

Cover Page

Number 20: December 2015: Civil Society

Cover art: "Ihmisen poika" (The Son of Man) © Sampsa Sarparanta, 2009.

Miikka Pyykkönen about the cover art: Painter and punk rock musician Sampsa Sarparanta has been one of the figures in the alternative movements scene in Finland for some time. His music and paintings touch upon the topics of this special issue on civil society – especially the question of the possibility of resistance in today’s world.

Cover Page

Number 19: June 2015: Disability

Cover art: © Judith Scott, Untitled, 2004. Courtesy of Creative Growth Art Center.

Shelley Tremain writes about the cover art: The background of the photo is black. The artwork in the photo is a sculpture comprised of a bright blue wooden chair with four legs and a back, some parts of which are wrapped in fabric and wool of assorted colours. Various items, including an upturned basket on the seat of the chair and a white wheel rim that sits upright against the back of the chair, are tied to the chair with criss-crossing and overlapping strands of multicoloured fabric, wool, string, and paper. The sculpture was created by Judith Scott, a fiber artist who died in 2005, at the age of 61. Scott, who was deaf and had Down Syndrome, was institutionalized from age seven until her early forties and began to produce her amazing sculptures and other art only after her twin sister removed her from the institution and introduced her to Creative Growth, a centre for disabled artists located in Oakland, CA. From December 2014-March 2015, the Brooklyn Museum held a retrospective of Scott's work. A review of that retrospective show with a slide show of some of Scott's work appeared in The New York Times:


Foucault Studies, Number 18: October 2014: Ethnographies of Neoliberal Governmentalities

Number 18: October 2014: Ethnographies of Neoliberal Governmentalities

The cover image was produced by Astra Howard, an Action Researcher/Performer currently living in Sydney Australia. Spanning more than a decade, her work has sought to elicit and document marginalised, or overlooked, experiences and discourses of the city. The specific image I have chosen is part of a series entitled 'Kings Cross the Whisper.' This series displays selections from a poem about the Kings Cross area that was written by a local socially marginalised man. The image alludes to forgotten histories and marginalization in an increasingly homogenised and gentrified part of Sydney.


Cover Page

Number 16: September 2013: Foucault and Feminism

Aernout Mik, Schoolyard, 2009, 2 screen video installation, Courtesy carlier | gebauer, Photograph: Florian Braun

Cover Page

Number 15: February 2013: Foucault and Religion

The image is entitled "Red Grunge 5" and is used with courtesy of who holds the copyright


Cover Page

Number 14: September 2012: Foucault and Queer Theory

Elmgreen & Dragset, Bull’s Eye, dartboard and dart, 2008 Courtesy: Galleri Nicolai Wallner Photo by: Kjersti Berg
Cover Page

Number 13: May 2012: Foucault and Accounting

Paul Glabicki, Accounting for… #44, 2010 (detail). Courtesy of Kim Foster Gallery, New York. The Accounting for… drawing series began with a Japanese accounting ledger book from the 1930s that the artist acquired some years ago. The drawing series continues the ritual of the ledger, transcribing each page as a foundation and underlying structure for addition of new information – a personal “accounting” of daily experience and incoming data.


Cover Page

Number 10: November 2010: Foucault and Agamben

Lee Perillo, Everything he had ever wanted, or ever wanted to be, installation, 2009.
Cover Page

Number 9, September 2010

This picture has been taken by Alain Beaulieu in winter 2010 near the town of Espanola (Ontario, Canada). Special thanks to Heidy Llanes for the framing!
Cover Page

Number 8, February 2010

The cover image features a video still from a piece titled “Mommy”, by New York-based artist Sophia Peer. Her work can be viewed at


Cover Page

Number 7, September 2009

Photo: Torben Sangild Layout: Christa Puch Nielsen
Cover Page

Number 6, February 2009: Neoliberal Governmentality

Eirik Johnson, "Untitled (posts)", 2004. From the project BORDERLANDS. Eirik Johnson is a Boston-based photographer and assistant professor at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. His upcoming book SAWDUST MOUNTAIN will be published by Aperture in May 2009. For more info please visit


Cover Page

Number 5, January 2008

The Cover is from a photograph taken by Elie Kagan on the 17th of January, 1972. Foucault is answering questions posed by journalists in front of the Ministry of Justice (Place Vendôme, Paris). It takes place during an intervention of the GIP (Groupe d'information sur les prisons). © "Fonds Elie Kagan/BDIC-MHC".

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