ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ... Βενετία Καμάρα VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
Σε ποιο ριάλιτι θα πάει η Βενετία; Ή καλύτερα...για ποιο ριάλιτι κέρδισε +1GB;
Ένα είναι σίγουρο: το κορίτσι τσουρουφλίστηκε για να κάνει τη δοκιμασία της Άμι. Κανένα έλεος?🤗
Subscribe στο κανάλι και comment απάντηση «Τι θες να φάει/πιεί ο επόμενος καλεσμένος;» για να κερδίσεις 6GB. Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει!
Κάνε follow γιατί έχει και backstage:
published: 21 Sep 2021
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ... Νίκος Μπάρτζης VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
...και τα συμπεράσματα δικά σου! Το νέο CU show είναι γεγονός και ήρθε για να σε «στοιχειώσει»!
Η Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη - aka AmiYiami - επιστρέφει στο κανάλι όπως δεν την έχεις ξαναδεί, σε ρόλο αδίστακτης παρουσιάστριας και φέρνει σε άβολη θέση τους καλεσμένους της μέσα από μία σειρά challenges που θα δημιουργήσουν, άγχος, ένταση και φόβο!
Ποδαρικό δεν θα μπορούσε να κάνει άλλος από τον αγαπημένο Νίκο Μπάρτζη, ο οποίος κατάφερε να μαζέψει 7GB Mobile Data για έναν τυχερό viewer. Γι' αυτό εκτός απ' το να δεις ολόκληρο το επεισόδιο, μην ξεχάσεις:
- να κάνεις subscribe
- να αφήσεις σχόλιο με ό,τι τραβάει η ψυχή σου, και το πιο δημοφιλές σχόλιο κερδίζει!
Μήπως να προτείνεις και ποιος θα ήθελες να έρθει σε δύσκολη θέση στο επόμενο επεισόδιο; ΜΗΠΩΣ;
Κάνε follow τους πάντες για να μη χάσεις καμία ...
published: 06 Sep 2021
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ... Fipsterr VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
...και Ο ΚΑΚΟΣ ΧΑΜΟΣ συνεχίζετε στο πιo νέο και OPEN YouTube Show.
Ο για κάποιους πιο γνωστός και για άλλους όχι Fipsterr - aka Φίλιππος Ιωάννου όπως δεν το έχεις ξαναδεί - ΜΠΕΣΑ!
Το επεισόδιο τα έχει όλα:
Κατσικίσιο τυρί ή φέτα (who knows)
και 13 ολόκληρα GIGA που κατάφερε να μαζέψει ο Φίλιππος! Γι' αυτό, μην ξεχάσεις να κάνεις subscribe και να αφήσεις σχόλιο με ένα challenge που θα ήθελες να δεις στο επόμενο επεισόδιο. Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει!
Κάνε follow τους πάντες για να μη χάσεις καμία φάση:
published: 14 Sep 2021
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ...Κόνι Μεταξά VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
Ήρθε η Κόνι και το αφεντικό τρελάθηκε: 600GB για τον τυχερό που θα γράψει το πιο αδίστακτο Challenge για τον επόμενο καλεσμένο. Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει!
Και τηλέφωνα πήρε και stories έβγαλε και έβαλε και τοίχους φλέρταρε! Τι άλλο πχια; Γράψτο στα σχόλια και μην ξεχάσεις να κάνει subscribe!
Κάνε follow γιατί έχει και backstage:
published: 28 Sep 2021
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ...Κώστας Μαλιάτσης VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
Ποιος του έβγαλε το καπέλο; ΧΑΜΟΣ στις αποκαλύψεις και τα αναπάντητα τηλεφωνήματα. 😉
140 τα GB που κέρδισε - καθόλου - με την αξία του ο Κώστας για εσένα και...ξέρεις: για να τα διεκδικήσεις πρέπει να γράψεις στα σχόλια ποιο επεισόδιο Μαλιάτσης Roasting ήταν το αγαπημένο σου.
Το comment με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει! 🔥
Τους κάνεις και όλους follow:
published: 16 Nov 2021
Μαλιάτσης Roasting Barmen feat. Χταπόδιας
Πιο πολύ σου έλειψε το #MaliatsisRoasting ή τα σφηνάκια που θα έχεις να πιεις από αμνημονεύτων χρόνων; ΔΕΝ είναι ερώτηση παγίδα!
Το 15ο «Battle» της σειράς άργησε να βγει ΑΛΛΑΑΑΑ σκάει φωτιά! Ο μοναδικος Dr. Χταπόδιας «απλώνει» τα πλοκάμια του - μάλλον μπερδεύεται - και τελικά ΚΡΑΖΕΙ τους barmen της Νέας Γενιάς.
Μην ξεχάσεις να κάνεις subscribe στο κανάλι και να αφήσεις το πιο mean comment σου για να κερδίσεις 1 χρόνο unlimited ομιλία ΠΡΟΣ ΟΛΟΥΣ! Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει.
Α! Και τα follow μην ξεχάσεις:
CU: https://www.instagram.com/vodafonecu/
Κώστας Μαλιάτσης: https://www.instagram.com/maliatsis_salas/
Χταπόδιας: https://www.instagram.com/dr_xtapodias/?hl=el
ΛΟΣΑΝΤΖΕΛΕ: https://www.instagram.com/losantzele/
jetdrops: https://www.instagram.com/jetdrops
published: 04 Feb 2021
Cântece cu dansuri pentru copii - BoonBoon
👉 Abonează-te! ► http://bit.ly/Ma_abonez 👍
Urmăriți cele mai frumoase cântece pentru copii! 😍
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Suntem întotdeauna bucuroși să primim mesajele voastre! Ne puteți lăsa comentarii aici pe YouTube sau chiar și pe celelalte canale de social media.
Dă click pe cântecul preferat:
0:00 Danseaza hopa-hopa
2:07 Vocalele
3:33 Veterinarul
5:31 Hai ghiceste!
8:01 O galbena omiduta
9:56 Hipopotamul
12:08 Ratusca Lulu
14:54 Dansul statuilor
16:38 Dansul crocodilului
19:08 Girafa si foca
22:14 Jocul cu animale
25:04 Buna si Pa
26:34 La Zoo
👉 Alte cântece pentru copii școlari BoonBoon:
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published: 23 May 2019
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ...Αγγελική Μανουσάκη VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
Είχε πανσέληνο, ανάδρομο Ερμή, τρίγωνο στον Αιγόκαιρω και άλλα τέτοια αστρολογικοπερίεργα όταν ήρθε η Αγγελική Μανουσάκη στο studio. Δεν δυσκολεύτηκε όμως και κέρδισε 170GB για εσένα.
Ξέρεις: για να τα διεκδικήσεις πρέπει να γράψεις στα σχόλια με ποιο ζώδιο δεν θα έκανες ποτέ σχέση 👩❤️👨 👩🏻❤️👩🏼
Το comment με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει!
Τους κάνεις και όλους follow:
published: 02 Nov 2021
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ... Ηλίας Μπόγδανος VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
Δεν έτρεξε run αλλά έκανε push ups, πολλά push ups για να μαζέψει όσο πιο πολλά GIGA μπορούσε. Σίγουρα παίρνει το βραβείο ανθρώπου που έχει τους καλύτερους φίλους!
40 + 1 GB λοιπόν έτσι απλά! Γράψε στα σχόλια ποιον Ηλία προτιμάς: Ηλίας στο survivor ή μετά;
Ε Φυσικά τους κάνεις όλους follow γιατί έχει και backstage:
published: 05 Oct 2021
Μαλιάτσης Roasting Μικρά Αδέρφια feat. Αλέξανδρος Μαλιάτσης
Το 16ο «Battle» με καλεσμένο-βύσμα τον Αλέξανδρο Μαλιάτση έσκασε. Μικρά αδέρφια ενωθείτε και ακούστε τον «μεγάλο» κατά τα άλλα Αλέξανδρο να υπερασπίζεται όλους εσάς εκεί έξω που δεν είστε οι μόνοι στο δωμάτιο. ;)
Μην ξεχάσεις να κάνεις subscribe στο κανάλι και φυσικά να αφήσεις το πιο mean comment σου για να κερδίσεις 1 χρόνο unlimited ομιλία ΠΡΟΣ ΟΛΟΥΣ! Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει.
Α! Και τα follow μην ξεχάσεις:
CU: https://www.instagram.com/vodafonecu/
Κώστας Μαλιάτσης: https://www.instagram.com/maliatsis_salas/
Αλέξανδρος Μαλιάτσης: https://www.instagram.com/alexandros_maliatsis_salas/
ΛΟΣΑΝΤΖΕΛΕ: https://www.instagram.com/losantzele/
jetdrops: https://www.instagram.com/jetdrops
published: 16 Feb 2021
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ... Βενετία Καμάρα VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
Σε ποιο ριάλιτι θα πάει η Βενετία; Ή καλύτερα...για ποιο ριάλιτι κέρδισε +1GB;
Ένα είναι σίγουρο: το κορίτσι τσουρουφλίστηκε για να κάνει τη δοκιμασία της Άμι. ...
Σε ποιο ριάλιτι θα πάει η Βενετία; Ή καλύτερα...για ποιο ριάλιτι κέρδισε +1GB;
Ένα είναι σίγουρο: το κορίτσι τσουρουφλίστηκε για να κάνει τη δοκιμασία της Άμι. Κανένα έλεος?🤗
Subscribe στο κανάλι και comment απάντηση «Τι θες να φάει/πιεί ο επόμενος καλεσμένος;» για να κερδίσεις 6GB. Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει!
Κάνε follow γιατί έχει και backstage:
Σε ποιο ριάλιτι θα πάει η Βενετία; Ή καλύτερα...για ποιο ριάλιτι κέρδισε +1GB;
Ένα είναι σίγουρο: το κορίτσι τσουρουφλίστηκε για να κάνει τη δοκιμασία της Άμι. Κανένα έλεος?🤗
Subscribe στο κανάλι και comment απάντηση «Τι θες να φάει/πιεί ο επόμενος καλεσμένος;» για να κερδίσεις 6GB. Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει!
Κάνε follow γιατί έχει και backstage:
- published: 21 Sep 2021
- views: 190313
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ... Νίκος Μπάρτζης VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
...και τα συμπεράσματα δικά σου! Το νέο CU show είναι γεγονός και ήρθε για να σε «στοιχειώσει»!
Η Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη - aka AmiYiami - επιστρέφει στο κανάλι όπως ...
...και τα συμπεράσματα δικά σου! Το νέο CU show είναι γεγονός και ήρθε για να σε «στοιχειώσει»!
Η Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη - aka AmiYiami - επιστρέφει στο κανάλι όπως δεν την έχεις ξαναδεί, σε ρόλο αδίστακτης παρουσιάστριας και φέρνει σε άβολη θέση τους καλεσμένους της μέσα από μία σειρά challenges που θα δημιουργήσουν, άγχος, ένταση και φόβο!
Ποδαρικό δεν θα μπορούσε να κάνει άλλος από τον αγαπημένο Νίκο Μπάρτζη, ο οποίος κατάφερε να μαζέψει 7GB Mobile Data για έναν τυχερό viewer. Γι' αυτό εκτός απ' το να δεις ολόκληρο το επεισόδιο, μην ξεχάσεις:
- να κάνεις subscribe
- να αφήσεις σχόλιο με ό,τι τραβάει η ψυχή σου, και το πιο δημοφιλές σχόλιο κερδίζει!
Μήπως να προτείνεις και ποιος θα ήθελες να έρθει σε δύσκολη θέση στο επόμενο επεισόδιο; ΜΗΠΩΣ;
Κάνε follow τους πάντες για να μη χάσεις καμία φάση:
...και τα συμπεράσματα δικά σου! Το νέο CU show είναι γεγονός και ήρθε για να σε «στοιχειώσει»!
Η Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη - aka AmiYiami - επιστρέφει στο κανάλι όπως δεν την έχεις ξαναδεί, σε ρόλο αδίστακτης παρουσιάστριας και φέρνει σε άβολη θέση τους καλεσμένους της μέσα από μία σειρά challenges που θα δημιουργήσουν, άγχος, ένταση και φόβο!
Ποδαρικό δεν θα μπορούσε να κάνει άλλος από τον αγαπημένο Νίκο Μπάρτζη, ο οποίος κατάφερε να μαζέψει 7GB Mobile Data για έναν τυχερό viewer. Γι' αυτό εκτός απ' το να δεις ολόκληρο το επεισόδιο, μην ξεχάσεις:
- να κάνεις subscribe
- να αφήσεις σχόλιο με ό,τι τραβάει η ψυχή σου, και το πιο δημοφιλές σχόλιο κερδίζει!
Μήπως να προτείνεις και ποιος θα ήθελες να έρθει σε δύσκολη θέση στο επόμενο επεισόδιο; ΜΗΠΩΣ;
Κάνε follow τους πάντες για να μη χάσεις καμία φάση:
- published: 06 Sep 2021
- views: 166523
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ... Fipsterr VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
...και Ο ΚΑΚΟΣ ΧΑΜΟΣ συνεχίζετε στο πιo νέο και OPEN YouTube Show.
Ο για κάποιους πιο γνωστός και για άλλους όχι Fipsterr - aka Φίλιππος Ιωάννου όπως δεν το έχε...
...και Ο ΚΑΚΟΣ ΧΑΜΟΣ συνεχίζετε στο πιo νέο και OPEN YouTube Show.
Ο για κάποιους πιο γνωστός και για άλλους όχι Fipsterr - aka Φίλιππος Ιωάννου όπως δεν το έχεις ξαναδεί - ΜΠΕΣΑ!
Το επεισόδιο τα έχει όλα:
Κατσικίσιο τυρί ή φέτα (who knows)
και 13 ολόκληρα GIGA που κατάφερε να μαζέψει ο Φίλιππος! Γι' αυτό, μην ξεχάσεις να κάνεις subscribe και να αφήσεις σχόλιο με ένα challenge που θα ήθελες να δεις στο επόμενο επεισόδιο. Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει!
Κάνε follow τους πάντες για να μη χάσεις καμία φάση:
...και Ο ΚΑΚΟΣ ΧΑΜΟΣ συνεχίζετε στο πιo νέο και OPEN YouTube Show.
Ο για κάποιους πιο γνωστός και για άλλους όχι Fipsterr - aka Φίλιππος Ιωάννου όπως δεν το έχεις ξαναδεί - ΜΠΕΣΑ!
Το επεισόδιο τα έχει όλα:
Κατσικίσιο τυρί ή φέτα (who knows)
και 13 ολόκληρα GIGA που κατάφερε να μαζέψει ο Φίλιππος! Γι' αυτό, μην ξεχάσεις να κάνεις subscribe και να αφήσεις σχόλιο με ένα challenge που θα ήθελες να δεις στο επόμενο επεισόδιο. Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει!
Κάνε follow τους πάντες για να μη χάσεις καμία φάση:
- published: 14 Sep 2021
- views: 157019
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ...Κόνι Μεταξά VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
Ήρθε η Κόνι και το αφεντικό τρελάθηκε: 600GB για τον τυχερό που θα γράψει το πιο αδίστακτο Challenge για τον επόμενο καλεσμένο. Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα like...
Ήρθε η Κόνι και το αφεντικό τρελάθηκε: 600GB για τον τυχερό που θα γράψει το πιο αδίστακτο Challenge για τον επόμενο καλεσμένο. Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει!
Και τηλέφωνα πήρε και stories έβγαλε και έβαλε και τοίχους φλέρταρε! Τι άλλο πχια; Γράψτο στα σχόλια και μην ξεχάσεις να κάνει subscribe!
Κάνε follow γιατί έχει και backstage:
Ήρθε η Κόνι και το αφεντικό τρελάθηκε: 600GB για τον τυχερό που θα γράψει το πιο αδίστακτο Challenge για τον επόμενο καλεσμένο. Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει!
Και τηλέφωνα πήρε και stories έβγαλε και έβαλε και τοίχους φλέρταρε! Τι άλλο πχια; Γράψτο στα σχόλια και μην ξεχάσεις να κάνει subscribe!
Κάνε follow γιατί έχει και backstage:
- published: 28 Sep 2021
- views: 180688
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ...Κώστας Μαλιάτσης VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
Ποιος του έβγαλε το καπέλο; ΧΑΜΟΣ στις αποκαλύψεις και τα αναπάντητα τηλεφωνήματα. 😉
140 τα GB που κέρδισε - καθόλου - με την αξία του ο Κώστας για εσένα και.....
Ποιος του έβγαλε το καπέλο; ΧΑΜΟΣ στις αποκαλύψεις και τα αναπάντητα τηλεφωνήματα. 😉
140 τα GB που κέρδισε - καθόλου - με την αξία του ο Κώστας για εσένα και...ξέρεις: για να τα διεκδικήσεις πρέπει να γράψεις στα σχόλια ποιο επεισόδιο Μαλιάτσης Roasting ήταν το αγαπημένο σου.
Το comment με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει! 🔥
Τους κάνεις και όλους follow:
Ποιος του έβγαλε το καπέλο; ΧΑΜΟΣ στις αποκαλύψεις και τα αναπάντητα τηλεφωνήματα. 😉
140 τα GB που κέρδισε - καθόλου - με την αξία του ο Κώστας για εσένα και...ξέρεις: για να τα διεκδικήσεις πρέπει να γράψεις στα σχόλια ποιο επεισόδιο Μαλιάτσης Roasting ήταν το αγαπημένο σου.
Το comment με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει! 🔥
Τους κάνεις και όλους follow:
- published: 16 Nov 2021
- views: 79381
Μαλιάτσης Roasting Barmen feat. Χταπόδιας
Πιο πολύ σου έλειψε το #MaliatsisRoasting ή τα σφηνάκια που θα έχεις να πιεις από αμνημονεύτων χρόνων; ΔΕΝ είναι ερώτηση παγίδα!
Το 15ο «Battle» της σειράς άρ...
Πιο πολύ σου έλειψε το #MaliatsisRoasting ή τα σφηνάκια που θα έχεις να πιεις από αμνημονεύτων χρόνων; ΔΕΝ είναι ερώτηση παγίδα!
Το 15ο «Battle» της σειράς άργησε να βγει ΑΛΛΑΑΑΑ σκάει φωτιά! Ο μοναδικος Dr. Χταπόδιας «απλώνει» τα πλοκάμια του - μάλλον μπερδεύεται - και τελικά ΚΡΑΖΕΙ τους barmen της Νέας Γενιάς.
Μην ξεχάσεις να κάνεις subscribe στο κανάλι και να αφήσεις το πιο mean comment σου για να κερδίσεις 1 χρόνο unlimited ομιλία ΠΡΟΣ ΟΛΟΥΣ! Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει.
Α! Και τα follow μην ξεχάσεις:
CU: https://www.instagram.com/vodafonecu/
Κώστας Μαλιάτσης: https://www.instagram.com/maliatsis_salas/
Χταπόδιας: https://www.instagram.com/dr_xtapodias/?hl=el
ΛΟΣΑΝΤΖΕΛΕ: https://www.instagram.com/losantzele/
jetdrops: https://www.instagram.com/jetdrops
Πιο πολύ σου έλειψε το #MaliatsisRoasting ή τα σφηνάκια που θα έχεις να πιεις από αμνημονεύτων χρόνων; ΔΕΝ είναι ερώτηση παγίδα!
Το 15ο «Battle» της σειράς άργησε να βγει ΑΛΛΑΑΑΑ σκάει φωτιά! Ο μοναδικος Dr. Χταπόδιας «απλώνει» τα πλοκάμια του - μάλλον μπερδεύεται - και τελικά ΚΡΑΖΕΙ τους barmen της Νέας Γενιάς.
Μην ξεχάσεις να κάνεις subscribe στο κανάλι και να αφήσεις το πιο mean comment σου για να κερδίσεις 1 χρόνο unlimited ομιλία ΠΡΟΣ ΟΛΟΥΣ! Το σχόλιο με τα περισσότερα likes κερδίζει.
Α! Και τα follow μην ξεχάσεις:
CU: https://www.instagram.com/vodafonecu/
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- published: 04 Feb 2021
- views: 354571
Cântece cu dansuri pentru copii - BoonBoon
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12:08 Ratusca Lulu
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26:34 La Zoo
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0:00 Danseaza hopa-hopa
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8:01 O galbena omiduta
9:56 Hipopotamul
12:08 Ratusca Lulu
14:54 Dansul statuilor
16:38 Dansul crocodilului
19:08 Girafa si foca
22:14 Jocul cu animale
25:04 Buna si Pa
26:34 La Zoo
👉 Alte cântece pentru copii școlari BoonBoon:
Pupăza din tei https://youtu.be/Hxi11SCSPyI
Doamna învățătoare - Lori & Bety https://youtu.be/DI9MgjNPtAE #BoonBoon #cantececopii #canteceBoonBoon
- published: 23 May 2019
- views: 10159058
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ...Αγγελική Μανουσάκη VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
Είχε πανσέληνο, ανάδρομο Ερμή, τρίγωνο στον Αιγόκαιρω και άλλα τέτοια αστρολογικοπερίεργα όταν ήρθε η Αγγελική Μανουσάκη στο studio. Δεν δυσκολεύτηκε όμως και κ...
Είχε πανσέληνο, ανάδρομο Ερμή, τρίγωνο στον Αιγόκαιρω και άλλα τέτοια αστρολογικοπερίεργα όταν ήρθε η Αγγελική Μανουσάκη στο studio. Δεν δυσκολεύτηκε όμως και κέρδισε 170GB για εσένα.
Ξέρεις: για να τα διεκδικήσεις πρέπει να γράψεις στα σχόλια με ποιο ζώδιο δεν θα έκανες ποτέ σχέση 👩❤️👨 👩🏻❤️👩🏼
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Είχε πανσέληνο, ανάδρομο Ερμή, τρίγωνο στον Αιγόκαιρω και άλλα τέτοια αστρολογικοπερίεργα όταν ήρθε η Αγγελική Μανουσάκη στο studio. Δεν δυσκολεύτηκε όμως και κέρδισε 170GB για εσένα.
Ξέρεις: για να τα διεκδικήσεις πρέπει να γράψεις στα σχόλια με ποιο ζώδιο δεν θα έκανες ποτέ σχέση 👩❤️👨 👩🏻❤️👩🏼
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- published: 02 Nov 2021
- views: 86188
ΠΑΡΕ ΤΗΛΕΦΩΝΟ ΤΟΝ... Ηλίας Μπόγδανος VS Άννα Μαρία Βέλλη
Δεν έτρεξε run αλλά έκανε push ups, πολλά push ups για να μαζέψει όσο πιο πολλά GIGA μπορούσε. Σίγουρα παίρνει το βραβείο ανθρώπου που έχει τους καλύτερους φίλο...
Δεν έτρεξε run αλλά έκανε push ups, πολλά push ups για να μαζέψει όσο πιο πολλά GIGA μπορούσε. Σίγουρα παίρνει το βραβείο ανθρώπου που έχει τους καλύτερους φίλους!
40 + 1 GB λοιπόν έτσι απλά! Γράψε στα σχόλια ποιον Ηλία προτιμάς: Ηλίας στο survivor ή μετά;
Ε Φυσικά τους κάνεις όλους follow γιατί έχει και backstage:
Δεν έτρεξε run αλλά έκανε push ups, πολλά push ups για να μαζέψει όσο πιο πολλά GIGA μπορούσε. Σίγουρα παίρνει το βραβείο ανθρώπου που έχει τους καλύτερους φίλους!
40 + 1 GB λοιπόν έτσι απλά! Γράψε στα σχόλια ποιον Ηλία προτιμάς: Ηλίας στο survivor ή μετά;
Ε Φυσικά τους κάνεις όλους follow γιατί έχει και backstage:
- published: 05 Oct 2021
- views: 146680
Μαλιάτσης Roasting Μικρά Αδέρφια feat. Αλέξανδρος Μαλιάτσης
Το 16ο «Battle» με καλεσμένο-βύσμα τον Αλέξανδρο Μαλιάτση έσκασε. Μικρά αδέρφια ενωθείτε και ακούστε τον «μεγάλο» κατά τα άλλα Αλέξανδρο να υπερασπίζεται όλους ...
Το 16ο «Battle» με καλεσμένο-βύσμα τον Αλέξανδρο Μαλιάτση έσκασε. Μικρά αδέρφια ενωθείτε και ακούστε τον «μεγάλο» κατά τα άλλα Αλέξανδρο να υπερασπίζεται όλους εσάς εκεί έξω που δεν είστε οι μόνοι στο δωμάτιο. ;)
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ΛΟΣΑΝΤΖΕΛΕ: https://www.instagram.com/losantzele/
jetdrops: https://www.instagram.com/jetdrops
Το 16ο «Battle» με καλεσμένο-βύσμα τον Αλέξανδρο Μαλιάτση έσκασε. Μικρά αδέρφια ενωθείτε και ακούστε τον «μεγάλο» κατά τα άλλα Αλέξανδρο να υπερασπίζεται όλους εσάς εκεί έξω που δεν είστε οι μόνοι στο δωμάτιο. ;)
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Κώστας Μαλιάτσης: https://www.instagram.com/maliatsis_salas/
Αλέξανδρος Μαλιάτσης: https://www.instagram.com/alexandros_maliatsis_salas/
ΛΟΣΑΝΤΖΕΛΕ: https://www.instagram.com/losantzele/
jetdrops: https://www.instagram.com/jetdrops
- published: 16 Feb 2021
- views: 190811
Halley's Comet - P1
Halley's Comet or Comet Halley (officially designated 1P/Halley) is the most famous of the periodic comets, and is visible from Earth every 75 to 76 years. Many comets with long orbital periods may appear brighter and more spectacular, but Halley is the only short-period comet that is clearly visible to the naked eye, and thus, the only naked-eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. During its returns to the inner solar system, it has been observed by astronomers since at least 240 BC, but it was only recognized as a periodic comet in the 18th century when its orbit was computed by English astronomer Edmond Halley, after whom it is named. Halley's Comet last appeared in the inner Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.
During its 1986 apparition, Halley's Co...
published: 10 May 2010
Halley's Comet: Earth's Constant Companion
The first 100 people to go to https://www.blinkist.com/geographics are going to get unlimited access for 1 week to try it out. You'll also get 25% off if you want the full membership. The 7-day trial is completely free, and you can cancel at any time during that period.
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MegaProjects: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0woBco6Dgcxt0h8SwyyOmw
SideProjects: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Wn3dABlgESm8Bzn8Vamgg
Casual Criminalist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp1tsmksyf6TgKFMdt8-05Q
Today I Found Out: https://www.youtube.com/user/TodayIFou...
published: 07 Jun 2021
What if Halley's Comet Hits The Earth?
Halley's comet was discovered in 1758. It's diameter is 11 kilometers and mass 220 trillion kilograms. On 28th July 2061, Halley's comet will visit Earth and pass close to our planet.
What if Halley's Comet hits the Earth? On hitting the our planet it will create a giant crater roughly 33 km deep and 89 km wide. This impact will create a big fireball killing everyone within 238 Kms.
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published: 05 Sep 2019
Halley's comet orbit 1801-2129
Motion of Halley's comet over 4 sun passages. Ecliptic south is up here, since the comet spends most of its time below the ecliptic away from the sun.
Aphelion is about Dec 9, 2023! https://www.facebook.com/events/321134445336304
published: 19 Feb 2018
Shinedown - Second Chance (Official Video)
The official video for Shinedown's "Second Chance" from the album, 'The Sound of Madness' - available now on Atlantic Records.
Download it now at http://apple.co/1T8cSQ9
The new album, 'ATTENTION ATTENTION' - available now! https://lnk.to/AttentionAttention
Subscribe for more official content from Shinedown: https://lnk.to/ShinedownSubscribe
Site: http://shinedown.com
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My eyes are open wide
By the way
I made it through the day
I watch the world outside
By the way
I'm leaving out today
I just saw Haley's comet, shooting
She waved, said, "Why are you always running in place"
Even the man in the moon disappeared
Somewhere in...
published: 27 Oct 2009
What If Halley's Comet Crashed Into the Moon?
There's a giant, peanut-shaped object orbiting the Sun, and it’s name is Halley’s comet. Like all comets, it’s a cosmic mashup of frozen ice, gases, and dust. Stretching a vast 15 kilometres by 8 kilometres (9 miles by 5 miles), this space snowball streaks by Earth every 76 years and has been circling for 16,000 years. It hasn’t caused us any trouble yet, but that would change if its elliptical return crosses paths with our Moon, causing a devastating collision visible in broad daylight. Would it affect space exploration? How much damage would it do to the Moon? What would happen on Earth?
Transcript and sources: https://whatifshow.com/what-if-halleys-comet-crashed-into-the-moon/
Subscribe to our second channel called "How to Survive": https://bit.ly/how-to-survive-by-what-if
Can you ...
published: 09 Jun 2020
Halley's Comet changed humanity. This is how.
The intellectual taming of comets began with Edmond Halley (with an assist from Newton) in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. In the April 11, 1908, supplementary edition of Scientific American, astronomer S. I. Bailey wrote, “Before Halley’s time comets had been regarded as chance visitors to our solar system, except when they were looked upon as special messengers of divine wrath.”
Halley used insights gleaned from Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (which he fronted Newton the cash to publish to calculate the orbits of 24 comets in total. These included the comet of 1682, which both Newton and Halley observed directly. The reason it bears Halley’s name is that he used its arrival to see into its future.
“Halley noticed that [comets] recorded by Appian in 1531, ...
published: 10 Mar 2021
Halley's Comet Everything You Need to Know
Looking over all the available data on Halley's Comet leads to final conclusion.
Earth and Astronomy playlist here...
Copyright Free Music
Ephemera by Scott Buckley https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/al-ephemera
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/rtyEmZCUI5g
published: 09 Jul 2020
Second Chance- Shinedown (w/Lyrics)
Second Chance- Shinedown with lyrics
subscribe or friend me on xbox (TMAC637)
published: 06 Sep 2011
Unlike Pluto - Halley's Comet
So this song is a bit different from the others. I wanted to write a song about the creative geniuses that shook the earth with their art - Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Avicii, Chester Bennington, Mac Miller, Chris Cornell. We only get to experience them once or twice in a lifetime, just like Halleys Comet.
Merch - https://unlikepluto.merchtable.com/
Haley was a special girl
Writer like Kurt, style like Amy, it’s her world
Burning brighter than the sun
But it ain’t long before she burns up
What can I say
yeah she lived too much
In her last days
She was always drunk, trying to hide from all the light
Did to much yae
And she lost her mind
(But) when the lights fade
And her skin turns ice, she never thought it’d...
published: 06 Feb 2019
Halley's Comet - P1
Halley's Comet or Comet Halley (officially designated 1P/Halley) is the most famous of the periodic comets, and is visible from Earth every 75 to 76 years. Many...
Halley's Comet or Comet Halley (officially designated 1P/Halley) is the most famous of the periodic comets, and is visible from Earth every 75 to 76 years. Many comets with long orbital periods may appear brighter and more spectacular, but Halley is the only short-period comet that is clearly visible to the naked eye, and thus, the only naked-eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. During its returns to the inner solar system, it has been observed by astronomers since at least 240 BC, but it was only recognized as a periodic comet in the 18th century when its orbit was computed by English astronomer Edmond Halley, after whom it is named. Halley's Comet last appeared in the inner Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.
During its 1986 apparition, Halley's Comet became the first to be observed in detail by spacecraft, providing the first observational data on the construction of the comet nucleus and the mechanism of tail formation. These observations supported a number of longstanding hypotheses about comet construction, particularly Fred Whipple's "dirty snowball" model, but also provided data which substantially reformed and reconfigured these ideas.
Discovered by prehistoric (observation);
Edmond Halley (recognition of periodicity)
Orbital characteristics (Epoch 2449400.5)
(February 17, 1994)
Aphelion 35.1 AU
(December 9, 2023)
Perihelion 0.586 AU
last perihelion: February 9, 1986
next perihelion: July 28, 2061
Semi-major axis 17.8 AU
Eccentricity 0.967
Orbital period 75.3 a
Inclination 162.3°
Physical characteristics
Dimensions 15×8 km[3], 11 km (mean)
Mass 2.2 × 1014 kg
Mean density 0.6 (estimates range from 0.2 to 1.5 g/cm³)
Sidereal rotation
period 2.2 d (52.8 h) (?)
Albedo 0.04
Apparent magnitude 28.6
Halley's Comet or Comet Halley (officially designated 1P/Halley) is the most famous of the periodic comets, and is visible from Earth every 75 to 76 years. Many comets with long orbital periods may appear brighter and more spectacular, but Halley is the only short-period comet that is clearly visible to the naked eye, and thus, the only naked-eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime. During its returns to the inner solar system, it has been observed by astronomers since at least 240 BC, but it was only recognized as a periodic comet in the 18th century when its orbit was computed by English astronomer Edmond Halley, after whom it is named. Halley's Comet last appeared in the inner Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.
During its 1986 apparition, Halley's Comet became the first to be observed in detail by spacecraft, providing the first observational data on the construction of the comet nucleus and the mechanism of tail formation. These observations supported a number of longstanding hypotheses about comet construction, particularly Fred Whipple's "dirty snowball" model, but also provided data which substantially reformed and reconfigured these ideas.
Discovered by prehistoric (observation);
Edmond Halley (recognition of periodicity)
Orbital characteristics (Epoch 2449400.5)
(February 17, 1994)
Aphelion 35.1 AU
(December 9, 2023)
Perihelion 0.586 AU
last perihelion: February 9, 1986
next perihelion: July 28, 2061
Semi-major axis 17.8 AU
Eccentricity 0.967
Orbital period 75.3 a
Inclination 162.3°
Physical characteristics
Dimensions 15×8 km[3], 11 km (mean)
Mass 2.2 × 1014 kg
Mean density 0.6 (estimates range from 0.2 to 1.5 g/cm³)
Sidereal rotation
period 2.2 d (52.8 h) (?)
Albedo 0.04
Apparent magnitude 28.6
- published: 10 May 2010
- views: 1612143
Halley's Comet: Earth's Constant Companion
The first 100 people to go to https://www.blinkist.com/geographics are going to get unlimited access for 1 week to try it out. You'll also get 25% off if you wa...
The first 100 people to go to https://www.blinkist.com/geographics are going to get unlimited access for 1 week to try it out. You'll also get 25% off if you want the full membership. The 7-day trial is completely free, and you can cancel at any time during that period.
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SideProjects: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Wn3dABlgESm8Bzn8Vamgg
Casual Criminalist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp1tsmksyf6TgKFMdt8-05Q
Today I Found Out: https://www.youtube.com/user/TodayIFoundOut
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Business Blaze: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYY5GWf7MHFJ6DZeHreoXgw
This video is #sponsored by Blinkist.
Source/Further reading:
History, overview: https://www.history.com/news/a-brief-history-of-halleys-comet-sightings
NASA, 1P/Halley in-depth: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/asteroids-comets-and-meteors/comets/1p-halley/in-depth/
UK Space Center: https://spacecentre.co.uk/blog-post/halleys-comet-shaped-history/
Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Halleys-Comet
In Our Time podcast on comets (with some details on Halleys): https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01pw38n
io9 - Halley’s comet through history: https://io9.gizmodo.com/how-halleys-comet-sightings-changed-history-over-the-pa-5637815
Halley’s influence on early-modern astronomy: https://doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/92735
Edmond Halley, in-depth biography: https://doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/12011
Scientific American: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/in-the-path-of-halleys-comet-humanity-might-find-its-way-forward1/
Comet Panic of 1910: https://astronomy.com/news/2020/10/halleys-comet-covid-19-and-the-history-of-miracle-anti-comet-remedies
Modern comet list (constantly updating): https://physics.ucf.edu/~yfernandez/cometlist.html#hf
The first 100 people to go to https://www.blinkist.com/geographics are going to get unlimited access for 1 week to try it out. You'll also get 25% off if you want the full membership. The 7-day trial is completely free, and you can cancel at any time during that period.
→ Subscribe for new videos two times per week.
Love content? Check out Simon's other YouTube Channels:
Biographics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClnDI2sdehVm1zm_LmUHsjQ/
MegaProjects: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0woBco6Dgcxt0h8SwyyOmw
SideProjects: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Wn3dABlgESm8Bzn8Vamgg
Casual Criminalist: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp1tsmksyf6TgKFMdt8-05Q
Today I Found Out: https://www.youtube.com/user/TodayIFoundOut
TopTenz: https://www.youtube.com/user/toptenznet
Highlight History: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnb-VTwBHEV3gtiB9di9DZQ
XPLRD: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVH8lH7ZLDUe_d9mZ3dlyYQ
Business Blaze: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYY5GWf7MHFJ6DZeHreoXgw
This video is #sponsored by Blinkist.
Source/Further reading:
History, overview: https://www.history.com/news/a-brief-history-of-halleys-comet-sightings
NASA, 1P/Halley in-depth: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/asteroids-comets-and-meteors/comets/1p-halley/in-depth/
UK Space Center: https://spacecentre.co.uk/blog-post/halleys-comet-shaped-history/
Britannica: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Halleys-Comet
In Our Time podcast on comets (with some details on Halleys): https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01pw38n
io9 - Halley’s comet through history: https://io9.gizmodo.com/how-halleys-comet-sightings-changed-history-over-the-pa-5637815
Halley’s influence on early-modern astronomy: https://doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/92735
Edmond Halley, in-depth biography: https://doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/12011
Scientific American: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/in-the-path-of-halleys-comet-humanity-might-find-its-way-forward1/
Comet Panic of 1910: https://astronomy.com/news/2020/10/halleys-comet-covid-19-and-the-history-of-miracle-anti-comet-remedies
Modern comet list (constantly updating): https://physics.ucf.edu/~yfernandez/cometlist.html#hf
- published: 07 Jun 2021
- views: 200058
What if Halley's Comet Hits The Earth?
Halley's comet was discovered in 1758. It's diameter is 11 kilometers and mass 220 trillion kilograms. On 28th July 2061, Halley's comet will visit Earth and pa...
Halley's comet was discovered in 1758. It's diameter is 11 kilometers and mass 220 trillion kilograms. On 28th July 2061, Halley's comet will visit Earth and pass close to our planet.
What if Halley's Comet hits the Earth? On hitting the our planet it will create a giant crater roughly 33 km deep and 89 km wide. This impact will create a big fireball killing everyone within 238 Kms.
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Halley's comet was discovered in 1758. It's diameter is 11 kilometers and mass 220 trillion kilograms. On 28th July 2061, Halley's comet will visit Earth and pass close to our planet.
What if Halley's Comet hits the Earth? On hitting the our planet it will create a giant crater roughly 33 km deep and 89 km wide. This impact will create a big fireball killing everyone within 238 Kms.
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- published: 05 Sep 2019
- views: 520686
Halley's comet orbit 1801-2129
Motion of Halley's comet over 4 sun passages. Ecliptic south is up here, since the comet spends most of its time below the ecliptic away from the sun.
Aphelion ...
Motion of Halley's comet over 4 sun passages. Ecliptic south is up here, since the comet spends most of its time below the ecliptic away from the sun.
Aphelion is about Dec 9, 2023! https://www.facebook.com/events/321134445336304
Motion of Halley's comet over 4 sun passages. Ecliptic south is up here, since the comet spends most of its time below the ecliptic away from the sun.
Aphelion is about Dec 9, 2023! https://www.facebook.com/events/321134445336304
- published: 19 Feb 2018
- views: 25276
Shinedown - Second Chance (Official Video)
The official video for Shinedown's "Second Chance" from the album, 'The Sound of Madness' - available now on Atlantic Records.
Download it now at http://apple...
The official video for Shinedown's "Second Chance" from the album, 'The Sound of Madness' - available now on Atlantic Records.
Download it now at http://apple.co/1T8cSQ9
The new album, 'ATTENTION ATTENTION' - available now! https://lnk.to/AttentionAttention
Subscribe for more official content from Shinedown: https://lnk.to/ShinedownSubscribe
Site: http://shinedown.com
Store: http://store.shinedown.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/shinedown
Twitter: http://twitter.com/shinedown
Instagram: https://instagram.com/shinedown
My eyes are open wide
By the way
I made it through the day
I watch the world outside
By the way
I'm leaving out today
I just saw Haley's comet, shooting
She waved, said, "Why are you always running in place"
Even the man in the moon disappeared
Somewhere in the stratosphere
Tell my mother, tell my father
I have done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Please don't cry one tear for me
I'm not afraid of what I have to say
This is my one and only voice
So listen close it's only for today
I just saw Haley's comet, she waved
She waved, said, "Why are you always running in place"
Even the man in the moon disappeared
Somewhere in the stratosphere
Tell my mother, tell my father
I have done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Here is my chance
This is my chance
Tell my mother, tell my father
I have done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
The official YouTube channel of multi-platinum rock band: Shinedown. The group signed with Atlantic Records in 2001, releasing six studio albums including Billboard Top 10 double-platinum LP 'The Sound of Madness,' gold-certified 'Amaryllis,' gold-certified 'Threat To Survival,' and their most recent release, 'ATTENTION ATTENTION.'
Beyond sold out headline gigs worldwide and numerous festival headlining sets, Shinedown has been nominated for an American Music Award and Billboard Music Awards. The group has sold more than 10 million albums worldwide, has 11 platinum and gold singles, such as triple-platinum “Second Chance,” three #1 anthems “Bully,” “Unity,” and “Enemies,” and “GET UP,” “45," and "Devil." They have achieved four platinum and gold albums and averages more than 3.3 million monthly listeners on Spotify as one of the most listened-to rock bands on the platform with over 600 million streams, contributing to their more than 1 billion total overall streams to date.
Subscribe for the latest official music videos, official audio videos, performances, bts and more from Shinedown.
#Shinedown #SecondChance #TheSoundOfMadness #OfficialVideo #AtlanticRecords #Atlantic
The official video for Shinedown's "Second Chance" from the album, 'The Sound of Madness' - available now on Atlantic Records.
Download it now at http://apple.co/1T8cSQ9
The new album, 'ATTENTION ATTENTION' - available now! https://lnk.to/AttentionAttention
Subscribe for more official content from Shinedown: https://lnk.to/ShinedownSubscribe
Site: http://shinedown.com
Store: http://store.shinedown.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/shinedown
Twitter: http://twitter.com/shinedown
Instagram: https://instagram.com/shinedown
My eyes are open wide
By the way
I made it through the day
I watch the world outside
By the way
I'm leaving out today
I just saw Haley's comet, shooting
She waved, said, "Why are you always running in place"
Even the man in the moon disappeared
Somewhere in the stratosphere
Tell my mother, tell my father
I have done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Please don't cry one tear for me
I'm not afraid of what I have to say
This is my one and only voice
So listen close it's only for today
I just saw Haley's comet, she waved
She waved, said, "Why are you always running in place"
Even the man in the moon disappeared
Somewhere in the stratosphere
Tell my mother, tell my father
I have done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Here is my chance
This is my chance
Tell my mother, tell my father
I have done the best I can
To make them realize
This is my life
I hope they understand
I'm not angry, I'm just saying
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance
The official YouTube channel of multi-platinum rock band: Shinedown. The group signed with Atlantic Records in 2001, releasing six studio albums including Billboard Top 10 double-platinum LP 'The Sound of Madness,' gold-certified 'Amaryllis,' gold-certified 'Threat To Survival,' and their most recent release, 'ATTENTION ATTENTION.'
Beyond sold out headline gigs worldwide and numerous festival headlining sets, Shinedown has been nominated for an American Music Award and Billboard Music Awards. The group has sold more than 10 million albums worldwide, has 11 platinum and gold singles, such as triple-platinum “Second Chance,” three #1 anthems “Bully,” “Unity,” and “Enemies,” and “GET UP,” “45," and "Devil." They have achieved four platinum and gold albums and averages more than 3.3 million monthly listeners on Spotify as one of the most listened-to rock bands on the platform with over 600 million streams, contributing to their more than 1 billion total overall streams to date.
Subscribe for the latest official music videos, official audio videos, performances, bts and more from Shinedown.
#Shinedown #SecondChance #TheSoundOfMadness #OfficialVideo #AtlanticRecords #Atlantic
- published: 27 Oct 2009
- views: 30776234
What If Halley's Comet Crashed Into the Moon?
There's a giant, peanut-shaped object orbiting the Sun, and it’s name is Halley’s comet. Like all comets, it’s a cosmic mashup of frozen ice, gases, and dust. ...
There's a giant, peanut-shaped object orbiting the Sun, and it’s name is Halley’s comet. Like all comets, it’s a cosmic mashup of frozen ice, gases, and dust. Stretching a vast 15 kilometres by 8 kilometres (9 miles by 5 miles), this space snowball streaks by Earth every 76 years and has been circling for 16,000 years. It hasn’t caused us any trouble yet, but that would change if its elliptical return crosses paths with our Moon, causing a devastating collision visible in broad daylight. Would it affect space exploration? How much damage would it do to the Moon? What would happen on Earth?
Transcript and sources: https://whatifshow.com/what-if-halleys-comet-crashed-into-the-moon/
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What If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way.
Produced with love by Underknown in Toronto: https://underknown.com
There's a giant, peanut-shaped object orbiting the Sun, and it’s name is Halley’s comet. Like all comets, it’s a cosmic mashup of frozen ice, gases, and dust. Stretching a vast 15 kilometres by 8 kilometres (9 miles by 5 miles), this space snowball streaks by Earth every 76 years and has been circling for 16,000 years. It hasn’t caused us any trouble yet, but that would change if its elliptical return crosses paths with our Moon, causing a devastating collision visible in broad daylight. Would it affect space exploration? How much damage would it do to the Moon? What would happen on Earth?
Transcript and sources: https://whatifshow.com/what-if-halleys-comet-crashed-into-the-moon/
Subscribe to our second channel called "How to Survive": https://bit.ly/how-to-survive-by-what-if
Can you translate this episode into another language? Add subtitles and we will link your YouTube channel in the description: https://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=YnjwWZEaRCc
Watch more what-if scenarios:
Planet Earth: http://bit.ly/YT-what-if-Earth
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What If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Join us on an imaginary adventure through time, space and chance while we (hopefully) boil down complex subjects in a fun and entertaining way.
Produced with love by Underknown in Toronto: https://underknown.com
- published: 09 Jun 2020
- views: 429176
Halley's Comet changed humanity. This is how.
The intellectual taming of comets began with Edmond Halley (with an assist from Newton) in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. In the April 11, 1908, supple...
The intellectual taming of comets began with Edmond Halley (with an assist from Newton) in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. In the April 11, 1908, supplementary edition of Scientific American, astronomer S. I. Bailey wrote, “Before Halley’s time comets had been regarded as chance visitors to our solar system, except when they were looked upon as special messengers of divine wrath.”
Halley used insights gleaned from Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (which he fronted Newton the cash to publish to calculate the orbits of 24 comets in total. These included the comet of 1682, which both Newton and Halley observed directly. The reason it bears Halley’s name is that he used its arrival to see into its future.
“Halley noticed that [comets] recorded by Appian in 1531, by [Johannes] Kepler in 1607, and by Halley himself in 1682, seemed to return after a period of seventy-five or seventy-six years,” wrote astronomer J. E. Gore in a 1909 Scientific American article entitled “Edmund Halley: The Man Who Dispelled Cometary Superstitions.” These calculations led Halley to predict the comet’s return on “about the end of 1758 or beginning of 1759,” Gore added. Its next arrival was first glimpsed in March 1759.
Halley did not live to see his prediction borne out: he had died 17 years earlier. But he is forever immortalized for allowing us to look at these cosmic visitors as part of a system that can be observed, studied and at least partially drained of its uncertainty.
The story of Halley’s Comet also offers us a warning, especially meaningful in this moment of global uncertainty. We are living amid a human-made “infodemic” of misinformation surrounding the novel coronavirus and the vaccines we have created to hold the pathogen at bay. It is helpful to know that even in 1910, when Halley’s Comet returned—and was known to be an astronomical body orbiting in our solar system—there were those who saw it as an agent of our civilization’s demise. They were convinced that chemicals from the comet’s tail would seep into our atmosphere and kill us all.
Halley’s Comet’s warning is that science’s work is never done. No matter how much uncertainty we calculate away from our lives, there will be people who refuse those learnings and turn away from research and reason. The challenge for us as a species, as we wait with anticipation for the comet’s return in 40 years, is to move humanity forward collectively, despite the holdouts.
The intellectual taming of comets began with Edmond Halley (with an assist from Newton) in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. In the April 11, 1908, supplementary edition of Scientific American, astronomer S. I. Bailey wrote, “Before Halley’s time comets had been regarded as chance visitors to our solar system, except when they were looked upon as special messengers of divine wrath.”
Halley used insights gleaned from Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (which he fronted Newton the cash to publish to calculate the orbits of 24 comets in total. These included the comet of 1682, which both Newton and Halley observed directly. The reason it bears Halley’s name is that he used its arrival to see into its future.
“Halley noticed that [comets] recorded by Appian in 1531, by [Johannes] Kepler in 1607, and by Halley himself in 1682, seemed to return after a period of seventy-five or seventy-six years,” wrote astronomer J. E. Gore in a 1909 Scientific American article entitled “Edmund Halley: The Man Who Dispelled Cometary Superstitions.” These calculations led Halley to predict the comet’s return on “about the end of 1758 or beginning of 1759,” Gore added. Its next arrival was first glimpsed in March 1759.
Halley did not live to see his prediction borne out: he had died 17 years earlier. But he is forever immortalized for allowing us to look at these cosmic visitors as part of a system that can be observed, studied and at least partially drained of its uncertainty.
The story of Halley’s Comet also offers us a warning, especially meaningful in this moment of global uncertainty. We are living amid a human-made “infodemic” of misinformation surrounding the novel coronavirus and the vaccines we have created to hold the pathogen at bay. It is helpful to know that even in 1910, when Halley’s Comet returned—and was known to be an astronomical body orbiting in our solar system—there were those who saw it as an agent of our civilization’s demise. They were convinced that chemicals from the comet’s tail would seep into our atmosphere and kill us all.
Halley’s Comet’s warning is that science’s work is never done. No matter how much uncertainty we calculate away from our lives, there will be people who refuse those learnings and turn away from research and reason. The challenge for us as a species, as we wait with anticipation for the comet’s return in 40 years, is to move humanity forward collectively, despite the holdouts.
- published: 10 Mar 2021
- views: 17325
Halley's Comet Everything You Need to Know
Looking over all the available data on Halley's Comet leads to final conclusion.
Earth and Astronomy playlist here...
Looking over all the available data on Halley's Comet leads to final conclusion.
Earth and Astronomy playlist here...
Copyright Free Music
Ephemera by Scott Buckley https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/al-ephemera
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/rtyEmZCUI5g
Looking over all the available data on Halley's Comet leads to final conclusion.
Earth and Astronomy playlist here...
Copyright Free Music
Ephemera by Scott Buckley https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/al-ephemera
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/rtyEmZCUI5g
- published: 09 Jul 2020
- views: 11391
Second Chance- Shinedown (w/Lyrics)
Second Chance- Shinedown with lyrics
subscribe or friend me on xbox (TMAC637)
Second Chance- Shinedown with lyrics
subscribe or friend me on xbox (TMAC637)
Second Chance- Shinedown with lyrics
subscribe or friend me on xbox (TMAC637)
- published: 06 Sep 2011
- views: 1321467
Unlike Pluto - Halley's Comet
So this song is a bit different from the others. I wanted to write a song about the creative geniuses that shook the earth with their art - Kurt Cobain, Amy Win...
So this song is a bit different from the others. I wanted to write a song about the creative geniuses that shook the earth with their art - Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Avicii, Chester Bennington, Mac Miller, Chris Cornell. We only get to experience them once or twice in a lifetime, just like Halleys Comet.
Merch - https://unlikepluto.merchtable.com/
Haley was a special girl
Writer like Kurt, style like Amy, it’s her world
Burning brighter than the sun
But it ain’t long before she burns up
What can I say
yeah she lived too much
In her last days
She was always drunk, trying to hide from all the light
Did to much yae
And she lost her mind
(But) when the lights fade
And her skin turns ice, she never thought it’d take her life
The fury and the light from your path had to go to waste
Lucky that I was even here to see
Haley always wore a smile
Til she got home, crack a new bottle for herself
she writes better with a buzz
Couple of hours later she’ll throw up hits
Her ideas ideas spread all over the floor
Suits mop it up and take what they want
Ignoring how she even got there
When she wakes up in blurry haze
In a new city and a new place
Where she can do it all again
The fury(fire) and the light from your path had to go to waste
Lucky I was even here to see
People like you they just live too fast
The legends in our lives were never meant to last
Maybe she ain’t built to last
But she left a mark on all she passed
Something so rare and beautiful
Like a comet, a sight you can’t hold
So this song is a bit different from the others. I wanted to write a song about the creative geniuses that shook the earth with their art - Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Avicii, Chester Bennington, Mac Miller, Chris Cornell. We only get to experience them once or twice in a lifetime, just like Halleys Comet.
Merch - https://unlikepluto.merchtable.com/
Haley was a special girl
Writer like Kurt, style like Amy, it’s her world
Burning brighter than the sun
But it ain’t long before she burns up
What can I say
yeah she lived too much
In her last days
She was always drunk, trying to hide from all the light
Did to much yae
And she lost her mind
(But) when the lights fade
And her skin turns ice, she never thought it’d take her life
The fury and the light from your path had to go to waste
Lucky that I was even here to see
Haley always wore a smile
Til she got home, crack a new bottle for herself
she writes better with a buzz
Couple of hours later she’ll throw up hits
Her ideas ideas spread all over the floor
Suits mop it up and take what they want
Ignoring how she even got there
When she wakes up in blurry haze
In a new city and a new place
Where she can do it all again
The fury(fire) and the light from your path had to go to waste
Lucky I was even here to see
People like you they just live too fast
The legends in our lives were never meant to last
Maybe she ain’t built to last
But she left a mark on all she passed
Something so rare and beautiful
Like a comet, a sight you can’t hold
- published: 06 Feb 2019
- views: 152905