Der Hexenjäger (kompletter Film in Deutsch 720pHD) [FSK 16+; 1968]
English title:
The Witch hunter (COMPLETLE movie in German 720 pHD) [PG-rating 16++; 1968]
In ERINNERUNG ans folgende VIDEO:
The ignorance of people @ the treatment of a "human cattle" (17th century witch burning) 16++
zu deutsch:
Die Ignoranz der Leute @ bei @ der Behandlung eines "menschlichen Viehs" (17. Jahrhundert Hexenverbrennung) 16++
film western entier Le Dernier Jour De La Colere 1968 FRENCH francais Lee Van Cleef
super bon western !!! Souffre-douleur de la petite ville de Clifton, Scott est méprisé par la population qui le charge des pires corvées. Jusqu'au jour où Talby, un redoutable pistolero, arrive en ville et prend la défense de Scott. Ce dernier lui voue alors une admiration san
Cream - "World of Pain" performance for Danish film - 1968
Shot on Monday, February 5th, 1968 in Copenhagen, Denmark for the Danish film, "On A Saturday Night."
Ginger Baker is the original rock 'n roll madman/junkie/drummer/superstar who everyone thought was dead but somehow survived the 50+ year
Full Olympic Film - Mexico City 1968 Olympic Games
The official Olympic film of the Mexico City 1968 Olympic Games in it's entirety is now here on the official Olympic YouTube channel.
Relive classic moments from the Games with appearances from Bob Beamon, Věra Čáslavská, Bob Seagren and Jim Hines.
This video contains older content and is therefore published in 4:3 aspect ratio to maintain video quality.
Subscribe to the official Olympic channe
Deep Purple Hush (Original Film Clip 1968)
Click here to subscribe: http://smarturl.it/DeepPurpleOS
Deep Purple Hush (Original Film Clip 1968)
Check out this recently discovered film clip of early Mark 1 Deep Purple from October 1968 performing their smash hit 'Hush'. The song written by Joe South, saw the band hit the American Top 5.
1968 Balul de sambata seara film intreg
cu sebastian papaiani, octavian cotescu inceputurile cinematografiei romanesti
Weekend z dziewczyną - Film Polski 1968
Kolekcja polskich filmów i seriali 1960 - 1990:
The Full Grenoble 1968 Winter Olympic Film | Olympic History
The full official film of the 1968 Winter Olympic Games in Grenoble now available on the Olympic YouTube channel.
Subscribe to the official Olympic channel here: http://bit.ly/1dn6AV5
Find more about the Olympic Games at http://www.olympic.org/olympic-games
Follow your favourite athletes on the Olympic Athletes Hub: http://hub.olympic.org/
Lenny Breau - half-hour 1968 film doc
shows Lenny, and Chet Atkins, and RCA Studio A (outside shot) and Studio B (inside recording footage) on Music Row in Nashville.
'Reconstituirea' is a 1968 black-and-white film by Romanian director Lucian Pintilie. It is based on a novel by Horia Pătraşcu, which in turn reflects real-life events witnessed by the author. Produced under the communist regime, which it indirectly criticizes, it is a tragicomedy about incompetence, indifference and misuse of power. Structured as a film within a film and largely shot as a mockume
An: 1968
Țara: România
Gen: History / Drama
Regizor: Mircea Dragan
Autorul scenariului: Titus Popovici
Actori: Ilarion Ciobanu, Antonella Lualdi, Richard Johnson, Amza Pellea, Ovidiu Moldovan, Amedeo Nazzari, Emil Botta, Gheorghe Dinică, Ştefan Ciubotăraşu, Mircea Albulescu, etc.
Durata: 2:12:55
Limba: Română
Traducere: Original (fără traducere)
Despre film:
Hochwasser vom 28.05.1968 in Münsingen
Ein Film von Fritz Lauber (Produktion) und Walter Holzer (Kamera)
Hergestellt für das Museum Schloss Münsingen, 2010.
Interrogation Techniques 1968 US Army Training Film
more at more at http://quickfound.net/links/military_news_and_links.html
"Shows how an interrogation team plans, conducts, and terminates interviews with guerrilla prisoners to extract information vital to military planning, focusing on following approach techniques: direct, threat and rescue, and monotony and repetition." Although this film was made during the Vietnam War, the dramatized venue a
MANDABI (The money order) - Film Senegal 1968 english & spanish sub
Sembne Ousmane - 1968
Makhouredia Gueye - Ynousse N'Diaye - Isseu Niang - Serigne N'Diayes - Serigne Sow
Regardez Badou boy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o9-abpM8T8
Look at Life - The City's For Living In 1968
An excellent "Look at life" video clip from The Rank Organisation dated September 1968 and looks at measure to control the traffic's impact on the city's life and environment.
Link to DVD advert. http://networkonair.com/shop/1067-look-at-life-volume-1-transport.html
Film romanesc - Rapirea fecioarelor (1968)
Dinu Cocea
Marga Barbu, Emanoil Petruţ
La inceputul secolului al XIX-lea, printr-o tacita intelegere cu doamna Haricleea (Olga Tudorache), care doreste sa-si indeparteze sotul de la tron, bandele lui Pazvanoglu (George Constantin), pasa de Vidin, ataca fara mila satele, rapind fete. Haricleea isi trimite fiul la adapost, la o manastire, dar haiducii lui Amza (Emanoil Petrut) il rapesc, p
Quanto costa morire - 1968 (Cuanto Cuesta Morir ) girato in Opi (AQ) film completo in spagnolo (
Girato presso le stalle di Opi (AQ) e nei dintorni. Appartiene al filone cinematografico "Paghetti Western". (Italy, France 1968 / Regista: Sergio Merolle)
Runtime: 91 min
Release Date: 14.9.1968
Also known as
Les colts brillent au soleil (France) | Le prix de la mort (France) | Taste of Death (U.S.A.) | Cost of Dying (U.S.A.) | Cuanto Cuesta Morir (Spain) | Kar yollari kapadi (Turkey) | De co
Phèdre de Pierre Jourdan 1968 Film Complet en Français
Phedre est amoureuse du fils de son epoux. Mais celui-ci repousse les avances de sa belle-mere.
Réalisateur: Pierre Jourdan
Distribution: Marie Bell, Jean Chevrier, Jacques Dacqmine
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne pour recevoir nos prochaines publications https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQIrvVPHrt2cN14ktGA2Snw?sub_confirmation=1
Vous pouvez partager ce film sur Facebook, blog et autres site web. N'o
Tony, Fabrizio, Ottavio e Luigi fanno parte di un piccolo complesso canoro. La loro vita si svolge pigramente, finché ognuno non incontra la propria ragazza. Ma arriva il momento di prestare il servizio militare e, dopo aver provato ogni espediente per evitarlo, si ritrovano tutti nella stessa caserma. Con la possibilità di poter usufruire di 10 giorni di
Lalka Cały Film
Czas trwania: 2 godz. 31 min.
Tytuł: Lalka
Gatunek: Kostiumowy, Obyczajowy
Premiera: 7 litopad 1968 (Polska i świat)
Produkcja: Polska
Reżyseria: Wojciech Has
Scenariusz: Wojciech Has
Dodatkowe tagi:
Lalka cały film
Lalka streszczenie
Lalka audiobook
lalka film cały
lalka film bolesław prus
lalka bolesław prus
lalka bolesław prus cały film
lalka bolesław prus audiobook
lalka bolesław prus s
D A N G E R : D I A B O L I K ©1968 MarioBava ✈ Full Film
Cat-suits and Jaguars
for Pursuits and Dollars
Monica Vitti 1968 La Ragazza Con La Pistola film completo vero
un film ambientato a polignano a mare il 1968
YILMAZ GUNEY - Seyyit Han (1968) film
Seyyit Han yıllar sonra köyüne döndüğünde, sevdiği kız Keje'nın Nebahat Çehre Haydar Beye verildiğini öğrenir. Düğün gecesi koynuna girmeyen gözü yaşlı yüreği yaralı gelin için Haydar Bey, Seyyit bir öneride bulunur. Toprağın üzerinde ters çevrilmiş sepetin üzerindeki papatyayı kim vurursa Keje onun olacaktır. Seyyit bunu başarır. Ama sepetin altında toprağa boğazına kadar gömülmüş Kejenin kanlı b
Der Hexenjäger (kompletter Film in Deutsch 720pHD) [FSK 16+; 1968]
English title:
The Witch hunter (COMPLETLE movie in German 720 pHD) [PG-rating 16++; 1968]
In ERINNERUNG ans folgende VIDEO:
English title:
The Witch hunter (COMPLETLE movie in German 720 pHD) [PG-rating 16++; 1968]
In ERINNERUNG ans folgende VIDEO:
The ignorance of people @ the treatment of a "human cattle" (17th century witch burning) 16++
zu deutsch:
Die Ignoranz der Leute @ bei @ der Behandlung eines "menschlichen Viehs" (17. Jahrhundert Hexenverbrennung) 16++
Wir befinden uns im England des Jahres 1645. Der Hexenjäger Matthew Hopkins und sein Gehilfe John Stearne werden nach Brandeston gerufen, wo angeblich ausgerechnet der Priester mit dem Teufel im Bunde sein soll. Bei ihm lebt seine hübsche Nichte Sara, auf die Hopkins schnell ein Auge wirft. Stearne, das ausführende Organ, beginnt sofort mit leichten Folterungen an dem Priester. Darauf verspricht Sara dem Hexenjäger gewisse Dienste, wenn dafür ihr Onkel verschont bleibt. Hopkins geht darauf ein und lässt den Priester in den Kerker werfen. Fortan vergnügt er sich mit Sara, was Stearne ein Dorn im Auge ist. Als er für einige Zeit allein im Ort ist, vergewaltigt er Sara. Hopkins erfährt davon und fühlt sich von Sara hintergangen. Er lässt daraufhin den Priester töten, dann zieht er weiter.
Der Soldat Richard Marshall, der im Dienste Cromwells gegen die Königstreuen kämpft, erfährt von den Vorgängen in Brandeston und desertiert, um Sara, die er zu ehelichen gedenkt, zu Hilfe zu eilen. Er findet eine völlig verstörte Frau vor, die ihm alles berichtet und auch das erzwungene Verhältnis mit Hopkins gesteht. Sofort heiraten die Beiden und Marshall schwört Hopkins Rache. Wenig später kann er Stearne in einer Kneipe stellen, doch der entkommt ihm und warnt den Hexenjäger. Marshall kehrt zu seiner Truppe zurück und wird trotz des unerlaubten Entfernens wieder aufgenommen (er rettete seinem Vorgesetzten das Leben).
Währenddessen geraten Hopkins und Stearne in eine Auseinandersetzung mit Soldaten. Während Stearne gefangen genommen wird, nutzt Hopkins die Gelegenheit zur Flucht. Stearne kann sich zwar befreien, schwört aber nun seinerseits wegen des Verrats Rache. Der Hexenjäger erreicht Lavenham, wo er sofort wieder seinem Tagewerk nachgeht. In diesen Ort hat sich auch Sara zurück gezogen. Stearne entdeckt sie. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Hopkins findet nur kurz statt, denn Stearne ist käuflich. Der Hexenjäger kann ihn besänftigen.
Marshall erfährt, dass Hopkins in Lavenham ist, und desertiert erneut, trotz aller Warnungen. Einige seiner Kameraden gehen mit ihm. Im Ort angekommen sucht er Sara auf, beide werden aber sofort von Hopkins und seinem Gefolge verhaftet und eingekerkert. Zunächst lässt er Sara foltern, dann soll Stearne auch an den widerspenstigen Marshall. Der jedoch kann sich befreien, schlägt Stearne nieder und geht dann mit einer Axt auf Hopkins los. Die Freunde kämpfen sich bis zur Folterkammer vor, wo sich ihnen ein Bild des Grauens zeigt. Wie ein Besessener schlägt Marshall auf Hopkins ein. Einer der Soldaten gibt dem Mann den Gnadenschuss, worauf Marshall sich umdreht und sie anklagend anschreit: Ihr habt ihn mir genommen...
Matthew Hopkins lebte tatsächlich von 1620 bis 1647. Bevor er 1644 begann, ohne Legitimation der Kirche im Osten Englands Hexen zu jagen, schrieb er das Buch THE DISCOVERY OF WITCHES, in dem er die Grundlagen für seine Hexenjagd festlegte. Obwohl er nicht im Auftrag der Kirche handelte, nahm diese seine Aktivitäten stillschweigend hin, da sie ihnen entgegen kamen. Er soll mit extremer Härte vorgegangen sein und hat in den drei Jahren mehr als 100 Frauen und Männer hinrichten lassen. Der wahre Grund seines Todes ist nicht überliefert. Man vermutet, dass er an Tuberkulose starb.
Der Film hat eine Länge von etwa 75 Minuten.
Unfortunately this is not available in English. The total length of the film is 75 minutes.
wn.com/Der Hexenjäger (Kompletter Film In Deutsch 720Phd) Fsk 16 1968
English title:
The Witch hunter (COMPLETLE movie in German 720 pHD) [PG-rating 16++; 1968]
In ERINNERUNG ans folgende VIDEO:
The ignorance of people @ the treatment of a "human cattle" (17th century witch burning) 16++
zu deutsch:
Die Ignoranz der Leute @ bei @ der Behandlung eines "menschlichen Viehs" (17. Jahrhundert Hexenverbrennung) 16++
Wir befinden uns im England des Jahres 1645. Der Hexenjäger Matthew Hopkins und sein Gehilfe John Stearne werden nach Brandeston gerufen, wo angeblich ausgerechnet der Priester mit dem Teufel im Bunde sein soll. Bei ihm lebt seine hübsche Nichte Sara, auf die Hopkins schnell ein Auge wirft. Stearne, das ausführende Organ, beginnt sofort mit leichten Folterungen an dem Priester. Darauf verspricht Sara dem Hexenjäger gewisse Dienste, wenn dafür ihr Onkel verschont bleibt. Hopkins geht darauf ein und lässt den Priester in den Kerker werfen. Fortan vergnügt er sich mit Sara, was Stearne ein Dorn im Auge ist. Als er für einige Zeit allein im Ort ist, vergewaltigt er Sara. Hopkins erfährt davon und fühlt sich von Sara hintergangen. Er lässt daraufhin den Priester töten, dann zieht er weiter.
Der Soldat Richard Marshall, der im Dienste Cromwells gegen die Königstreuen kämpft, erfährt von den Vorgängen in Brandeston und desertiert, um Sara, die er zu ehelichen gedenkt, zu Hilfe zu eilen. Er findet eine völlig verstörte Frau vor, die ihm alles berichtet und auch das erzwungene Verhältnis mit Hopkins gesteht. Sofort heiraten die Beiden und Marshall schwört Hopkins Rache. Wenig später kann er Stearne in einer Kneipe stellen, doch der entkommt ihm und warnt den Hexenjäger. Marshall kehrt zu seiner Truppe zurück und wird trotz des unerlaubten Entfernens wieder aufgenommen (er rettete seinem Vorgesetzten das Leben).
Währenddessen geraten Hopkins und Stearne in eine Auseinandersetzung mit Soldaten. Während Stearne gefangen genommen wird, nutzt Hopkins die Gelegenheit zur Flucht. Stearne kann sich zwar befreien, schwört aber nun seinerseits wegen des Verrats Rache. Der Hexenjäger erreicht Lavenham, wo er sofort wieder seinem Tagewerk nachgeht. In diesen Ort hat sich auch Sara zurück gezogen. Stearne entdeckt sie. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Hopkins findet nur kurz statt, denn Stearne ist käuflich. Der Hexenjäger kann ihn besänftigen.
Marshall erfährt, dass Hopkins in Lavenham ist, und desertiert erneut, trotz aller Warnungen. Einige seiner Kameraden gehen mit ihm. Im Ort angekommen sucht er Sara auf, beide werden aber sofort von Hopkins und seinem Gefolge verhaftet und eingekerkert. Zunächst lässt er Sara foltern, dann soll Stearne auch an den widerspenstigen Marshall. Der jedoch kann sich befreien, schlägt Stearne nieder und geht dann mit einer Axt auf Hopkins los. Die Freunde kämpfen sich bis zur Folterkammer vor, wo sich ihnen ein Bild des Grauens zeigt. Wie ein Besessener schlägt Marshall auf Hopkins ein. Einer der Soldaten gibt dem Mann den Gnadenschuss, worauf Marshall sich umdreht und sie anklagend anschreit: Ihr habt ihn mir genommen...
Matthew Hopkins lebte tatsächlich von 1620 bis 1647. Bevor er 1644 begann, ohne Legitimation der Kirche im Osten Englands Hexen zu jagen, schrieb er das Buch THE DISCOVERY OF WITCHES, in dem er die Grundlagen für seine Hexenjagd festlegte. Obwohl er nicht im Auftrag der Kirche handelte, nahm diese seine Aktivitäten stillschweigend hin, da sie ihnen entgegen kamen. Er soll mit extremer Härte vorgegangen sein und hat in den drei Jahren mehr als 100 Frauen und Männer hinrichten lassen. Der wahre Grund seines Todes ist nicht überliefert. Man vermutet, dass er an Tuberkulose starb.
Der Film hat eine Länge von etwa 75 Minuten.
Unfortunately this is not available in English. The total length of the film is 75 minutes.
- published: 05 May 2015
- views: 14646
film western entier Le Dernier Jour De La Colere 1968 FRENCH francais Lee Van Cleef
super bon western !!! Souffre-douleur de la petite ville de Clifton, Scott est méprisé par la population qui le charge des pires corvées. Jusqu'au jour où Talby...
super bon western !!! Souffre-douleur de la petite ville de Clifton, Scott est méprisé par la population qui le charge des pires corvées. Jusqu'au jour où Talby, un redoutable pistolero, arrive en ville et prend la défense de Scott. Ce dernier lui voue alors une admiration san
wn.com/Film Western Entier Le Dernier Jour De La Colere 1968 French Francais Lee Van Cleef
super bon western !!! Souffre-douleur de la petite ville de Clifton, Scott est méprisé par la population qui le charge des pires corvées. Jusqu'au jour où Talby, un redoutable pistolero, arrive en ville et prend la défense de Scott. Ce dernier lui voue alors une admiration san
- published: 31 Jul 2014
- views: 713229
Cream - "World of Pain" performance for Danish film - 1968
Shot on Monday, February 5th, 1968 in Copenhagen, Denmark for the Danish film, "On A Saturday Night."
Shot on Monday, February 5th, 1968 in Copenhagen, Denmark for the Danish film, "On A Saturday Night."
Ginger Baker is the original rock 'n roll madman/junkie/drummer/superstar who everyone thought was dead but somehow survived the 50+ years of drug abuse, disastrous experiments and 4 marriages on 3 continents. BEWARE OF MR. BAKER! is the movie that tells the story of this legendary drummer. Ginger's hands and feet narrate this epic quest for rhythmic perfection, never stopping, always on the forefront of musical experimentation and innovation. Featuring interviews and performances by Cream, Blind Faith, Fela Kuti, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Charlie Watts, Carlos Santana, Alex Van Halen, Jack Bruce, etc.
wn.com/Cream World Of Pain Performance For Danish Film 1968
Shot on Monday, February 5th, 1968 in Copenhagen, Denmark for the Danish film, "On A Saturday Night."
Ginger Baker is the original rock 'n roll madman/junkie/drummer/superstar who everyone thought was dead but somehow survived the 50+ years of drug abuse, disastrous experiments and 4 marriages on 3 continents. BEWARE OF MR. BAKER! is the movie that tells the story of this legendary drummer. Ginger's hands and feet narrate this epic quest for rhythmic perfection, never stopping, always on the forefront of musical experimentation and innovation. Featuring interviews and performances by Cream, Blind Faith, Fela Kuti, Eric Clapton, Steve Winwood, Charlie Watts, Carlos Santana, Alex Van Halen, Jack Bruce, etc.
- published: 21 Mar 2011
- views: 4960
Full Olympic Film - Mexico City 1968 Olympic Games
The official Olympic film of the Mexico City 1968 Olympic Games in it's entirety is now here on the official Olympic YouTube channel.
Relive classic moments fr...
The official Olympic film of the Mexico City 1968 Olympic Games in it's entirety is now here on the official Olympic YouTube channel.
Relive classic moments from the Games with appearances from Bob Beamon, Věra Čáslavská, Bob Seagren and Jim Hines.
This video contains older content and is therefore published in 4:3 aspect ratio to maintain video quality.
Subscribe to the official Olympic channel here: http://bit.ly/1dn6AV5
Find more about the Olympic Games at http://www.olympic.org/olympic-games
wn.com/Full Olympic Film Mexico City 1968 Olympic Games
The official Olympic film of the Mexico City 1968 Olympic Games in it's entirety is now here on the official Olympic YouTube channel.
Relive classic moments from the Games with appearances from Bob Beamon, Věra Čáslavská, Bob Seagren and Jim Hines.
This video contains older content and is therefore published in 4:3 aspect ratio to maintain video quality.
Subscribe to the official Olympic channel here: http://bit.ly/1dn6AV5
Find more about the Olympic Games at http://www.olympic.org/olympic-games
- published: 18 Jul 2014
- views: 80185
Deep Purple Hush (Original Film Clip 1968)
Click here to subscribe: http://smarturl.it/DeepPurpleOS
Deep Purple Hush (Original Film Clip 1968)
Check out this recently discovered film clip of early Mar...
Click here to subscribe: http://smarturl.it/DeepPurpleOS
Deep Purple Hush (Original Film Clip 1968)
Check out this recently discovered film clip of early Mark 1 Deep Purple from October 1968 performing their smash hit 'Hush'. The song written by Joe South, saw the band hit the American Top 5.
wn.com/Deep Purple Hush (Original Film Clip 1968)
Click here to subscribe: http://smarturl.it/DeepPurpleOS
Deep Purple Hush (Original Film Clip 1968)
Check out this recently discovered film clip of early Mark 1 Deep Purple from October 1968 performing their smash hit 'Hush'. The song written by Joe South, saw the band hit the American Top 5.
- published: 19 Oct 2013
- views: 907460
1968 Balul de sambata seara film intreg
cu sebastian papaiani, octavian cotescu inceputurile cinematografiei romanesti...
cu sebastian papaiani, octavian cotescu inceputurile cinematografiei romanesti
wn.com/1968 Balul De Sambata Seara Film Intreg
cu sebastian papaiani, octavian cotescu inceputurile cinematografiei romanesti
- published: 13 Feb 2014
- views: 70121
Weekend z dziewczyną - Film Polski 1968
Kolekcja polskich filmów i seriali 1960 - 1990:
Kolekcja polskich filmów i seriali 1960 - 1990:
wn.com/Weekend Z Dziewczyną Film Polski 1968
Kolekcja polskich filmów i seriali 1960 - 1990:
- published: 28 Jan 2015
- views: 37904
The Full Grenoble 1968 Winter Olympic Film | Olympic History
The full official film of the 1968 Winter Olympic Games in Grenoble now available on the Olympic YouTube channel.
Subscribe to the official Olympic channel her...
The full official film of the 1968 Winter Olympic Games in Grenoble now available on the Olympic YouTube channel.
Subscribe to the official Olympic channel here: http://bit.ly/1dn6AV5
Find more about the Olympic Games at http://www.olympic.org/olympic-games
Follow your favourite athletes on the Olympic Athletes Hub: http://hub.olympic.org/
wn.com/The Full Grenoble 1968 Winter Olympic Film | Olympic History
The full official film of the 1968 Winter Olympic Games in Grenoble now available on the Olympic YouTube channel.
Subscribe to the official Olympic channel here: http://bit.ly/1dn6AV5
Find more about the Olympic Games at http://www.olympic.org/olympic-games
Follow your favourite athletes on the Olympic Athletes Hub: http://hub.olympic.org/
- published: 25 Feb 2015
- views: 8281
Lenny Breau - half-hour 1968 film doc
shows Lenny, and Chet Atkins, and RCA Studio A (outside shot) and Studio B (inside recording footage) on Music Row in Nashville....
shows Lenny, and Chet Atkins, and RCA Studio A (outside shot) and Studio B (inside recording footage) on Music Row in Nashville.
wn.com/Lenny Breau Half Hour 1968 Film Doc
shows Lenny, and Chet Atkins, and RCA Studio A (outside shot) and Studio B (inside recording footage) on Music Row in Nashville.
- published: 19 Oct 2015
- views: 7394
'Reconstituirea' is a 1968 black-and-white film by Romanian director Lucian Pintilie. It is based on a novel by Horia Pătraşcu, which in turn reflects real-life...
'Reconstituirea' is a 1968 black-and-white film by Romanian director Lucian Pintilie. It is based on a novel by Horia Pătraşcu, which in turn reflects real-life events witnessed by the author. Produced under the communist regime, which it indirectly criticizes, it is a tragicomedy about incompetence, indifference and misuse of power. Structured as a film within a film and largely shot as a mockumentary, The Reenactment stars George Constantin as a prosecutor who keeps in custody two minor delinquents, Vuică and Nicu, played respectively by George Mihăiţă and Vladimir Găitan. He makes them reenact their drunken brawl at a restaurant, and is helped in this effort by the militiaman Dumitrescu (played by Ernest Maftei) and a film crew. Two bystanders watch upon the youngsters' degradation at the hands of the prosecutor. They are The Miss (Domnişoara in the original), played by Ileana Popovici, who is amused by the succession of events, and the pedantic alcoholic Paveliu (Emil Botta).
The recipient of much critical acclaim and considered in retrospect one of the most notable contributions to 1960s Romanian cinema, The Reenactment was released at a time when the communist regime was in its liberalization phase, coinciding with the first decade of rule by Nicolae Ceauşescu. Nevertheless, its political implications irritated communist officials, and the censorship apparatus decided to withdraw the film from cinemas only months after its premiere. In 1969, Pintilie was pressured to work outside Romania, and focused mainly on stage production for the following twenty years of his career. The Reenactment was again screened at home in 1990, one year after the Romanian Revolution toppled communism.
wn.com/Reenactment Reconstruction Reconstituirea Hq Romanian Film Multisubs 1968 Lucian Pintilie
'Reconstituirea' is a 1968 black-and-white film by Romanian director Lucian Pintilie. It is based on a novel by Horia Pătraşcu, which in turn reflects real-life events witnessed by the author. Produced under the communist regime, which it indirectly criticizes, it is a tragicomedy about incompetence, indifference and misuse of power. Structured as a film within a film and largely shot as a mockumentary, The Reenactment stars George Constantin as a prosecutor who keeps in custody two minor delinquents, Vuică and Nicu, played respectively by George Mihăiţă and Vladimir Găitan. He makes them reenact their drunken brawl at a restaurant, and is helped in this effort by the militiaman Dumitrescu (played by Ernest Maftei) and a film crew. Two bystanders watch upon the youngsters' degradation at the hands of the prosecutor. They are The Miss (Domnişoara in the original), played by Ileana Popovici, who is amused by the succession of events, and the pedantic alcoholic Paveliu (Emil Botta).
The recipient of much critical acclaim and considered in retrospect one of the most notable contributions to 1960s Romanian cinema, The Reenactment was released at a time when the communist regime was in its liberalization phase, coinciding with the first decade of rule by Nicolae Ceauşescu. Nevertheless, its political implications irritated communist officials, and the censorship apparatus decided to withdraw the film from cinemas only months after its premiere. In 1969, Pintilie was pressured to work outside Romania, and focused mainly on stage production for the following twenty years of his career. The Reenactment was again screened at home in 1990, one year after the Romanian Revolution toppled communism.
- published: 29 Jun 2015
- views: 1392
An: 1968
Țara: România
Gen: History / Drama
Regizor: Mircea Dragan
Autorul scenariului: Titus Popovici
Actori: Ilarion Ciobanu, Antonella Lualdi, Richa...
An: 1968
Țara: România
Gen: History / Drama
Regizor: Mircea Dragan
Autorul scenariului: Titus Popovici
Actori: Ilarion Ciobanu, Antonella Lualdi, Richard Johnson, Amza Pellea, Ovidiu Moldovan, Amedeo Nazzari, Emil Botta, Gheorghe Dinică, Ştefan Ciubotăraşu, Mircea Albulescu, etc.
Durata: 2:12:55
Limba: Română
Traducere: Original (fără traducere)
Despre film:
Sarmizegetusa asediată de către legionarii romani nu mai rezistă. Cetatea este cucerită iar Decebal fuge în munţi. Înconjurat de cavaleria romană, condusă de Tiberius, Decebal îşi va alege singur sfârşitul. Capul şi mâna sa dreaptă sunt luate pentru a fi prezentate împăratului ca o dovadă a faptului că marele său duşman nu mai trăieşte.
Însoţitorii regelui dac sunt luaţi prizonieri şi urmează să fie transformaţi în sclavi. Unul dintre ei, Gerula, reuşeşte să scape, se ascunde în munţi şi încearcă să încropească o mişcare de rezistenţă împotriva romanilor. Ura neîmpăcată pe care i-o poartă lui Tiberius îl îndeamnă pe Gerula la acţiuni extreme.
wn.com/Columna 1968 Hd History Drama Film Romanesc Istoric Online
An: 1968
Țara: România
Gen: History / Drama
Regizor: Mircea Dragan
Autorul scenariului: Titus Popovici
Actori: Ilarion Ciobanu, Antonella Lualdi, Richard Johnson, Amza Pellea, Ovidiu Moldovan, Amedeo Nazzari, Emil Botta, Gheorghe Dinică, Ştefan Ciubotăraşu, Mircea Albulescu, etc.
Durata: 2:12:55
Limba: Română
Traducere: Original (fără traducere)
Despre film:
Sarmizegetusa asediată de către legionarii romani nu mai rezistă. Cetatea este cucerită iar Decebal fuge în munţi. Înconjurat de cavaleria romană, condusă de Tiberius, Decebal îşi va alege singur sfârşitul. Capul şi mâna sa dreaptă sunt luate pentru a fi prezentate împăratului ca o dovadă a faptului că marele său duşman nu mai trăieşte.
Însoţitorii regelui dac sunt luaţi prizonieri şi urmează să fie transformaţi în sclavi. Unul dintre ei, Gerula, reuşeşte să scape, se ascunde în munţi şi încearcă să încropească o mişcare de rezistenţă împotriva romanilor. Ura neîmpăcată pe care i-o poartă lui Tiberius îl îndeamnă pe Gerula la acţiuni extreme.
- published: 16 Mar 2015
- views: 14958
Hochwasser vom 28.05.1968 in Münsingen
Ein Film von Fritz Lauber (Produktion) und Walter Holzer (Kamera)
Hergestellt für das Museum Schloss Münsingen, 2010....
Ein Film von Fritz Lauber (Produktion) und Walter Holzer (Kamera)
Hergestellt für das Museum Schloss Münsingen, 2010.
wn.com/Hochwasser Vom 28.05.1968 In Münsingen
Ein Film von Fritz Lauber (Produktion) und Walter Holzer (Kamera)
Hergestellt für das Museum Schloss Münsingen, 2010.
- published: 12 Sep 2012
- views: 1891
Interrogation Techniques 1968 US Army Training Film
more at more at http://quickfound.net/links/military_news_and_links.html
"Shows how an interrogation team plans, conducts, and terminates interviews with guerr...
more at more at http://quickfound.net/links/military_news_and_links.html
"Shows how an interrogation team plans, conducts, and terminates interviews with guerrilla prisoners to extract information vital to military planning, focusing on following approach techniques: direct, threat and rescue, and monotony and repetition." Although this film was made during the Vietnam War, the dramatized venue appears to be a Latin American country.
US Army Training Film TF30-3986
Public domain film from the Prelinger Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original).
Interrogation (also called questioning) is interviewing as commonly employed by officers of the police, military, and intelligence agencies with the goal of eliciting useful information. Interrogation may involve a diverse array of techniques, ranging from developing a rapport with the subject, to outright torture...
There are multiple techniques employed in interrogation including deception, torture, increasing suggestibility, and the use of mind-altering drugs.
A person's suggestibility is how willing they are to accept and act on suggestions by others. Interrogators seek to increase a subject's suggestibility. Methods used to increase suggestibility may include moderate sleep deprivation, exposure to constant white noise, and using GABAergic drugs such as sodium amytal or sodium thiopental. It should be noted that attempting to increase a subject's suggestibility through these methods may violate local and national laws concerning the treatment of detainees, and in some areas may be considered torture. Sleep deprivation, exposure to white noise, and the use of drugs may greatly inhibit a detainee's ability to provide truthful and accurate information.
Deception can form an important part of effective interrogation. In the United States, there is no law or regulation that forbids the interrogator from lying about the strength of their case, from making misleading statements or from implying that the interviewee has already been implicated in the crime by someone else...
Good cop/bad cop
Good cop/bad cop is an interrogation technique in which the officers take different sides. The 'bad cop' takes a negative stance on the subject. This allows for the 'good cop' to sympathize with and defend the subject. The idea is to get the subject to trust the 'good cop' and provide him with the information they are looking for.
Pride-and-ego down
Pride-and-ego down is a US Army term that refers to techniques used by captors in interrogating prisoners to encourage cooperation, usually consisting of "attacking the source's sense of personal worth" and in an "attempt to redeem his pride, the source will usually involuntarily provide pertinent information in attempting to vindicate himself."
Reid technique
The Reid technique is a trademarked interrogation technique widely used by law enforcement agencies in North America. The technique (which requires interrogators to watch the body language of suspects to detect deceit) has been criticized for being difficult to apply across cultures and eliciting false confessions from innocent people.
The history of the state use of torture in interrogations extends over more than 2,000 years in Europe—though it was recognized early on as the Roman imperial jurist Ulpian in the third century A.D. cautioned, that information extracted under duress was deceptive and untrustworthy. There is "no means of obtaining the truth" from those who have the strength to resist says Ulpian, while others unable to withstand the pain "will tell any lie rather than suffer it."
The use of torture as an investigative technique waned with the rise of Christianity since it was considered "antithetical to Christ's teachings," and in 866 Pope Nicholas I banned the practice. But after the 13th century many European states such as Germany, Italy, and Spain began to return to physical abuse for religious inquisition, and for secular investigations. By the 18th century the spreading influence of the Enlightenment led European nations to abandon officially state-sanctioned interrogation by torture. By 1874 Victor Hugo could plausibly claim that "torture has ceased to exist." Yet in the 20th century authoritarian states such as Mussolini's Fascist Italy, Hitler's Third Reich, and Lenin's and Stalin's Soviet Union once again resumed the practice, and on a massive scale.
The most recent and most prominent instance of the use of torture in interrogation is that of the American CIA...
wn.com/Interrogation Techniques 1968 US Army Training Film
more at more at http://quickfound.net/links/military_news_and_links.html
"Shows how an interrogation team plans, conducts, and terminates interviews with guerrilla prisoners to extract information vital to military planning, focusing on following approach techniques: direct, threat and rescue, and monotony and repetition." Although this film was made during the Vietnam War, the dramatized venue appears to be a Latin American country.
US Army Training Film TF30-3986
Public domain film from the Prelinger Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and mild video noise reduction applied.
The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or equalization (the resulting sound, though not perfect, is far less noisy than the original).
Interrogation (also called questioning) is interviewing as commonly employed by officers of the police, military, and intelligence agencies with the goal of eliciting useful information. Interrogation may involve a diverse array of techniques, ranging from developing a rapport with the subject, to outright torture...
There are multiple techniques employed in interrogation including deception, torture, increasing suggestibility, and the use of mind-altering drugs.
A person's suggestibility is how willing they are to accept and act on suggestions by others. Interrogators seek to increase a subject's suggestibility. Methods used to increase suggestibility may include moderate sleep deprivation, exposure to constant white noise, and using GABAergic drugs such as sodium amytal or sodium thiopental. It should be noted that attempting to increase a subject's suggestibility through these methods may violate local and national laws concerning the treatment of detainees, and in some areas may be considered torture. Sleep deprivation, exposure to white noise, and the use of drugs may greatly inhibit a detainee's ability to provide truthful and accurate information.
Deception can form an important part of effective interrogation. In the United States, there is no law or regulation that forbids the interrogator from lying about the strength of their case, from making misleading statements or from implying that the interviewee has already been implicated in the crime by someone else...
Good cop/bad cop
Good cop/bad cop is an interrogation technique in which the officers take different sides. The 'bad cop' takes a negative stance on the subject. This allows for the 'good cop' to sympathize with and defend the subject. The idea is to get the subject to trust the 'good cop' and provide him with the information they are looking for.
Pride-and-ego down
Pride-and-ego down is a US Army term that refers to techniques used by captors in interrogating prisoners to encourage cooperation, usually consisting of "attacking the source's sense of personal worth" and in an "attempt to redeem his pride, the source will usually involuntarily provide pertinent information in attempting to vindicate himself."
Reid technique
The Reid technique is a trademarked interrogation technique widely used by law enforcement agencies in North America. The technique (which requires interrogators to watch the body language of suspects to detect deceit) has been criticized for being difficult to apply across cultures and eliciting false confessions from innocent people.
The history of the state use of torture in interrogations extends over more than 2,000 years in Europe—though it was recognized early on as the Roman imperial jurist Ulpian in the third century A.D. cautioned, that information extracted under duress was deceptive and untrustworthy. There is "no means of obtaining the truth" from those who have the strength to resist says Ulpian, while others unable to withstand the pain "will tell any lie rather than suffer it."
The use of torture as an investigative technique waned with the rise of Christianity since it was considered "antithetical to Christ's teachings," and in 866 Pope Nicholas I banned the practice. But after the 13th century many European states such as Germany, Italy, and Spain began to return to physical abuse for religious inquisition, and for secular investigations. By the 18th century the spreading influence of the Enlightenment led European nations to abandon officially state-sanctioned interrogation by torture. By 1874 Victor Hugo could plausibly claim that "torture has ceased to exist." Yet in the 20th century authoritarian states such as Mussolini's Fascist Italy, Hitler's Third Reich, and Lenin's and Stalin's Soviet Union once again resumed the practice, and on a massive scale.
The most recent and most prominent instance of the use of torture in interrogation is that of the American CIA...
- published: 20 Dec 2014
- views: 14357
MANDABI (The money order) - Film Senegal 1968 english & spanish sub
Sembne Ousmane - 1968
Makhouredia Gueye - Ynousse N'Diaye - Isseu Niang - Serigne N'Diayes - Serigne Sow
Regardez Badou boy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...
Sembne Ousmane - 1968
Makhouredia Gueye - Ynousse N'Diaye - Isseu Niang - Serigne N'Diayes - Serigne Sow
Regardez Badou boy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o9-abpM8T8
wn.com/Mandabi (The Money Order) Film Senegal 1968 English Spanish Sub
Sembne Ousmane - 1968
Makhouredia Gueye - Ynousse N'Diaye - Isseu Niang - Serigne N'Diayes - Serigne Sow
Regardez Badou boy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5o9-abpM8T8
- published: 03 Sep 2013
- views: 88292
Look at Life - The City's For Living In 1968
An excellent "Look at life" video clip from The Rank Organisation dated September 1968 and looks at measure to control the traffic's impact on the city's life a...
An excellent "Look at life" video clip from The Rank Organisation dated September 1968 and looks at measure to control the traffic's impact on the city's life and environment.
Link to DVD advert. http://networkonair.com/shop/1067-look-at-life-volume-1-transport.html
wn.com/Look At Life The City's For Living In 1968
An excellent "Look at life" video clip from The Rank Organisation dated September 1968 and looks at measure to control the traffic's impact on the city's life and environment.
Link to DVD advert. http://networkonair.com/shop/1067-look-at-life-volume-1-transport.html
- published: 29 Dec 2013
- views: 72407
Film romanesc - Rapirea fecioarelor (1968)
Dinu Cocea
Marga Barbu, Emanoil Petruţ
La inceputul secolului al XIX-lea, printr-o tacita intelegere cu doamna Haricleea (Olga Tudorache), care dorest...
Dinu Cocea
Marga Barbu, Emanoil Petruţ
La inceputul secolului al XIX-lea, printr-o tacita intelegere cu doamna Haricleea (Olga Tudorache), care doreste sa-si indeparteze sotul de la tron, bandele lui Pazvanoglu (George Constantin), pasa de Vidin, ataca fara mila satele, rapind fete. Haricleea isi trimite fiul la adapost, la o manastire, dar haiducii lui Amza (Emanoil Petrut) il rapesc, pentru a-l da in schimbul incetarii jafurilor. In timp ce haiducii urmaresc un boier, care vrea sa fuga din tara cu averea, Pazvanoglu ataca din nou. La randul lor, haiducii, ajutati de Anita (Marga Barbu), patrund in palatul pasei si elibereaza fetele. In haosul creat, fiul Haricleei este ucis.
Film din seria "Haiducii". Al doilea film al seriei, dupa filmul "Haiducii". Personajul principal, Amza, este preluat de Emanoil Petrut, dupa ce, in primul film al seriei, il interpretase Ion Besoiu.
wn.com/Film Romanesc Rapirea Fecioarelor (1968)
Dinu Cocea
Marga Barbu, Emanoil Petruţ
La inceputul secolului al XIX-lea, printr-o tacita intelegere cu doamna Haricleea (Olga Tudorache), care doreste sa-si indeparteze sotul de la tron, bandele lui Pazvanoglu (George Constantin), pasa de Vidin, ataca fara mila satele, rapind fete. Haricleea isi trimite fiul la adapost, la o manastire, dar haiducii lui Amza (Emanoil Petrut) il rapesc, pentru a-l da in schimbul incetarii jafurilor. In timp ce haiducii urmaresc un boier, care vrea sa fuga din tara cu averea, Pazvanoglu ataca din nou. La randul lor, haiducii, ajutati de Anita (Marga Barbu), patrund in palatul pasei si elibereaza fetele. In haosul creat, fiul Haricleei este ucis.
Film din seria "Haiducii". Al doilea film al seriei, dupa filmul "Haiducii". Personajul principal, Amza, este preluat de Emanoil Petrut, dupa ce, in primul film al seriei, il interpretase Ion Besoiu.
- published: 08 Sep 2014
- views: 13876
Quanto costa morire - 1968 (Cuanto Cuesta Morir ) girato in Opi (AQ) film completo in spagnolo (
Girato presso le stalle di Opi (AQ) e nei dintorni. Appartiene al filone cinematografico "Paghetti Western". (Italy, France 1968 / Regista: Sergio Merolle)
Girato presso le stalle di Opi (AQ) e nei dintorni. Appartiene al filone cinematografico "Paghetti Western". (Italy, France 1968 / Regista: Sergio Merolle)
Runtime: 91 min
Release Date: 14.9.1968
Also known as
Les colts brillent au soleil (France) | Le prix de la mort (France) | Taste of Death (U.S.A.) | Cost of Dying (U.S.A.) | Cuanto Cuesta Morir (Spain) | Kar yollari kapadi (Turkey) | De colts schitteren in de zon (Belgium) | Den tha meini kaneis zontanos (Greece)
Cast and crew
Cast: Andrea Giordana (Tony), John Ireland (Dan El/Ralph), Bruno Corazzari (Scaife/Skede), Raymond Pellegrin (Sheriff Bill Ransom), Sergio Scarchilli, Claudio Scarchilli, Giovanni Petrucci, Fulvio Pellegrino, Mireille Granelli, Ruggero Cressa, Betsy Bell, Giuseppe Altamura
Story: Biagio Proietti
Screenplay: Biagio Proietti
Cinematography: Benito Frattari [Eastmancolor, Panoramico 1,66:1]
Music: Francesco De Masi
Song: "Who is that Man?" sung by Raoul
Producer: Robert Dorfmann, Enzo Merolle
Non esiste una copia du DVD in italiano.
wn.com/Quanto Costa Morire 1968 (Cuanto Cuesta Morir ) Girato In Opi (Aq) Film Completo In Spagnolo (
Girato presso le stalle di Opi (AQ) e nei dintorni. Appartiene al filone cinematografico "Paghetti Western". (Italy, France 1968 / Regista: Sergio Merolle)
Runtime: 91 min
Release Date: 14.9.1968
Also known as
Les colts brillent au soleil (France) | Le prix de la mort (France) | Taste of Death (U.S.A.) | Cost of Dying (U.S.A.) | Cuanto Cuesta Morir (Spain) | Kar yollari kapadi (Turkey) | De colts schitteren in de zon (Belgium) | Den tha meini kaneis zontanos (Greece)
Cast and crew
Cast: Andrea Giordana (Tony), John Ireland (Dan El/Ralph), Bruno Corazzari (Scaife/Skede), Raymond Pellegrin (Sheriff Bill Ransom), Sergio Scarchilli, Claudio Scarchilli, Giovanni Petrucci, Fulvio Pellegrino, Mireille Granelli, Ruggero Cressa, Betsy Bell, Giuseppe Altamura
Story: Biagio Proietti
Screenplay: Biagio Proietti
Cinematography: Benito Frattari [Eastmancolor, Panoramico 1,66:1]
Music: Francesco De Masi
Song: "Who is that Man?" sung by Raoul
Producer: Robert Dorfmann, Enzo Merolle
Non esiste una copia du DVD in italiano.
- published: 09 Mar 2013
- views: 72155
Phèdre de Pierre Jourdan 1968 Film Complet en Français
Phedre est amoureuse du fils de son epoux. Mais celui-ci repousse les avances de sa belle-mere.
Réalisateur: Pierre Jourdan
Distribution: Marie Bell, Jean Che...
Phedre est amoureuse du fils de son epoux. Mais celui-ci repousse les avances de sa belle-mere.
Réalisateur: Pierre Jourdan
Distribution: Marie Bell, Jean Chevrier, Jacques Dacqmine
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne pour recevoir nos prochaines publications https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQIrvVPHrt2cN14ktGA2Snw?sub_confirmation=1
Vous pouvez partager ce film sur Facebook, blog et autres site web. N'oubliez pas de mettre un "j'aime" à la vidéo. Merci
wn.com/Phèdre De Pierre Jourdan 1968 Film Complet En Français
Phedre est amoureuse du fils de son epoux. Mais celui-ci repousse les avances de sa belle-mere.
Réalisateur: Pierre Jourdan
Distribution: Marie Bell, Jean Chevrier, Jacques Dacqmine
Abonnez-vous à la chaîne pour recevoir nos prochaines publications https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQIrvVPHrt2cN14ktGA2Snw?sub_confirmation=1
Vous pouvez partager ce film sur Facebook, blog et autres site web. N'oubliez pas de mettre un "j'aime" à la vidéo. Merci
- published: 25 Aug 2015
- views: 6951
Tony, Fabrizio, Ottavio e Luigi fanno parte di un piccolo complesso canoro. La loro vita si svolge pigramente, finché...
Tony, Fabrizio, Ottavio e Luigi fanno parte di un piccolo complesso canoro. La loro vita si svolge pigramente, finché ognuno non incontra la propria ragazza. Ma arriva il momento di prestare il servizio militare e, dopo aver provato ogni espediente per evitarlo, si ritrovano tutti nella stessa caserma. Con la possibilità di poter usufruire di 10 giorni di licenza partecipano ad una festa in onore del loro colonnello, sperando così di poter trascorrere finalmente un po' di giorni tranquilli, ognuno con la propria fidanzata. Tutto non va per il meglio ed alle canzoni fanno seguito litigi e baraonde di ogni genere. Alla fine sfuma la sospirata licenza ma i quattro amici sono stati rallegrati, nella loro vita militare, da questo imprevisto intermezzo.
GENERE: Commedia, Musical
REGIA: Ruggero Deodato
SCENEGGIATURA: Bruno Corbucci, Mario Amendola
Janet Agren, Ferruccio Amendola, Pinuccio Ardia, Beatrice Bensi, Fiorenzo Fiorentini, Ugo Fangareggi, Cesare Gelli, Ettore Geri, Franco Giacobini, Ira Hagen, Enrico Marciani, Luigi Leoni, Marisa Merlini, Enrico Montesano, Renzo Montagnani, Luigi Minopoli, Barbara Nelli, Carlo Pisacane, Mirella Pamphili, Carla Romanelli
wn.com/Donne Botte E Bersaglieri Little Tony Film Completo 1968
Tony, Fabrizio, Ottavio e Luigi fanno parte di un piccolo complesso canoro. La loro vita si svolge pigramente, finché ognuno non incontra la propria ragazza. Ma arriva il momento di prestare il servizio militare e, dopo aver provato ogni espediente per evitarlo, si ritrovano tutti nella stessa caserma. Con la possibilità di poter usufruire di 10 giorni di licenza partecipano ad una festa in onore del loro colonnello, sperando così di poter trascorrere finalmente un po' di giorni tranquilli, ognuno con la propria fidanzata. Tutto non va per il meglio ed alle canzoni fanno seguito litigi e baraonde di ogni genere. Alla fine sfuma la sospirata licenza ma i quattro amici sono stati rallegrati, nella loro vita militare, da questo imprevisto intermezzo.
GENERE: Commedia, Musical
REGIA: Ruggero Deodato
SCENEGGIATURA: Bruno Corbucci, Mario Amendola
Janet Agren, Ferruccio Amendola, Pinuccio Ardia, Beatrice Bensi, Fiorenzo Fiorentini, Ugo Fangareggi, Cesare Gelli, Ettore Geri, Franco Giacobini, Ira Hagen, Enrico Marciani, Luigi Leoni, Marisa Merlini, Enrico Montesano, Renzo Montagnani, Luigi Minopoli, Barbara Nelli, Carlo Pisacane, Mirella Pamphili, Carla Romanelli
- published: 02 Sep 2013
- views: 71357
Lalka Cały Film
Czas trwania: 2 godz. 31 min.
Tytuł: Lalka
Gatunek: Kostiumowy, Obyczajowy
Premiera: 7 litopad 1968 (Polska i świat)
Produkcja: Polska
Reżyseria: Wojciech Has
Czas trwania: 2 godz. 31 min.
Tytuł: Lalka
Gatunek: Kostiumowy, Obyczajowy
Premiera: 7 litopad 1968 (Polska i świat)
Produkcja: Polska
Reżyseria: Wojciech Has
Scenariusz: Wojciech Has
Dodatkowe tagi:
Lalka cały film
Lalka streszczenie
Lalka audiobook
lalka film cały
lalka film bolesław prus
lalka bolesław prus
lalka bolesław prus cały film
lalka bolesław prus audiobook
lalka bolesław prus streszczenie
lalka bolesław prus film
lalka film 1977
lalka film 1968
lalka film muzyka
lalka film horror
matura 2014
matura 2015
wn.com/Lalka Cały Film
Czas trwania: 2 godz. 31 min.
Tytuł: Lalka
Gatunek: Kostiumowy, Obyczajowy
Premiera: 7 litopad 1968 (Polska i świat)
Produkcja: Polska
Reżyseria: Wojciech Has
Scenariusz: Wojciech Has
Dodatkowe tagi:
Lalka cały film
Lalka streszczenie
Lalka audiobook
lalka film cały
lalka film bolesław prus
lalka bolesław prus
lalka bolesław prus cały film
lalka bolesław prus audiobook
lalka bolesław prus streszczenie
lalka bolesław prus film
lalka film 1977
lalka film 1968
lalka film muzyka
lalka film horror
matura 2014
matura 2015
- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 243818
YILMAZ GUNEY - Seyyit Han (1968) film
Seyyit Han yıllar sonra köyüne döndüğünde, sevdiği kız Keje'nın Nebahat Çehre Haydar Beye verildiğini öğrenir. Düğün gecesi koynuna girmeyen gözü yaşlı yüreği y...
Seyyit Han yıllar sonra köyüne döndüğünde, sevdiği kız Keje'nın Nebahat Çehre Haydar Beye verildiğini öğrenir. Düğün gecesi koynuna girmeyen gözü yaşlı yüreği yaralı gelin için Haydar Bey, Seyyit bir öneride bulunur. Toprağın üzerinde ters çevrilmiş sepetin üzerindeki papatyayı kim vurursa Keje onun olacaktır. Seyyit bunu başarır. Ama sepetin altında toprağa boğazına kadar gömülmüş Kejenin kanlı başı vardır.
wn.com/Yilmaz Guney Seyyit Han (1968) Film
Seyyit Han yıllar sonra köyüne döndüğünde, sevdiği kız Keje'nın Nebahat Çehre Haydar Beye verildiğini öğrenir. Düğün gecesi koynuna girmeyen gözü yaşlı yüreği yaralı gelin için Haydar Bey, Seyyit bir öneride bulunur. Toprağın üzerinde ters çevrilmiş sepetin üzerindeki papatyayı kim vurursa Keje onun olacaktır. Seyyit bunu başarır. Ama sepetin altında toprağa boğazına kadar gömülmüş Kejenin kanlı başı vardır.
- published: 19 Mar 2014
- views: 23678