
mute books

Plants, Androids and Operators - A Post-Media Handbook

By mute 4 February 2015

Print 978-1-906496-96-8 eBook 978-1-906496-97-5 Published 2014 by Mute Books Download the PDF for free Buy online at Amazon UK £14 and ...

mute books

Organisation of the Organisationless: The Question of Organisation After Networks

By mute 20 May 2014

Organisation of the Organisationless: Collective Action After Networks

By Rodrigo Nunes

mute books

Digital Solidarity

By admin 20 December 2013

Digital Solidarity By Felix Stalder Series editors: Clemens Apprich, Josephine Berry Slater, Anthony Iles & Oliver Lerone Schultz Publish...

mute books

Provocative Alloys: A Post-Media Anthology

By admin 20 December 2013

Provocative Alloys: A Post-Media Anthology Edited by Clemens Apprich, Josephine Berry Slater, Anthony Iles and Oliver Lerone Schultz Published i...

mute books

The Human Strike Has Already Begun & Other Essays

By admin 20 December 2013

Human Strike Has Already Begun & Other Writings By Claire Fontaine Published in Association with Post-Media Lab Books Buy on Amazon ...

mute books

TheKnowledge - peer learning for digital strategy in culture

By admin 20 March 2012

It is the knowledge of the use of digital tools in a cultural context from its practitioners that we have called peer learning. Building on the experi...

mute books

Anomie/ Bonhomie & Other Writings

By mute 30 November 2011

In this collection of writings, Howard Slater improvises around what Walter Benjamin could have meant by the phrase 'affective classes'. Rather than b...

mute books

Agit Disco

By mute 30 November 2011

Agit Disco collects the playlists of its 23 writers to tell the story of how music has politically influenced and inspired them. The book provides a multi-genre survey of political musics, from a wide range of viewpoints, that goes beyond protest songs into the darker hinterlands of musical meaning.

