Karl Marx & Jenny- 'Love Theme' from Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet
Daniela Ripetti Pacchini : "
Karl Marx &
Jenny von Westphalen"(ENG-ITA).
MUSIC : Pyotr IlychTchaikovsky's
Romeo and Juliet,
Love Theme.
Overture *.
Conductor Leonard Bernstein and the
New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
Excerpts from Karl Marx's
Love letters and Poems to
Jenny (his wife). ( Eng.-Ita).
FILM sequences and frames from the short film " Visita a casa
Marx " ( At home with Karl Marx ) by
William Azzella & Ugo
Leonzio. (
Italian Television RAI 2,
In the opening sequence of my video Jenny (Daniela Ripetti) and two daughters of the couple enter the room where
Karl (Cosimo Cinieri) is working.
The children run towards their father and ask him to play the game of fox-hunting. Marx agrees willingly and Jenny leaves the room. Jenny addressing his husband calls him "
Moor" (
Mohr), a nickname due to his black complexion and a name he adopted among friends. Moreover, Marx compared himself to the
Moor of Venice to express his passionate love for Jenny "
I love you more than the Moor of Venice ever loved
.." (
Letter to Jenny.
Manchester, 21 June 1856).
As Eleonor Marx ( one of the daughters of the couple) says "Karl was a young man of seventeen when he became engaged to Jenny. For them, the path of true love was not a smooth one
...On 19 June 1843 they were wedded..and went hand in hand through the battle of life.
And what a battle!
Years of bitter pressing need and, still worse, years of brutal suspicion, infamous calumny and icy indifference. But through all that,.. the two lifelong friends and lovers never faltered, never doubted: they were faithful unto death. And death has not separated them...
Marx not only loved his wife, he was in love with her.."
In one of his early poems to Jenny, the famous philosopher, economist, sociologist, historian, and revolutionary Karl writes :
"To me, no
Fame terrestrial/ that travels far through land and nation/ to hold them thrillingly in thrall/ With is far-flung reverberation/ Is worth your eyes, when shining full, your heart, when warms with exultation..." And again :
"..But love, not love for the Feurebach type of man, not for the Moleschott's transmutation, not for the proletariat, but love for the beloved and particularly for you Jenny, makes a man a man.. I feel
I am a man in a full sense of the word, for I am consumed by an enormous passion..In your arms I am buried, with your kisses I rise up again.
And I pay a tribute to Brahmanos & to
Pitagora for their teachings on
Rebirth and to
Christianity for those on
Marx's early poems were very naïve, and he himself was very critical of their literary qualities, but he believed they conveyed his warm and deep feelings.
IMAGES : All the pictures of nature, included in this video, are by Ariel-Astra
Banwell ("note di sera"). A few other images are from the web, the pictures of Karl Marx, Jenny von Westphalen,
Friedrich Engels, Marx's daughters, "
The Communist Manifesto (
1984) and "
Das Kapital" (1867-1894) are from
Wikipedia Creative Commons. All rights belong to their owners.
* Although styled an 'Overture-Fantasy' by the composer, the overall design of this orchestral work, is a symphonic poem in sonata form with an introduction and an epilogue.
Daniela Ripetti-Pacchini, skindapsos, ilvelobarocco.
ITA. '
Carlo Marx e Jenny von Westphalen' :
Lettera d'amore.
Romeo e
Giulietta ( Love Theme) di
Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij (Overture). Leonard Bernstein e la New York Philharmonic Orchestra.
SEQUENZE FILMICHE e fotogrammi tratti dal cortometraggio "Visita a casa Marx" di William Azzella e Ugo Leonzio (RAI 2, 1982). Karl Marx è interpretato da Cosimo Cinieri, Jenny von Westphalen da Daniela Ripetti (Pacchini).
TESTI : Stralci da una lettera e da una poesia d'amore, scritte da Carlo Marx per sua moglie Jenny. La lettera citata nel video, fu scritta da Marx ,che si trovava a Manchester, il 21 Giugno 1856.
" Mia piccola cara, Ti scrivo nuovamente perché sono solo e perché sono tormentato dal fatto di dsialogare di continuo con te nella mia testa, senza che tu ne sappia niente, senza che tu mi possa capire e rispondere.
Per quanto mal riuscito sia il tuo ritratto, mi è di grande aiuto e io capisco adesso come le 'Madonne nere', le raffigurazioni di pessimo gusto della Madre di Dio, possano trovare degli adoratori imperturbabili ed anzi più adoratori di quanti ne trovino i buoni ritratti. In ogni caso, non c'è nessuna di queste nere immagini di
Madonna che sia stata più sommersa di baci, alla quale siano stati fatti così tanti occhi dolci, che sia stata adorata quanto la tua fotografia, che non è nera, ma mal fatta, e che non riproduce il tuo viso così dolce, fatto per essere baciato. Ma io miglioro i raggi del sole che hanno dato di te un'immagine falsa e trovo che i miei occhi, abituati alla luce di lampada e al fumo, sono capaci, malgrado tutto, di creare un immagine di te non solo in sogno..."