A 1938 truss bridge, the structure carries the eponymous Mill Bridge Road between the two boroughs. However, it is not the main access route in the area; rather it was designed for industrial purposes, as it connects central Leechburg with the Allegheny Technologies Ludlum Plant, which has long been a fixture in the area. In 1992, the bridge was rehabilitated.
At 1.8 mills, the levy would collect around $20 per $100,000 of appraised property value ...Springfield Township will have a five-year, 2-mill renewal for general construction, reconstruction, resurfacing and repair of streets, roads, and bridges.
Coshocton County Job and Family Services is seeking a renewal of a 1-mill property tax levy first passed by voters in 1990 to support children's services ...New Castle Township is seeking a 2-mill new levy for road and bridge work for five years.
JanetMills, LePage’s Democratic successor ... It fell to Mills to institute expansion. Maine now has one of the most robust federal-state Medicaid partnerships, bridging coverage gaps and dramatically lowering the number uninsured ... Yet damage was done.
But that assumes a worst-case scenario — that is, the entire 10% increase in tariffs is passed on to consumers, said Jeffrey Otteau, managing partner and chief economist for the Otteau Group, a real estate consultant in Old Bridge.
Work includes resurfacing, putting a new layer of asphalt over an existing road; “milling,” or grinding down a layer of asphalt, and then resurfacing it; and bridge replacements ... pavingThe bridge on S.
Shreve, five-year additional 7.3-mill levy that would collect $173,000 annually to fund police salaries. Sugar Creek Township, four-year renewal of a 2-mill levy that collects $200,000 annually for road and bridge maintenance.
The bus gate at MillRoad bridge in Cambridge prohibits most motor vehicles except buses, the emergency services, taxis and blue badge holders' registered vehicles.
Videos show Blackiston MillBridge's damage after partial dam collapse. The Blackiston Mill Bridge, which connects New Albany and Clarksville, was shut down after a partial dam collapse.
Darlene Strickland envisioned the wall as part of the property’s Pathway of Peace, a spiritual landscaping plan for Unity’s 10 acres of forest and green space in MillsRiver.