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(iMike) i dont trust that britney spears has areolas that big

<Nyschashi-Seikun> so yeah, I downloaded this random porno
<Nyschashi-Seikun> and it's a black porn movie
<Nyschashi-Seikun> and out of nowhere
<Nyschashi-Seikun> they start rapping
<Nyschashi-Seikun> and this skinny white guy, who is apparently the producer
<Nyschashi-Seikun> pops on screen with them
<Nyschashi-Seikun> and dances as they rap
<Nyschashi-Seikun> ;/

<Valdek> rofl
<Valdek> my sister's friend alyssa just came into the kitchen when i was getting some grape juice
<Valdek> and yelled "don't ever cum inside a girl!"
<Valdek> and threw a pregnancy test box at me

<mgblst> I joined the half-mile high club. It is like the mile high club, but has half as many people.

<foszor> wtf fuck that
<foszor> why would i get married?
<foszor> ill just go find some bitch i hate and buy her a house
<foszor> that should save me 5 or 6 years
Comment: its so true!

<NihiMetal> I saw my first porno when I ws 11
<NihiMetal> It had tons of lesbian sex and stuff
<NihiMetal> I use to think that women did that shit with each other all the time
<NihiMetal> You never look at your mother and the preachers wife the same after that

<D-viant> it's not like her ass is caked in shit
<D-viant> and it's not like I'm sticking my tongue IN her ass

<+TlMMAH> hey gary
<+TlMMAH> what is porno that i should download
<+TlMMAH> i am putting my dick into your hands here
<+TlMMAH> not literally but, you know

Rich: On August 25th, late at night, the Linux Fairy flies around the world on his magical steed.
Rich: And if you've been a good boy or girl, when you wake up, you might just find a shiny new Gentoo or Knoppix disc under your pillow.
Rich: If you've been a bad boy, however, the Fairy's steed will rape you up the ass with a chainsaw while the Fairy installs Red Hat on your computer.

<deft-> i always type /dick instead of /nick on accident =

<SlapAyoda:#916> felix, do these girls names end in jpg or gif?
<felix:#916> slap: names are insignificant


<Flayra> Canada seems to have grants, the U.S. seems to have infomercials about grants.

<Stemish> "How many NOC staff does it take it screw in a light bulb?"
<PetrDoubt> 500 to send the outage notices to nocstaff, 14 managers to
escalate it to client services and back, and one to change it.

<ScumDog> my first BBS name ever, when I was something like 11 years old, was pothead.
<ScumDog> except that I was named after a local band, and had no idea what an actual "pothead" was
<ScumDog> so people were always like "Rahhh! 420 4-ever!!!" and I had no clue what they were talking about

<pupazz_> What American Pie Has Taught Us : No need to date if your mother bakes pie.

<deggie> I just 0wned a .jp!
<sacrine> damn you are elite :|
<eSDee> congrats
<deggie> yeah I know, can I ask you guys something?
<sacrine> do we have a choice?
<deggie> ok, how can I see what the ip address is of a site?
<eSDee> omg
<sacrine> omfg

[xexyz]    --- sdf.lonestar.org ping statistics ---
[xexyz]    2 packets transmitted, 32 packets received, 0% packet loss
[nooper]   lol
[nooper]   damn
[xexyz]    that's what is commonly referred to as "Voodoo Networking"

<Sumez> Echythus is just a weak wizard. He doesn't want to retake the world.
<Sumez> He doesn't even have the power to enslave all humans.
<Twilo> Hitler didn't have magice powers but he took Poland.

<Squirrel> and if I'm looking at porn and I jizz all over the RPC's keyboard, is that on-topic?

Daeg says, "We are watching the dead deer show."
Una says, "A whole show about dead deers?"
Daeg says, "It seems to be."
Una says, "This isn't that Canadian soft porn channel again, is it? :)"

<Dread> UR R R0nG j00 n3wbz! T4ht iz n0t m4thz, t4ht r t3h SUXX0Rz!1!! ZOMG URL4ME GET4LI3FLRN2PlYkTHXBYE1!1!
<Dread> ouch
<Dread> I think I sprained my brain trying to read that
<ct> you are wrong you new users of this system. That of which you speak is not related to mathematics, rather, it is something quite unacceptable. I swear to the Lord above that you are substandard in your abilities. Please, find a hobby which will distract you as you learn its intricacies. Thank you for your time and consideration, I bid you adieu.
<ct> translation is just one of the services I provide

<strike_force> how big is the file?
<gabagoo> 7½ inches
<strike_force> my penis is not a file

Wildfire: im going to have wet dreams about a big red ox tonight
Daemonus: .......what
Wildfire: box
Wildfire: BOX
Comment: Reasons not to brag about your new PC case

<Mech> well if you live with Fearincognito rent+utilities will be like 200 a month
<Twisted> wow i can cover that with one weeks pay
<Mech> and it's always good to have a couple thousand saved up just incase
<Twisted> yuh
<Mech> Like your car blows up or something
<Twisted> dont fucken touch my car