Mar 25 2016

‘A Broadcasting Operation Washes the Hand of the Owning Corporation’

CounterSpin interview with Ben Bagdikian on media monopoly

Ben Bagdikian (image: InvestigatingPower)

“Increasingly we’re trapped, because those who can tell us what’s going on have a stake in not telling us what’s going on, or what its consequences may be.”

Mar 25 2016

‘You Wouldn’t Use It for a Purely Humanitarian Drop’

A US C-17 dropping food over Haiti (photo: James L. Harper Jr./USAF)

The same US military that routinely assures us of the pinpoint accuracy of its cruise missiles, each of which cost $1.4 million, says it simply can’t afford to drop food within a mile of its target.

Mar 25 2016

Aviva Chomsky on Obama in Cuba, Mark Weisbrot on Argentina’s Right Turn

New York Post image of Obama in Cuba

We talk about what would really need to change to “normalize” US/Cuba relations. And in Argentina, a thrilled press corps tells us a new day is dawning with the election of “former businessman” Mauricio Mauri.

Mar 23 2016

‘Who’s Developing What for Who?’

CounterSpin interview with Tom Tresser on why we are not broke

Tom Tresser (image: Chicago Tonight)

“We need to be very much present in all these dialogues about where our money is being spent and what kind of city we wish to live in, what kind of country we wish to live in.”

Mar 23 2016

NYPD’s Arrests of Citizen Journalists Should Spark Outrage

Copwatching activist Daniel Flores is arrested (on traffic island) at a protest in The Bronx. (image: AshAgony)

Last week, New York City police officers arrested four well-known activists for filming them. Copwatchers—people who regularly film and document police activity—have often been targeted by cops who don’t want to be recorded, despite reminders that recording police interactions is legal in the city. While legal protections for filming police are still unclear in some parts of the country, the invaluable role that copwatchers play as journalists—acting as the eyes, ears and media of the streets—deserves to be recognized. Much was made in the media about the 2014 arrests of the Huffington Post‘s Ryan Reilly and the Washington Post‘s Wesley […]

Mar 23 2016

Brussels Bombings Destroy Fiction That All Terrorism Deaths Count as Equal

Independent: Mourners outside an Ankara morgue

If terrorists had set out to conduct a controlled experiment on how the US media covers mass deaths overseas, they couldn’t have planned it any better than to have the Ankara bombing followed by the Brussels attack.

Mar 22 2016

With Obama in Cuba, Pro-Torture Pundits Suddenly Concerned With Human Rights

Fox News: Obama Visits Cuba

While American human-rights hypocrisy is nothing new, a string of Bush-era, pro-torture, pro-Guantánamo pundits expressing indignation at Cuba’s human rights failings was still remarkable.

Mar 22 2016

Newsweek Says Not to Worry About Trump, Who Would ‘End Up Like Jimmy Carter’

Newsweek depicts Donald Trump (photo: Jabin Botsford/Washington Post/Getty

People who worry about a Trump presidency just don’t understand how Washington works, according to Newsweek’s Matthew Cooper. But it’s Cooper who doesn’t know how Washington works—or is pretending not to.