Stop logging our National Parks

river_red_gum_social.jpgThe River Country Campaign was alarmed last week to discover that Greg Hunt had approved a controversial logging trial in a NSW Red Gum National Park and Ramsar-listed wetland. After successfully halting proposed logging trials in Victoria in 2014, we are once again gearing up to fight for the integrity and protection of River Red Gum National Parks. We need your help.

This ‘scientific trial’ is a totally unfounded, dangerous and destructive attempt to appease loggers in the region that want to access the Park once again. By allowing this proposal to go ahead, Minister Hunt has shown his true colors in disregarding any value for our National Reserve System.

This perverse 'scientific logging' trial could be used as a model to push for destructive intervention in other National Parks across Australia and the globe.

Australians care about our National Parks. These iconic River Red Gum forests are part of our national heritage. They need proper protection, adequate environmental flows and Indigenous co-management to thrive into the future. Minister Hunt’s approval is a step backwards.

We need your help to show the Government that people will not sit by while they dismantle our protection of National Parks and allow loggers back into our precious Red Gum forests.

Please take the time to join our online action calling on Minister Hunt and Premier Baird to reverse their decision to send loggers back into the Murray Valley National Park.


Read more about the decision here

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