorium on new coal projects to protect Victorian communities from the adverse effects on human health, water, food production and climate.