
Letters to the editor


Old doesn't mean unable to decide

9:00 PM   As someone who is approaching my 80th birthday, and suffering from an incurable debilitating disease, I commend the article by Avril Moore ("Kids, don't hide us away when our end is nigh," March 25).

PM has wrong message on terror in Europe

SMH letters dinkus

Ah, how easy it is to criticise the shortcomings of European terrorism security from his leafy Point Piper enclave.


Australia vulnerable to IS terrorisr attacks

SMH letters dinkus

Yet again we have seen a bombing of innocent people by Islamic State. And yes, it could happen here. The common factors in every country that has suffered terrorist attacks from within are high youth unemployment and a rise of the right-wing political ideologies.


Reaction to 'ambush' divorced from reality

SMH letters dinkus

According to Mark Kenny, "The stunning tactical ambush ... caught the entire political establishment off-guard on Monday" ("Turnbull's ambush", March 22).


Turnbull must let the Senate serve its term

SMH letters dinkus

The constitution is being called upon to grant the wishes of a Coalition government, which has been floundering. The polls have spoken, so it is time.

Senate changes spell doom for review

SMH letters dinkus

hed: Senate changes spell doom for review

Oliver's advocacy must be heeded

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver

Taxing sugar s an idea whose day should have come 50 years ago.

Forcing students to take maths is the wrong answer

SMH letters dinkus

Kate Aubusson indicates that general mathematics has given maths students in the 2013 HSC "a scaling advantage" over, I presume, students taking the more challenging mathematics course.

20 March

Bad airport plan

One of the Badgerys Creek funding options under consideration last year was an extra levy on domestic and international ...

The Baird government is going against the will of many Australians in proposing a Chinese company runs the Badgery Creek rail line.


Own agendas put before national interest

SMH letters dinkus

It is impressive how quickly these despised senators have grown into the job, not only in the tricky manoeuvres but in performing their roles more generally.


I'm a mother and Levine's got it wrong

SMH letters dinkus

As both an ordinary member of the community and a mother, I am appalled that David Levine has such a low opinion of me  ("'Doing what any mother would do': Levine tells inquiry",March 15). I did my best to raise my sons to be honest. Were they in trouble with the law, I would not be advising them on ways to avoid being charged.. 


Opponents of plebiscite intent on derailing vote

SMH letters dinkus

Like traffic volume predictions that were used to justify the Cross City Tunnel, we seem always to be able to drum up "reputable" analyses that happen to support our views ("'A massive waste of time and money"', March 14).  A national plebiscite on same sex marriage will cost half a billion dollars!  It looks like  opponents of a plebiscite have a very serious interest in seeing that the nation does not get to vote on the matter.


Perhaps Tony Windsor was right after all

SMH letters dinkus

In his considered report on Tony Windsor's intention to nominate against the Deputy Prime Minister in his New England seat in the forthcoming federal election, Mark Kenny reminded readers that Windsor, the former independent member for that seat, has been famously "vilified in conservative circles for his parliamentary support of the Gillard minority government" ("Joyce may be tied in Windsor knot", Herald, March 12-13).

Comments 3

March 13

Celibacy not the issue in abuse cases

SMH letters dinkus

Priests' celibacy in not a principal cause of attacks on children or everyone who had not had sex for years would be suspect.


Population growth a roadblock

SMH letters dinkus

Recent articles on traffic congestion and increased road travel times in Sydney have one thing in common: they fail to mention high population growth as the fundamental cause.

Comments 1


How to manage the next Sydney gridlock

SMH letters dinkus

Traffic delays after an accident anywhere in the state should have nothing to do with how long it takes crash investigators to arrive ("The real reason Sydney ground to a halt", March 10). The first police officers to arrive should be trained to take the necessary photographs and details of the crash that the investigators require. If need be, the investigators can visit the scene later. Minimally interrupted traffic flow, not pernickety legal concerns should be the priority. And the cost saving would be enormous.


Climate change debate call beggars belief

SMH letters dinkus

It beggars belief that NSW Liberals want an inquiry into whether climate science is settled or not ("NSW Liberals call for national debates on climate change science," March 9). Even the CEO of CSIRO Larry Marshall said the science was settled as he announced cuts to climate research.  


We need a royal commission into banks

SMH letters dinkus

Australian parliaments have a good record in setting up Royal Commissions. What will it take to call one into the behaviour of our banks? They generate more than $35 billion of profits a year, seemingly on the back of worsening behaviour. We have structural issues around mortgages, life insurance, financial planners and even allegedly rigging interest rates. It's time for some bi-partisanship to address the cultural cancer of essential Australian institutions. Enough is enough.


Government is lacking Labor's discipline

SMH letters dinkus

To the surprise of most people, it is Labor under the leadership of Bill Shorten that is displaying the internal discipline and focus on policy that the electorate expects of a government ("We need a double dissolution and so does the PM", March 7).  


Tough love needed to help Abbott get over grief

SMH letters dinkus

Mark Kenny uses a word I haven't heard to date in describing where Tony Abbott's thinking is right now ("Dark storm brewing: Turnbull knows where his future lies", March 6). That word is grief.


Pope outshines apathetic Pell

SMH letters dinkus

Pell is damned in the eyes of many, by the taint of the heartless sophistry, calculation and contrivance.


Perpetrators must be shown blinding truth

SMH letters dinkus

Was it a case of being "kept of the dark" ("Pell: I was kept in the dark", March 3) or was the cardinal among others within his Catholic cohort, simply too concerned about the potential of damaging their own career prospects by "stepping into the light"?


Drug roulette

SMH letters dinkus

The publicity-gaining effort of high profile people to decriminalise drugs and/or opt for pill-testing do not make it a given that those in favour are compassionate forward-thinkers, while those against are unfeeling troglodytes ("Mother who lost son to 'bad acid' looks for an answer, February 28").

Letters extra: Outrage continues at Pell's role in sex abuse scandals

SMH letters dinkus

Thank you Ronda Wakeley (Letters 3 March) for your views on Cardinal Pell/Royal Commission.

Comments 6


Pell's evidence demands broad response

SMH letters dinkus

Is it time for practising Catholics to boycott the weekly collection and not put money on the plate as a sign of solidarity until the local church comes out and criticises Cardinal Pell for saying that the sad story of a paedophile priest "wasn't of much interest to me"?

Letters: Pell in the hot seat

SMH letters dinkus

Listening to George Pell tap dance around the issue of whether he knew of the widespread abuse of children, even as a non-Catholic, I felt embarrassed on behalf of the Catholic Church- has there ever been a senior church leader with less compassion for the suffering of others than our good Aussie Cardinal. If the Catholic Church had any semblance of collective compassion (let alone corporate governance), Mr Pell would as a minimum be stood down whilst these matters were investigated.

Comments 11


Unfair to criticise Pell’s memory of events

SMH letters dinkus

No one can remember details of talks they had more than 40 years ago, but George Pell is being slammed for being unable to do so.


Duncan Gay can take a bow for new cycling regime

SMH letters dinkus

Simon West's assertion (Letters, February 29) that the new bicycle laws "…won't save a life" is really only looking at the issue from the point of view of cyclists and cars.