Donors tapped to  buy  Senator Sinodinos a home

Kate McClymont   Key Liberal fundraisers sounded out major donors to the party to chip in for a house for Arthur Sinodinos.

Latest political news

Vengeful micro parties go after Joyce's scalp

Preference whisperer Glenn Druery.

Damien Murphy   The Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce is to be targeted by "far right wing" micro parties directing preferences against him in the seat of New England, according to the preference expert Glenn Druery.

Up to $15,000 loaned to Australian travellers

On the spot loans are available for Australian travellers to replace a missing passport.

Nicole Hasham   Australians travelling in Thailand, Indonesia and Italy are the most likely to run into financial strife and call on taxpayers at home to bail them out – but some loans are never repaid, new data shows.

'Is Tony Abbott your Kevin Rudd?'

Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Jones face-off

Aisha Dow   Malcolm Turnbull tells Lateline host Tony Jones voters are not interested in leadership tensions.

Labor to start health attack in PM's electorate

Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek.

Jane Lee   Labor will kick off its attack against the Coalition's cuts to health this weekend at a health clinic for homeless people, which is set to close in Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's electorate.

Religion support costs taxpayers $350m

The Parliamentary Budget Office was asked by crossbench senator David Leyonhjelm to look at the potential savings if the ...

Adam Gartrell   The Turnbull government could improve the budget bottom line by $350 million by scrapping taxpayer support for religious organisations.

Abbott highlights meeting with British PM

Tony Abbott meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Latika Bourke   Tony Abbott has touted a meeting with the British Minister David Cameron on Twitter during his trip to the United Kingdom, the latest meeting with a world leader publicised by Abbott since being ousted as Prime Minister.

Devastating poll shows budget dilemma

Treasurer Scott Morrison might have a tough time selling a cut to the company tax rate.

Michael Koziol   Devastating poll that will put further pressure on the Coalition's pre-budget planning.

Sinodinos fires back as Turnbull urged to act

Cabinet secretary Arthur Sinodinos is under pressure over the NSW Liberal party's political donations scandal.

Sean Nicholls, Michael Koziol   Malcolm Turnbull is under pressure to stand down his cabinet secretary, Senator Arthur Sinodinos over an escalating illegal political donations scandal threatening to engulf the NSW Liberal party on the eve of the federal election.

Melbourne booms as locals leave Sydney

Melbourne is clearly  Australia's fastest-growing city and will overtake Sydney as the nation's largest by 2056.

Peter Martin   Melbourne has consolidated its position as Australia's fastest-growing city, gaining an extra 95,600 residents in a year in which Sydney gained only 84,200.

Reliance on drugs not counselling

Psychiatrists and psychologists in major cities tend towards counselling mental health patients but remote areas see ...

Jane Lee   People living in disadvantaged or remote areas are more likely to rely on medication to treat their mental health problems because they have less access to psychiatric treatment than people in cities, experts say.

Comment & Analysis

Power play: masterstroke or miscalculation?

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra on Monday.

Michael Gordon   Malcolm Turnbull presented Bill Shorten with a gift when he told voters on Monday to prepare for a double dissolution election on July 2, effectively beginning a marathon 15-week election campaign that will end in the middle of winter.

Religion's tax break a cross we shouldn't bear


Meredith Doig   Religious groups are not taxable. No wonder there’s no transparency in how their billions of dollars are spent.

Comments 101

Turnbull v Morrison: best frenemies forever?

Curiouser and curiouser: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison.

Mark Kenny   The relationship between the Treasurer and the PM could make or break the party.

Comments 100

Why Tony Abbott was right

Jessica Irvine dinkus

Jessica Irvine   Tony Abbott was wrong on a lot of things, but not on this policy for working women.

Comments 207

ABCC a poor base to build an election on

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull: "Unlawful conduct on building sites around Australia is holding back our economy."

Peter Martin   The Prime Minister uses discredited analysis to exaggerate reasons to reinstate the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

Europe confronted by a perfect storm

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced he will recall a joint sitting of Parliament on 18 April during a press ...

Malcolm Turnbull   In the fight against terrorism, Australia is fully committed to playing a leading role.

Taking the terror out of terrorism

Illustration John Spooner

David Wells   There are no easy answers in Europe, but Australia is heading in the right direction: raid early and raid often.

PM bristles at Abbott comparison

Mark kenny

Mark Kenny   He might as well have said "same same but different" for all the sense it makes to the uninitiated voter. Comparing himself to Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull says "there is continuity and there is change".

Turnbull v Abbott: only one will survive

Alan Stokes.

Alan Stokes   There is no point in pussyfooting around. An election victory whereby Abbott remains capable of rallying his supporters and undermining Turnbull is no victory at all.

We all pay when businesses break our trust

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   Big businesses must clean up their own behaviour before they start telling others what to do.

July 2 poll: colossal gamble PM had to take

AFR.  Portrait of Malcolm Turnbull in his office at Parliament House in Canberra.  Pic by Nic Walker.  Date 14th March 2012.

Michael Gordon   Malcolm Turnbull has pulled the trigger on one of the most audacious power plays in Australian political history.

Turnbull throws caution to the wind

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announces he will recall a joint sitting of Parliament on April 18 and names his ...

Mark Kenny   Have no illusion, this is less bluff, more statement of intent.

Cutting taxes for big business will test PM

Comcare staff have accepted a new enterprise agreement amid national industrial action.

Mark Kenny   For Malcolm Turnbull, the policy basis of this may well be sound, but the politics in the lead-up to the 2016 poll are less favourable.

Turnbull steals a march with double dissolution

Peter Reith

Peter Reith   Malcolm Turnbull has not only acted decisively, he has caught his opponents on the hop. By taking the initiative he has already set the early agenda to get the 2016 election under way.

Labor's united front may yet upset the odds

As Malcolm Turnbull shrinks, Bill Shorten is quietly growing larger.

Nicholas Reece   No longer a toxic soap opera, the ALP has seized the upper hand in the policy debate.

Comments 24

PM must now apply a political 'effects' test

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Treasurer Scott Morrison during a divison to suspend standing orders at Parliament ...

Mark Kenny   The Turnbull government has caught the big end of town off-guard by inserting an "effects" test in competition law. 

Turnbull's first budget will be great, seriously

Peter Martin dinkus

Peter Martin   The Prime Minister is prepared to make the most of unusually low interest rates by spending up big on projects that will pay dividends.

Lonely mission ahead for US's deputy sheriff

Hannah Bretherton dinkus

Hannah Bretherton   Australia should follow the pragmatism of Britain, Canada and New Zealand in its approach to China, not join the "containment" camp led by the US.

Comments 11

Economists out of touch with climate change

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Noah Smith   If economists are to help us deal with global warming, they need to start studying science.

There needs to be more to work than money

Ross Gittins

Ross Gittins   Has it ever occurred to you that, in all our economic striving, most of us – almost all our business people, economists and politicians, but also many normal people – are missing the point?

A problem with innocent until proven guilty

George Williams dinkus

George Williams   Australia has a problem with the presumption of innocence. It is being displaced by a rush to judgement. The reasons for this are understandable, but problematic. People want to believe that the perpetrator of a violent act has been found and arrested. They want to see someone punished for the crime.

Comments 21

Special features

Malcolm's swerved to the right. But has he chosen the right issues to swerve on?

Jacqueline Maley The Prime Minister will want to make sure the issues are what middle Australians actually care about.

Turnbull v Morrison: best frenemies forever?

Mark Kenny The relationship between the Treasurer and the PM could make or break the party.

The bipartisan catastrophe that's wasting billions in taxpayer dollars

It's has been a conflagration of taxpayers' money. Now watch the bastards duck for cover.

Religion's tax break is a cross we shouldn't bear

Religious groups are not taxable. No wonder there’s no transparency in how their billions of dollars are spent.

Why Tony Abbott was right

Tony Abbott was wrong on a lot of things, but not on this policy for working women.

ABCC a poor base to build an election on

The Prime Minister uses discredited analysis to exaggerate reasons to reinstate the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

Europe confronted by a perfect storm

In the fight against terrorism, Australia is fully committed to playing a leading role.

Taking the terror out of terrorism

There are no easy answers in Europe, but Australia is heading in the right direction: raid early and raid often.

Why Brussels?

The common view of Islamist attackers such as those who appear to have carried out the Brussels carnage is of crazed religious fanatics.

PM bristles at Abbott comparison

Analysis Tony Abbott may actually be helping Malcolm Turnbull

Abbott at larger than life

The Honourable Tony Abbott has issued an urgent press release to inform Australians everywhere that he has accepted a new title, bestowed by his own esteemed self, as Prime Minister at Large.

Continuity and change: PM's new fave phrase

There's never been a more exciting time for continuity and change.

Malcolm's black-ops team plans a honeytrap

Sketch Malcolm Turnbull has called his closest black-ops advisers together. The mission? To set a honeytrap or two for the crossbench senators.

We all pay when businesses break trust

Big businesses must clean up their own behaviour before they start telling others what to do.

Turnbull v Abbott: only one will survive

There is no point in pussyfooting around. An election victory whereby Abbott remains capable of rallying his supporters and undermining Turnbull is no victory at all.

'We are looking forward to leaving our past behind'

The federal government says it makes no apologies for having accepted only a tiny fraction of a promised 12,000 refugees from the Syria and Iraq region.

As it happened: Turnbull names a likely date

Malcolm Turnbull has confirmed speculation he is considering the trigger for a double dissolution election.