
Vinyl Meltdown (Version)

March 15th, 2016

MuzakBIT grey 69a

Music represents at once the immediate manifestation of impulse and the locus of its taming (Adorno; 288)

We don’t sell music; we sell programming

The dissolution of the Muzak brand in 2013 brought to an end a history that stretched back over 70 years, with the brand first appearing in 1934. Although synonymous with influencing the behaviour of consumers, Muzak spent much of its formative years manipulating workers on the factory floor with vinyl transcription records.

Muzak recorded thousands of 12″ and 16″ discs, building up a large library of material. In the 1930s artists’ songs were usually recorded at Muzak studios in a single take and cut straight to a lacquer master ready for duplication. In 1934, one of the first Muzak releases to be recorded featured the ‘National Fascist Militia Band’, a touring Italian brass band. During this session over 25 songs and marches were recorded, including ‘March on Rome’ ( Anthem of the young Fascists ), and ‘To Arms’, ( Fascist Anthem ). It is unclear whether this recording of the ‘Pan American Brass band’ (as the band was later aliased for release) influenced the direction that Muzak was to take, but what is clear is that around this time Muzak saw in the disciplining function of music commercial opportunities that they argued would assist companies and factories in increasing worker productivity. [Read more →]

Music Makes the People

March 14th, 2016

Story by Dan Hekate from Almanac for Noise & Politics 2015

An array of lights blinked across the gleaming hard black plastic of MooD’s head as slinky welcoming music box sounds came from his hidden speakers. Seth Lindstrum waved his hand in front of the sensor and the door slammed closed.
“What fuck brain ordered me a MooD.” Said the hulking figure of Seth as he strode into the middle of his own welcome home party.
“Are we gonna spend the whole night arguing over whose go it is to load a new tune or let MooD handle the whole shebang?” Said Vince who had served with Seth in the battlegrounds of the Basque country.
“I thought you boys liked toys?” Said Zanda, Seth’s petite fiancé, as she waved her hand in front of the door. MooD entered exuding an Afrobeat and strutting a slow moonwalk.
“I hate those things and now I’ve got one in my pod, it’s like Marky died for nothing.”
“Shouldn’t you be petitioning on MeMe or shining holoboards out in Westminster with the other Ludds?” Said Zanda. [Read more →]

Scheffi Soli 12-03-2016 in Berlin, incl. Datacide Talk

March 11th, 2016

Fundraiser for the Scheffi on Saturday with a talk by Christoph Fringeli of Datacide as well as Fabian Frenzel (Institut für Nomadologie), then party with:



Datacide Book presentation in Vienna 26-02-2016 + Praxis floor at Cyberrise Party 27-02!

February 22nd, 2016


Organized by: panda!
Location: Librería Utopía – radical bookstore vienna, Preysinggasse 26-28, 1150 Wien
Facebook Event

Datacide ist eine Zeitschrift, die von den Schnittmengen von experimenteller elektronischer Musik und radikaler Politik ausgehend Möglichkeiten und Momente von Subversion, Gegenkultur und Revolution untersucht und formuliert. Gegründet wurde Datacide 1997 in London quasi als schriftliches Pendant des Musik-Labels Praxis, das von Christoph Fringeli seit 1992 betrieben wird, und das mit seinen Veröffentlichungen im Bereich von Noise, Breakcore und experimenteller Tanzmusik einen internationalen Ruf genießt. Nun sind die ersten 10 Ausgaben von Datacide in einem Band erschienen und präsentieren auf 364 Seiten eine einzigartige Geschichte der Gegenkulturen, die mit elektronischer Musik und Teknivals assoziiert sind.

Christoph Fringeli wird über die Wurzeln und Inspirationen von Datacide berichten und diskutieren.

Link zum Buch:

Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos (Spenden erbeten) und wird von unserem Kulturverein “Assoziation Panda – Verein zur Förderung des kritischen literarischen Diskurses” organisiert.

And on Saturday 27-02-2016, there will be a Praxis floor at the yearly Cyberrise Free Party at EKH, feat. 2/5 BZ, Ari Nev, Christoph Fringeli,  Crash 0.1 a.k.a. Mr. Damned, Eiterherd, Franz Rasputin, Johnny Weissbrot, Lynx, and Zombieflesheater.

EKH Vienna flyer 2

Praxis Documentary ‘Nothing Essential Happens in the Absence of Noise’ showing at Globale Filmfestival 29-01-2016

January 29th, 2016

Silvia Biagioni’s documentary on Praxis will be shown this Friday as a part of the Program of the Globale Film Festival. The Festival is taking place at Kino Movimento from Thursday 28th to Sunday 31st, “Nothing Essential Happens in the Absence of Noise” will be screened Friday night at 21.30. Both Silvia as well as Christoph Fringeli will be there for questions/discussion.


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