- published: 15 Jan 2013
- views: 1063
The mental body (the mind) is one of the subtle bodies in esoteric philosophies, in some religious teachings and in New Age thought. It is understood as a sort of body made up of thoughts, just as the emotional body consists of emotions and the physical body is made up of matter. In occult understanding, thoughts are not just subjective qualia, but have an existence apart from the associated physical organ, the brain.
According to Theosophists C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant (Adyar School of Theosophy), and later Alice Bailey, the mental body is equivalent to the "Lower Manas" of Blavatsky's original seven principles of man. But the New Age writer Barbara Brennan describes the Mental body as intermediate between the Emotional and the Astral body in terms of the layers in the "Human Energy Field" or Aura.
The mental body is usually considered in terms of an aura that includes thoughtforms. In Theosophical and Alice Bailey's teachings, it corresponds to the Mental plane.
A subtle body is one of a series of psycho-spiritual constituents of living beings, according to various esoteric, occult, and mystical teachings. According to such beliefs each subtle body corresponds to a subtle plane of existence, in a hierarchy or great chain of being that culminates in the physical form.
According to Bhagavad Gita, one of the most sacred texts of Hinduism, the subtle body is composed of mind, intelligence and ego, which controls the gross physical body. It is also known in other different spiritual traditions: "the most sacred body" (wujud al-aqdas) and "true and genuine body" (jism asli haqiqi) in Sufism, "the diamond body" in Taoism and Vajrayana, "the light body" or "rainbow body" in Tibetan Buddhism, "the body of bliss" in Kriya Yoga, and "the immortal body" (soma athanaton) in Hermeticism. The various attributes of the subtle body are frequently described in terms of often obscure symbolism: Tantra features references to the sun and moon as well as various Indian rivers and deities, while Taoist alchemy speaks of cauldrons and cinnabar fields.
Body or BODY may refer to:
Mental refers to aspects of, or things related to, the mind; or, in anatomy, the region of the chin, e.g. the mental foramen, can also mean:
Episode #4 Essence of Sound - Mental Body by Evelyn Mulders
The Mental Body
Metin2.pl Wojo Body vs Wojo Mental! Kto lepszy?
Centrum Sportu Akademos Mental Body
Metin2.pl Body vs Mental Kontra wieża demonów
Healing the Mental Body
Zajęcia Mental Body, Grzegorz Długosz
Perfecting the mental body
The 5th Dimensional Mental Body: How to Connect to Your Superconscious Mind
Blessing for the mental body
www.essenceofsound.net/ www.soundessence.net Evelyn Mulders is the founder of the Kinesiology College of Canada and senior faculty for the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice, training students in Energy Medicine, since 1996. She owns and operates Holistic Tapestries Natural Care Center and is the Alchemist of Sound Essence vibrational remedies. Her passion for educating others has inspired her to write two published books, "The Essence of Sound" and "Western Herbs for Eastern Meridians and Five Element Theory" and develop a leading edge energy kinesiology protocol and training manuals designed for athletes "Circuits Alive Muscle Tuning". About the Video..... The Mental Body generates thoughts as vibrational patterns that can be called thought-form. When enough peo...
Zostaw Lubię to, a na 100% się odwdzięczę! Zagraj już dziś!: http://bit.ly/1KVd2GD Facebook do popisania: https://www.facebook.com/DariuszObsydian Fanpage do vlogow: https://www.facebook.com/diiim2 Fanpage do gier: www.facebook.com/dariusziii Filmik o alchemii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqBN5BbfVHY Odwiedź mnie (INSTAGRAM) http://instagram.com/thediiim2/ (ASK) http://ask.fm/DariuszIII (YT) https://www.youtube.com/user/DIIIM2 (BLOG) http://dariusziii.blogspot.com/ Dotacje Twierdza: http://bit.ly/15drnNC Setlersi: http://bit.ly/1zYqqFS Anno onilne: http://bit.ly/1AgGWRJ Rubiny na blogu WOT: http://bit.ly/1uovxMx Jeszcze troche i zupełnie nowe gry i więcej na kanale :D
Odkryj zajęcia, które wpłyną na poprawę jakości Twojego życia. Uwolnij swoje ciało od napięć i popraw wygląd swojej sylwetki. Skorzystaj z szerokiej oferty zajęć mentalnych w Centrum Sportu Akademos w Lublinie.
Odwiedź mnie też tutaj! ►Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/pages/WObiektywieDarka/1496187480629418 ►Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/pages/DariuszIII/105920629522887?ref_type=bookmark ►Rejestruj się i GRAJ ►A może PL?: http://bit.ly/1qHD5tc ►Czołgi!: http://bit.ly/1p0jBLl
The beliefs and concepts you hold about yourself impact your daily thought process. When you know your soul's purpose you can create new beliefs that are in alignment with your vision. Subscribe! Read the blog- http://evolutionarysoul.com/healing-mental-body/
Zajęcia fitness Mental Body Prowadzący: Grzegorz Długosz Miejsce: Fitness Team
An exploration of the 5th dimensional mental body, or higher mind. Tips and perspectives that have assisted me along my journey of continually integrating the higher one mind with the conscious and subconscious minds (the three minds). Like the supercomputer of minds, the galactic mind, the sacred mind of superconsciousness, connects us to the entire universe, clear-knowing/seeing/hearing, and to the Akashic Records. When working in balanced unison with the sacred heart (divine feminine), the sacred mind and heart create a merkaba (two interlocking pyramids of polarity, integrated) that blends the yang blue mental with the yin pink intuitive, creating the color violet and vast spiritual alchemical powers. The mind is a great assistant in learning to be fully EMPOWERED conscious creator...
How to receive clarity, insights and more for your journey. smbhc
www.essenceofsound.net/ www.soundessence.net Evelyn Mulders is the founder of the Kinesiology College of Canada and senior faculty for the International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice, training students in Energy Medicine, since 1996. She owns and operates Holistic Tapestries Natural Care Center and is the Alchemist of Sound Essence vibrational remedies. Her passion for educating others has inspired her to write two published books, "The Essence of Sound" and "Western Herbs for Eastern Meridians and Five Element Theory" and develop a leading edge energy kinesiology protocol and training manuals designed for athletes "Circuits Alive Muscle Tuning". About the Video..... The Mental Body generates thoughts as vibrational patterns that can be called thought-form. When enough peo...
Zostaw Lubię to, a na 100% się odwdzięczę! Zagraj już dziś!: http://bit.ly/1KVd2GD Facebook do popisania: https://www.facebook.com/DariuszObsydian Fanpage do vlogow: https://www.facebook.com/diiim2 Fanpage do gier: www.facebook.com/dariusziii Filmik o alchemii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqBN5BbfVHY Odwiedź mnie (INSTAGRAM) http://instagram.com/thediiim2/ (ASK) http://ask.fm/DariuszIII (YT) https://www.youtube.com/user/DIIIM2 (BLOG) http://dariusziii.blogspot.com/ Dotacje Twierdza: http://bit.ly/15drnNC Setlersi: http://bit.ly/1zYqqFS Anno onilne: http://bit.ly/1AgGWRJ Rubiny na blogu WOT: http://bit.ly/1uovxMx Jeszcze troche i zupełnie nowe gry i więcej na kanale :D
Odkryj zajęcia, które wpłyną na poprawę jakości Twojego życia. Uwolnij swoje ciało od napięć i popraw wygląd swojej sylwetki. Skorzystaj z szerokiej oferty zajęć mentalnych w Centrum Sportu Akademos w Lublinie.
Odwiedź mnie też tutaj! ►Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/pages/WObiektywieDarka/1496187480629418 ►Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/pages/DariuszIII/105920629522887?ref_type=bookmark ►Rejestruj się i GRAJ ►A może PL?: http://bit.ly/1qHD5tc ►Czołgi!: http://bit.ly/1p0jBLl
The beliefs and concepts you hold about yourself impact your daily thought process. When you know your soul's purpose you can create new beliefs that are in alignment with your vision. Subscribe! Read the blog- http://evolutionarysoul.com/healing-mental-body/
Zajęcia fitness Mental Body Prowadzący: Grzegorz Długosz Miejsce: Fitness Team
An exploration of the 5th dimensional mental body, or higher mind. Tips and perspectives that have assisted me along my journey of continually integrating the higher one mind with the conscious and subconscious minds (the three minds). Like the supercomputer of minds, the galactic mind, the sacred mind of superconsciousness, connects us to the entire universe, clear-knowing/seeing/hearing, and to the Akashic Records. When working in balanced unison with the sacred heart (divine feminine), the sacred mind and heart create a merkaba (two interlocking pyramids of polarity, integrated) that blends the yang blue mental with the yin pink intuitive, creating the color violet and vast spiritual alchemical powers. The mind is a great assistant in learning to be fully EMPOWERED conscious creator...
How to receive clarity, insights and more for your journey. smbhc
An exploration of the 5th dimensional mental body, or higher mind. Tips and perspectives that have assisted me along my journey of continually integrating the higher one mind with the conscious and subconscious minds (the three minds). Like the supercomputer of minds, the galactic mind, the sacred mind of superconsciousness, connects us to the entire universe, clear-knowing/seeing/hearing, and to the Akashic Records. When working in balanced unison with the sacred heart (divine feminine), the sacred mind and heart create a merkaba (two interlocking pyramids of polarity, integrated) that blends the yang blue mental with the yin pink intuitive, creating the color violet and vast spiritual alchemical powers. The mind is a great assistant in learning to be fully EMPOWERED conscious creator...
Mental, Emotional, and Physical Healing - Mind / Body / Spirit Connection - Binaural Beats Magnetic Minds: Purchase this HD Audio Track on MP3: https://sellfy.com/p/jjBM This video contains frequencies which will greatly assist in healing the Mental, Emotional, and Physical bodies. The Mind / Body complex is a series of interconnected bodies (not the type of bodies you might be thinking of, only the Physical Body is material in nature). The other bodies are literally physical apparatuses of energy that Transmit / Store / and Receive (tri-way) information being exchanged through all 3 "bodies". The Ancients believed that the Energetic (Emotional) .. E-Motion .. (Energy in Motion) body (this is where your feelings are stored) could be healed and transformed through Tuning Forks, partic...
To heal, we need to let go of the past---not only from our memory space and conscious thinking, but from the etheric bodies as well. The debris of the past causes toxins that build up in our system, perpetuating fear, limiting beliefs, and negative emotions. When we let go of the past (the remembered past and that which we believe we have forgotten), we enrich our present. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED To hear other channelings, talks and meditations please click here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG-hsFUvGEaUp-0l0J_IA8A?feature=guide SUBSCRIBE HERE TO RECEIVE THE LATEST UPLOADS. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG-hsFUvGEaUp-0l0J_IA8A Be a part of the Ellaeenah Ascension Network @ www.jadefirelight.com/blog LIKE my Facebook page Ellaeenah Niloufer Follow me on Twitter Read my ...
Boarding, deboarding, ascent toward.
Click here! http://www.abbeynormalswisdomquest.com Spiritual Healing & Psychic Wisdom Services
Information & Links: Black Hole Son: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NKUqqD3Uuk Red Ice Creations Interview: Jan 2013 (First Hour) http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2013/01/RIR-130129.php Anthropos: The Descent (From the Corpus Hermeticum) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76b-XiZaTx8 The Cosmic Christ (Material from The Zohar and Kabbalah) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEzAC2mtv_A Collective Unconscious Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmdMThVSH8eYRgU1n5QhqnsTCCp3NDwRc Hieroglyphics Analysis Public Link: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.441448115944263.1073741828.100002372351681&type;=1&l;=61dca099b0 PDF E-Book (Work In Condensed Form) @ http://www.orioninthevatican.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/danny.wilten Public Link To Diagrams: http://www.faceb...
Frequencies used: 108HZ, 9.6HZ, 7.83HZ, 4.5HZ, 3.5HZ, 3.14159265359HZ, 3HZ, 2.71828182846HZ, 2.222222222222HZ, 1.61803398875HZ, 1.5HZ, 1HZ, 0.5HZ This video was specifically designed to regenerate the entire body. It uses monaural, binaural, isochronic and panning sine waves which release energy blockages, increase bio-electricity flow, chakra healing, DNA activation, ascend serpentine power (Kundalini), produce stem cells, activate/stimulate nerves in the brain (especially in the third ventricle), synchronize brain hemispheres, induce deep relaxation, clarity, open-mindedness and it will help balance the elements inside of the body (Ether/Akasha, Fire, Water, Air, Earth) among many other effects. 108HZ - Wholeness of existence, spiritual ascendance, time and space, physiology, Yin-Yang ...
Do not conform but transform your mind. Vera747: Breaking the Bible Code: Keys to Freedom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rox5-dIIdU
From +voyage to enlightenment http://goo.gl/b4sP3l lesson #4 - The Mental Body This video is the forth lesson in a series of processes to help you gain some spiritual enlightenment in your life. This particular video is really the first in the series that would be considered a meditation. It is designed to help you get in touch with your mental body, and start to sense what is behind the mental body - to help you discover that you are not your mental body, that it is only your tool. Possibly you could sense something else that is even larger than that.. Enjoy the process and head on over to the Google+ page and check out the free course.
The beat is getting stronger
I can't take it any longer
Every time I try to sleep I wake up to
This beat inside of me
You can't ignore this beat
You have to get up on your dancing feet
You will have no time to eat
The beat is so much stronger than me,
Oh, yes it is
I observe and I learn
Today I have been reversed
And it seems to me now like I'm the
Center of the universe
hey! look at me!
People ask me if I am going insane
But I say it's just this missile in my vein
It comes on hard, there's no stop no start
And it kicks so strong, the kick goes on
Over and over 'til you can't belong,
It's an endless song
One, two, three, it goes on
Ooo Mental Beat, Ooo Mental Beat
Your hero is a zero
And you're just another weirdo
It comes on like a bomber, a long distance drummer
If you can't hear the beat you must be deaf
Hanoi Roxx has got the beat
Boy, they never seem to sleep!
And the only explanation is that
There is no protection
Against the Mental Beat