Penny Dreadful, Season 3 Ep. 5 – “This World Is Our Hell” Review

Edit The Examiner 29 May 2016
Air Date ... I have a theory. If you put together all the pieces from seasons one and two regarding the Egyptian god and goddess Amun-Ra and Amunet, they point to how the two are to be “conjoined.” Could Ethan and Vanessa be the reincarnated versions of Amun-Ra and Amunet? Vanessa has been referred to as “the mother of evil,” and she showed both Lucifer and Dracula in last week’s “A Blade of Grass” what she’s capable of ... I digress ... Overall....

Penny Dreadful, Season 3 Ep. 4 – “A Blade of Grass” Review.

Edit The Examiner 22 May 2016
Penny Dreadful, Season 3, Episode 4 – “A Blade of GrassReview. Air Date. Sunday, May 22, 2016, 10PM E/P on Showtime. Throughout “A Blade of Grass,” the only three characters we see are Vanessa (Eva Green), Dr ... Dr ... “The treatments only get worse.” ... Give yourself to me freely, be what you are and always were.” I am reminded of what Ferdinand Lyle (Simon Russell Beale) revealed in season one “Resurrection” about the ancient Goddess Amunet ... ....

Europe Scoreboard: Oct. 17, 2015

Edit Stars and Stripes 17 Oct 2015
High school Cross country. Saturday at Lakenheath. Boys. SHAPE 29, Lakenheath 40, ISB 66, Alconbury 176. 1. Austin Burt (Lake) 17 minutes, 45 seconds; 2. Tobias Muxfeldt (SH) 17.58; 3. Wesley Phelan (SH) 18.03; 4. Pepijn Fraai (ISB) 18.34; 5. Brent Aamodt (Lake) 18.50; 6. Will Kyle (SH) 18.53; 7. M. Van der Stad (ISB) 18.55; 8. Thorben Muxfeldt (SH) 18.56; 9. Landry Clark (Lake) 18.57; 10. Zac Simmons (SH) 19.24. Girls ... 1 ... Boys ... Amunet Reese-Smith 8-0....

Europe Scoreboard: Oct. 3, 2015

Edit Stars and Stripes 03 Oct 2015
High school Volleyball. Girls. AFNORTH defeated Brussels 8-25, 25-7, 15-25, 25-18, 15-10. Saturday at Brussels ... Baumholder def. Kaiserslautern 25-14, 25-17, 25-10. Saturday at Baumholder. Stuttgart def. Hohenfels 25-5, 25-3, 25-7. Saturday at Stuttgart. Noteworthy – Angel England had 4 kills, Amelia Heath had 3 kills and Milly Comas-Ramos had 4 assists for Hohenfels. Hohenfels def ... Stuttgart def ... Amunet Reese-Smith 8-0; Ellie Ward won by forfeit....

Exploring the Egyptian pantheon: The goddess Amunet and wife of Amon

Edit The Examiner 26 Jan 2015
Amunet is the consort of the Egyptian god Amon ... In some stories, Amunet is the consort and wife of Amon ... Finally, Amunet was often merged with other goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon ... The same authors suggest the Theban triad consisted of the deities Mut, Amon and Amunet. As per information on The Obscure Goddess Online Directory, Amunet is the goddess of wind and air ... Amunet, Consort of Amun or Amun-Re Aliases....

Have you been watching … Penny Dreadful

Edit The Guardian 17 Jun 2014
Originality is hardly its strong suit, but that's almost the pointPenny Dreadful's elaborate gothic-horror pageant pushes deliberately familiar buttons in gleefully schlocky but often genuinely scary ways. Basically, it's a lot of fun ... And it succeeds ... Also, what will kill Billie Piper's Brona first – consumption or Chandler-wolfman? Will Frankenstein's monster get the bride he craves? Will Amunet and Amun-Ra catch up with Vanessa? ... ....