Image related to Media Release: Arrest of John Setka & Shaun Reardon
Created Sun 6/12/2015, Last Updated Sun 6/12/2015

Media Release: Arrest of John Setka & Shaun Reardon

The CFMEU can confirm that John Setka and Shaun Reardon were arrested by police attached to the Royal Commission taskforce on Sunday morning.

Dave Noonan, National Secretary of the Construction Division also confirmed that "500 Swanston St is the address of the Victorian branch of the union where both men work from about 7am every week day. I thought the police might be able to Google that, but apparently not".

Image related to CFMEU welcomes recommendations for laws to ensure payment for work done
Created Fri 4/12/2015, Last Updated Fri 4/12/2015

CFMEU welcomes recommendations for laws to ensure payment for work done

The CFMEU has welcomed the findings of the report by the Senate Economics References Committee into insolvency in the construction industry, tabled yesterday in the Federal Parliament.

CFMEU National Construction Secretary Dave Noonan said that many workers and small businesses finally feel that they are being heard and something may be done to ensure that they are paid for work that they perform.

Created Wed 2/12/2015, Last Updated Wed 2/12/2015

CFMEU calls for an end to politicization of the AFP in wake of decision in Supreme Court

The CFMEU has called for an end to the politicization of the Australian Federal Police following a victory for the union in the ACT Supreme Court today. 

A Supreme court judge has ruled that the AFP breached legal requirements during the AFP’s raid on the ACT CFMEU office in August 2015.

Justice Richard Refshauge orderd the AFP to pay the CFMEU’s legal costs. 

ACT CFMEU Secretary Dean Hall hailed the decision as a win for workers, the union and civil liberties.