The electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is an electric fish, and the only species of the genus Electrophorus. It is capable of generating powerful electric shocks of up to six hundred volts, which it uses for both hunting and self-defense. It is an apex predator in its South American range. Despite its name it is not an eel but rather a knifefish.
Electric eels have an elongated, cylindrical body, typically growing to about 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) in length, and 20 kilograms (44 lb) in weight, making them the largest species of the gymnotiformes. The coloration is dark gray-brown on the back and yellow or orange on the belly. Mature males have a darker color on the belly. They have no scales. The mouth is square, and positioned right at the end of the snout. The anal fin extends the length of the body to the tip of the tail. As in other ostariophysan fishes, the swim bladder has two chambers. The anterior chamber is connected to the inner ear by a series of small bones derived from neck vertebrae called the Weberian apparatus which greatly enhances their hearing capability. The posterior chamber extends along the whole length of the body and is used in buoyancy. Electrophorus has a well-developed sense of hearing. Electric eels have a vascularized respiratory organ in their oral cavity (Albert, 2001). These fish are obligate air-breathers; rising to the surface every 10 minutes or so, the animal will gulp air before returning to the bottom. Nearly 80% of the oxygen used by the fish is taken in this way.
World's Deadliest - Six-Foot Electric Eel
Electric Eel Kills The Alligator - Must See The Alligator Dies
electric eels - agitated
The Electric Eels - The Eyeball of Hell [Full Album]
Documentaries National Geographic - The Mystery of Eels Nature Documentary
The electric eel is fighting a crocodile
The Shocking Truth About Electric Animals!
Can Electric Eels Burn and Kill People? | River Monsters
Electric EEL vs. 4 Gold Fish - Mr Unagi a.k.a. "Justice" fights again
The Korubos fishing an eel
Electric Eel Facts: How Do Electric Eels Produce Electricity
How electric eels tase their prey | Science News
River Monsters- Lassoing an Electric Eel
World's Deadliest - Six-Foot Electric Eel
Electric Eel Kills The Alligator - Must See The Alligator Dies
electric eels - agitated
The Electric Eels - The Eyeball of Hell [Full Album]
Documentaries National Geographic - The Mystery of Eels Nature Documentary
The electric eel is fighting a crocodile
The Shocking Truth About Electric Animals!
Can Electric Eels Burn and Kill People? | River Monsters
Electric EEL vs. 4 Gold Fish - Mr Unagi a.k.a. "Justice" fights again
The Korubos fishing an eel
Electric Eel Facts: How Do Electric Eels Produce Electricity
How electric eels tase their prey | Science News
River Monsters- Lassoing an Electric Eel
feeding electric eels near Tahuayo Lodge in the Amazon Jungle
Electric Eel fishing
Animal Jam - Ask Tierney: How do electric eels make electricity?
Electric Eel (1954)
This is NOT How You Catch an Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus)
Fear Factor Moments | Electric Eels
The Electric Eels-Jaguar Ride
The Electric Eels-You`re Full of Shit
Electric Eels (Trouble In Terrorist Town #12)
Enormous Giant Eels [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
Eels : Documentary on the Mysterious Eel and the World's Fascination with Them
River Monsters Season 3 Ep5 - Electric Executioner - HD 720p
Shadow of the Colossus (Blind) Episode 7: Electric Eels
National Geographic Documentary - The Mystery of Eels - Nature Full HD Documentary
Nuclear Throne - Search for Secret Oasis (Electric Eel Challenge)
Moody Science Videos - 04 - Experience With an Eel
Shadow of the Colossus - 7: The Electric Eel
PIXIA Powered - Mud Mile / Bale Bonds / Walk the Plank / Electric Eel
The Little Mermaid 1x10 Eel Ectric City DragonRanger
Shore fishing for BEGINNERS - Cod and Conger Eels - TAFishing Show
Terraformars テラフォーマーズ Episode 9 -Terra Formars Live Reaction | The Power of Love!
Terraformars テラフォーマーズ Episode 8 -Terra Formars Live Reaction | Adolf the Lightning Man!!
NATURE | The Mystery of Eels Preview (Premiering April 17, 2013) | PBS - Part 1
Technology vs Horse - Starry Nights 2012
Proto Punk - In The Raw show
Special River Monsters Goes Tribal
Tasty Tadpoles - Universal - HD Gameplay Trailer
Johnny Test Episode 04 "Deep Sea Johnny" and "Johnny and the Amazing Turbo Action Backpack"
Electric Eels - Scent Of Fear
Catch Eels in mud
electric eels - It's Artastic
Certified Service Be Winter Smart Electric Eels
feeding electric eels near Tahuayo Lodge in the Amazon J
Certified Service Toronto-Be Winter Smart-Electric Eels
feeding electric eels near Tahuayo Lodge in the Amazon Jungle
Case opening #02 Knife Case Hardened 90% Blue!!!
Be Winter Smart - Funny Clip (Electric Eels) | Certified Service at Boyer Chevrolet Lindsay
Be Winter Smart - Funny Clip (Electric Eels) | Certified Service at Bancroft Motors
Be Winter Smart - Funny Clip (Electric Eels) | Certified Service at Michael Boyer Pickering
Electric eels control their prey’s movements using bursts of electricity, which act on
Sea snakes and electric eels fight
The Electric Eels - Dead Man's Curve
Montage by The Electric Eels #03
전기뱀장어 [Electric Eels] - 화살표 Bass cover
Electric Eel - Taser of the Wild
Electric Eels Zap Their Prey | Video
Piraiba catfishing (and electric eels) in Suriname - Part 2
Service Certifié - Déjouez l’hiver - Electric Eels
Electric eels control their prey WITHOUT touching it: Creatures send shock waves
Shocking News: Electric eels exert remote control over prey