CBS Open Journals

Ejournals on this site are presented in collaboration with Copenhagen Business School Library.

Nyhedsbrevet om Forbrugeradfærd

Nyhedsbrevet om Forbrugeradfærd er en halvårlig forskningsbaseret publikation, som distribueres til en bred kreds af forskere, virksomheder, studerende og pressen. Nyhedsbrevet formidler forskningen i forbrugeradfærd ved Institut for Afsætningsøkonomi, CBS, og stiller skarpt på de nyeste tendenser inden for dette område.

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Public Governance Research

Public Governance Research er en fagfællebedømt akademisk tidsskriftserie, der formidler forskning med relevans for ledelse af den offentlige sektor. Centrale temaer er strategisk ledelse i et governance perspektiv, offentlig styring, ledelse af reform og forandring, kommunikation og ledelse, strategisk HRM i det moderne arbejdsliv og personligt lederskab.

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Quarterly Economic Brief

Quarterly Economic Brief is a regular update on major macroeconomic developments in China. Its aim is to provide academics, business leaders and policy makers with a comprehensive and concise analysis of the most important economic developments and policy changes.

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American Studies in Scandinavia

American Studies in Scandinavia, the journal of the Nordic Association for American Studies since 1968, is published twice each year, and carries scholarly articles and reviews on a wide range of American Studies topics and disciplines

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The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies

The Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies (CJAS) is a refereed academic journal. It focuses on the economic, political, managerial and socio-cultural transformations of contemporary Asia.

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Dansk Sociologi

Dansk Sociologi publicerer originalartikler, oversigtsartikler (”reviews”), boganmeldelser, essays, faglige kommentarer og debatindlæg, der har sociologisk relevans.

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Foucault Studies

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Journal of Business Anthropology

The Journal of Business Anthropology is an Open Access journal which publishes the results of anthropological and related research in business organizations and business situations of all kinds. This website is the home of JBA, and here you will find the Published Issues as well as Reviews of literature relevant to the field. The journal also publishes Field Reports and Case Studies as they are submitted. Please refer to the relevant sections for updates.


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Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi

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LSP and professional communication (2001-2008)

– an international, peer reviewed journal.
All issues published 2001-2008 are listed under "Archives" (with open access to all the articles)

ISSN 1601-1929

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LSP Journal - Language for special purposes, professional communication, knowledge management and cognition

The LSP Journal - Language for special purposes, professional communication, knowledge management and cognition focuses on interlinking research across these areas. The areas of research are of vital importance to the development, exchange and acceptance of new ideas and products in scientific domains as well as in trade and public services at national and international levels. The scope of the LSP Journal is to give researchers a peer-reviewed international forum for exchanges of new insights into theoretical and practical approaches in the areas of research. Operational and innovative methods and practices of relevance to creation and distribution of knowledge in intra- and interlingual environments are primary focal points.


In the beginning of 2016 we unfortunately cannot give you a timing for when it will be open for submissions again and when a new scope will be defined.

We thus advice you not to submit papers until furher notice.

ISSN 1904-4135   |  Indexed in: ERIH, MLA, CSA, NSD and soon in EHIS.

NB: This journal replaces the former 'LSP and Professional Communication' (2001-2008), ISSN 1601-1929

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Revy udgives af Danske Fag-, Forsknings- og Uddannelsesbiblioteker. Tidsskriftet udkommer fire gange årligt i et oplag på 2000 eksemplarer og er Nordens største på sit område. Indholdet spænder fra biblioteksfaglige artikler til debat og nyhedsinformation på fag- og forskningsbiblioteksområdet. Bladet bringer desuden foreningsinformation til medlemmerne og informerer om møder, konferencer og kurser.

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