Showing posts with label peacock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peacock. Show all posts

City Councillors finally talk about Union Terrace Gardens

After months of spouting nonsense that they were somehow legally barred from telling people their views re City Square/Peacock/Union Terrace Gardens, a few have now decided to speak.

I don't think Cllr John Corall puts up a solid defence of voting in favour of City Square - but at least he was willing to be filmed. Do you think he knows what he is talking about?

Watch this video.

He starts by telling us that people do not know what is proposed ... and that he doesn't either ...

Sir, it's in your ward. Don't you think you should take an interest?

Which bit of "No" don't you understand

ASCEF's Chairman Tom Smith thinks that a 55%/44% vote against the City Square proposals is unclear - and therefore that the City Square proposals should go to a next stage - an international competition to design Ian Wood's dystopia. That 55%/44% votes goes up to 63% to 37% if the numbers on the two online petitions are included. 55% is clear. 67% is very clear.

Just which bit of No doesn't Tom Smith understand.

People very clealy wanted a green space and the arts centre. When asked what they would like to see in the City Square project the answers were

1. Formal gardens 3071
2. Contemporary arts centre 1968
3. A cultural centre for the performing an visual arts 1734
4. A meeting space 1732

The Northern Lights Arts Centre that Peacock are spearheading deliver these top four.

Let's just get on with it.

If Sir Ian Wood wants to help the City, then I'd suggest he focus his efforts into moving local industry faster to the renewables sector. As he has pointed out, we need to do this soon if Aberdeen is to become a world class centre for off shore renewables.

I think he is a better businessman than he is a town planner.

I don't know when ASCEF next meets - their website is very coy about this.  But Aberdeen City Council will apparently discuss the issue on 19th May.  I suggest that people contact City councillors to ensure that the clear view of the public is fully taken into account.

No should mean No.

Unions Terrace Gardens v Peacock

Architecture and Design Scotland have now commented on the proposals.

I think it fair to say that they were not impressed.

I started to pick out some choice quotes .... but it was most of the document so I recommend you read the whole thing.

We are nearing the end of the City Square Consultation.  I have seen nothing to change my mind from when I first posted on this topic.

The CitySquare, ASCEF, Ian Wood camp sound increasing strident and unrealistic.  Getting a Guggenheim is the cherry on the top of culture led regeneration - not the start.  For example, Dundee getting a V&A outpost builds on Dundee Rep, DCA, Scottish Dance Theatre - and we have - well what?  The best arts organisation we have is Peacock ... and we are putting their future at risk if we go with CitySquare.

A peacock in the hand is worth a hundred times more than 490 car parking spaces in the bush.  And there are ways forward from Peacock that open up the gardens and link them with e.g. Belmont Street.  The compromise solutions have clearly be laid out by Peacock and their brilliant and hugely committed architect Edgar Gonzalez. 

Why won't Ian Wood add his money to the funds Peacock already have and make UTG brilliant.  

Make your voice heard!