Detecting affiliation in colaughter [Psychological and Cognitive Sciences]>

Edit PNAS 12 Apr 2016
Laughter is a nonverbal vocal expression that often communicates positive affect and cooperative intent in humans. Temporally coincident laughter occurring within groups is a potentially rich cue of affiliation to overhearers. We examined listeners’ judgments of affiliation based on brief, decontextualized instances of colaughter between either established friends or recently... ....

Neural basis of learning biases in pain avoidance [Psychological and Cognitive Sciences]>

Edit PNAS 12 Apr 2016
Pain is an elemental inducer of avoidance. Here, we demonstrate that people differ in how they learn to avoid pain, with some individuals refraining from actions that resulted in painful outcomes, whereas others favor actions that helped prevent pain. These individual biases were best explained by differences in learning from... ....

Nonverbal expansiveness and romantic attraction [Psychological and Cognitive Sciences]>

Edit PNAS 12 Apr 2016
Across two field studies of romantic attraction, we demonstrate that postural expansiveness makes humans more romantically appealing. In a field study (n = 144 speed-dates), we coded nonverbal behaviors associated with liking, love, and dominance. Postural expansiveness—expanding the body in physical space—was most predictive of attraction, with each one-unit increase... ....

2016-17 Science Scholars Named (OXY - Occidental College)

Edit Public Technologies 12 Apr 2016
Five Occidental College students collaborating with faculty in the fields of chemistry, biology and cognitive science have been named 2016-17 Science Scholars and presented with research grants funded by the Kenneth T ... and Julia Hamilton, a cognitive science major from Sherwood, Ore., were selected by Oxy faculty to receive the prestigious award....

Universities of Brighton and Cambridge share £368,000 Leverhulme grant (University of Brighton)

Edit Public Technologies 12 Apr 2016
Traditional mathematical logics used to represent information are inaccessible to most people but by combining computer science and cognitive science, researchers aim to develop a novel and accessible diagram-based logic suitable for information ......

Crick Lecture on learning and memory planned for Tuesday, April 12 (University of Evansville)

Edit Public Technologies 12 Apr 2016
The final Crick Lecture in Cognitive Science and Neuroscience is planned for Tuesday, April 12, at 4.00 p.m. in Room 100, Koch Center for Engineering and Science ......

New book explains the creation and evolution of language (Cornell University)

Edit Public Technologies 07 Apr 2016
(Source. Cornell University). ITHACA, N.Y ... 'Creating Language. Integrating Evolution, Acquisition, and Processing' by Morten H. Christiansen, Cornell professor of psychology, and Nick Chater (University of Warwick, U.K.), integrates recent findings across numerous disciplines, including psychology, linguistics, computer science, anthropology, cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience ... It can make a huge difference.' ... Rebecca Valli. O ... M....

Pioneering Minds podcast series (Macquarie University)

Edit Public Technologies 06 Apr 2016
(Source. Macquarie University) ... Episode 10. Professor Catharine Lumby and the media landscape and modern feminism ... Episode 9 ... Episode 8 ... Our guest this week is Professor Barbara Messerle, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering ... Anne Castles and Cognitive Disorders. On the podcast this week, Ben Mckelvey talks to leading dyslexia researcher Distinguished Professor Anne Castles from the Department of Cognitive Science ... (noodl....

152 at UNC-Chapel Hill inducted into Phi Beta Kappa (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Edit Public Technologies 06 Apr 2016
A student who has completed 75 hours of course work in the liberal arts and sciences with a GPA of 3.85 or better (on a 4-point scale) is eligible for membership ... Brooke Leigh Turnamian, a junior with a biology major and cognitive science minor, daughter of Scott Turnamian of Greensboro and Janie Schepker of Oak Island ... Jacqueline Cebula, a senior with a management and society major and cognitive science minor, of Charlotte....

Culture shapes the evolution of cognition [Psychological and Cognitive Sciences]>

Edit PNAS 05 Apr 2016
A central debate in cognitive science concerns the nativist hypothesis, the proposal that universal features of behavior reflect a biologically determined cognitive substrate. For example, linguistic nativism proposes a domain-specific faculty of language that strongly constrains which languages can be learned. An evolutionary stance appears to provide support for linguistic... ....

Neural mechanisms of interpersonal attraction [Psychological and Cognitive Sciences]>

Edit PNAS 05 Apr 2016
Being able to comprehend another person’s intentions and emotions is essential for successful social interaction. However, it is currently unknown whether the human brain possesses a neural mechanism that attracts people to others whose mental states they can easily understand. Here we show that the degree to which a person... ....

Racial bias in pain assessment [Psychological and Cognitive Sciences]>

Edit PNAS 05 Apr 2016
Black Americans are systematically undertreated for pain relative to white Americans. We examine whether this racial bias is related to false beliefs about biological differences between blacks and whites (e.g., “black people’s skin is thicker than white people’s skin”). Study 1 documented these beliefs among white laypersons and revealed that... ....

Bonobos are attentive to conspecifics{#x2019} emotions [Psychological and Cognitive Sciences]>

Edit PNAS 05 Apr 2016
In social animals, the fast detection of group members’ emotional expressions promotes swift and adequate responses, which is crucial for the maintenance of social bonds and ultimately for group survival. The dot-probe task is a well-established paradigm in psychology, measuring emotional attention through reaction times. Humans tend to be biased... ....