- published: 24 Dec 2016
- views: 18780
Norsemen refers to the group of people who spoke what is now called the Old Norse language between the 8th and 11th centuries. The language belongs to the North Germanic branch of the Indo-European languages, and is the earlier form of modern Scandinavian languages.
Norseman means "man from the North" and applied primarily to Old Norse-speaking tribes living in southern and central Scandinavia. In history, "Norse" or "Norseman" could be any person from Scandinavia, even though Norway, Denmark and Sweden were different sets of people by the Middle Ages. "The Norse" refers to the West Norse, meaning mainly Norwegians when reading about settlements in and colonization of America, Normandy, Iceland, Greenland, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Shetland, Orkney, the Hebrides, the Faroe Islands and Mann. Other historical mentionings of "The Norse" refer to the East Norse, meaning mainly Danes and Swedes, for instance, Cnut's Empire and Swedes adventures East. The Norse Scandinavians established states and settlements in England, Scotland, Iceland, Wales, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Ireland, Russia, Greenland, France, Belgium, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, and America as well as southern Italy.
The Birth may refer to:
The hymn of Northmen. John Neeman Tools becomes a guild.
The Birth Of A Dugout Canoe by Northmen
Northmen Guild's Code of Ethics
The Last Stone Splitters
The story about John Neeman Tools
The Birth Of A Wooden House
Leather craft. Making a leather belt by John Neeman Tools
The Birth Of A Wooden House. Extended
From January 2017 John Neeman Tools becomes a guild of northern master craftsmen - "Northmen". Uniting best northern european bladesmiths, carpenters, woodworkers, tool makers, wood carvers, bowyers, leather workers, watch makers and silversmiths on one platform - northmen.com. Revive the guild!
This is a documentary movie uncovering the difficult and time consuming process of making traditional expanded dugout canoe using mostly traditional hand tools and techniques. The master woodworker in this movie is Richard (Rihards Vidzickis) - an experienced green wood worker, wood sculptor and dugout canoe maker. Richard’s passion to green wood and solid wood creations has grown together with him since his childhood days. Richard’s father is also a wood worker and carpenter and has led his son into the beautiful world of working with wood. Richard has gone through all the traditional steps of becoming a master woodworker - starting from an apprentice, then journeyman and then receiving his Master degree in Latvian chamber of crafts. Richard’s passion to wood is not only sculpturing and...
Northmen guild's code of ethics Love what you do Do what you love Begin where you are Use what you have Do what you can Honour the elders Teach the young Protect and love your family Keep your craft and your skills strong Learn from your own mistakes, not only from others Look for the log in your own eye - not the splinter in your brothers Be loyal to your friends Voice your opinion Stand your ground Trust your brothers Work hard, stay humble Focus on the detail Be brave Be calm Be patient Wake up early Temper your body Live in nature Walk in the woods Climb the mountains Find time to be alone Hunt when you need food Rest when you can Work when you must Always leave your mark Take charge when others show weakness Have more, spend less More time, less convenience Craft, not business Value...
4 Δεκεμβρίου στα Village Cinemas Οι Northmen, μια συμμορία Βίκινγκ επιδρομέων με επικεφαλής τον νεαρό Άσμπιορν, κατευθύνονται προς τα παράλια της Βρετανίας με σκοπό να λεηλατήσουν τα αποθέματα χρυσού του Λίντισφαρν. Λίγα μίλια έξω από τη Σκωτία όμως, εγκλωβίζονται σε μια απειλητική καταιγίδα, με αποτέλεσμα το πλοίο τους να συντριβεί πάνω σε φονικά βράχια. Έχοντας πλέον παγιδευτεί για τα καλά σε εχθρικό έδαφος, οι ναυαγοί βλέπουν ως τη μόνη ελπίδα διάσωσής τους το οχυρό των Βίκινγκ, Ντάνελαγκ. Με τον αινιγματικό Κονάλ στο πλάι τους, έναν μυστηριώδη μοναχό που τους δείχνει τον δρόμο με το σπαθί του, οι Northmen διασχίζουν θριαμβευτικά το εχθρικό έδαφος, αφήνοντας πίσω τους συντρίμμια και θύματα. Όταν όμως ο Βασιλιάς της Σκωτίας στείλει την πιο άγρια ομάδα μισθοφόρων, το περίφημο Wolf Pack,...
70 years old man and his son splitting stone (granite) for our new workshop foundations. They are the last know stone splitters in our region. People should support their local economy and local community. They can do this by gathering local natural building materials (such as stone, clay, wood, lime, sand). They can do this by hiring local craftsmen (meaning supporting their families) to split the rocks, carpenters to build the log walls and roofers to put the slate or shingle roof on. They should do this instead of buying imported man made building materials in a store, paying unknown corporations and companies and hiring expensive construction company workers to put all this crap together. That is why we have crisis in our economy, because we have a crisis in our narrow minded minds ...
About three years ago - I (carpenter Jacob) asked a local village bladesmith Chris to make 3 timber framing tools (2 framing chisels and a slick) for my timber framed homestead project. Chris made the blades, I made the handles. After seeing the result of both our work I had an idea about creating hand crafted hand tools and sharing them with the world. At this time bladesmith Chris had to complete his own projects, so I found a young man named Janis in a nearby village who had recently begun his profession in blacksmithing. He showed me some of his pocket knife making experiments. I asked him to make 2 simple steel rings to protect my chisel handles from breaking. Afterwards I asked him to try out his hand in making replicas of chisels made by Chris. After much trail and error he show...
This is a documentary movie uncovering the process of building a wooden house with hand tools from local materials starting from forest till the living space. I built my house from trees that I felled with an axe and two man crosscut saw in my own forest. I did it following the research of old carpenter's calendar that coniferous trees should be felled in January's first days when the new moon rises and the deciduous trees should be felled in the winter time during the old moon. In winter time trees are sleeping and the juice and moisture content is very low in them. As time passes timber felled in winter becomes light and strong. In the building process I used mostly traditional carpenters hand tools - axes, hand saws, timber framing chisels and slicks, old Stanley planes, augers, draw...
NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA - AB 9. OKTOBER IM KINO 873 nach Christus: Vom eigenen König verbannt, nimmt eine Horde furchtloser Wikinger Kurs auf Britannien. Ihr Ziel: das Kloster Lindisfarne mit seinen Goldschätzen, die sie unter ihrem draufgängerischen Anführer Asbjörn (Tom Hopper) plündern wollen, um sich vom auferlegten Bann freizukaufen. Von einem schweren Sturm überrascht, zerschellt ihr Drachenboot jedoch an den Felsen vor der schottischen Küste. Gestrandet auf feindlichem Gebiet, ist ihre einzige Chance, sich in das Danelag, eine entfernt gelegene Wikingersiedlung zu retten. Auf ihrem beschwerlichen Weg durch die Highlands bringen die Krieger Lady Inghean (Charlie Murphy), die mutige Tochter des schottischen Königs Dunchaid (Danny Keogh), in ihre Gewalt. Die Verbannten wittern ihre C...
We unexpectedly found missing footage of two more scenes from the building process - moss collection in the local swamp and finishing of the frame. So we decided to make another version - extended edition (2 mins longer) to add those scenes to the movie and share them with you all. This is a documentary movie uncovering the process of building a wooden house with mostly hand tools from (as much as possible) local natural materials starting from forest till the living space. "I built my house from trees that I felled in winter time (-20C) with an axe and two man crosscut saw in my own forest. I did it following the research of old carpenter's calendar that coniferous trees should be felled in January's first days when the new moon rises and the deciduous trees should be felled in the wint...