- published: 12 Jan 2010
- views: 504050
The Impuzamugambi (Kinyarwanda: [imhûːzɑmuɡɑmbi], "those with the same goal") was a Hutu militia in Rwanda formed in 1992. Together with the Interahamwe militia, which formed earlier and had more members, the Impuzamugambi was responsible for many of the deaths of Tutsis and moderate Hutus during the Rwandan Genocide of 1994.
While the Interahamwe was led by prominent figures in the ruling party National Republican Movement for Democracy and Development (Mouvement républicain national pour la démocratie et le développement, MRND), the Impuzamugambi was controlled by the leadership of the Coalition for the Defense of the Republic (Coalition pour la Défense de la République, CDR) and recruited its members from the youth wing of the CDR. The CDR was a separate Hutu party which cooperated with the MRND, though it had a significantly more extreme ethnically Pro-Hutu and Anti-Tutsi agenda than the MRND. The smaller Impuzamugambi was less organized than the Interahamwe, but it was responsible for a large portion of genocidal deaths.
The Rwandan Genocide was a genocidal mass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority. During the approximate 100-day period from April 7 to mid-July 1994, an estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed, constituting as much as 70% of the Tutsi and 20% of Rwanda's total population. The genocide was planned by members of the core political elite known as the akazu, many of whom occupied positions at top levels of the national government. Perpetrators came from the ranks of the Rwandan army, the National Police (gendarmerie), government-backed militias including the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, and the Hutu civilian population.
The genocide took place in the context of the Rwandan Civil War, an ongoing conflict beginning in 1990 between the Hutu-led government and the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which was largely composed of Tutsi refugees whose families had fled to Uganda following earlier waves of Hutu violence against the Tutsi. International pressure on the Hutu-led government of Juvénal Habyarimana resulted in a ceasefire in 1993 with a roadmap to implement the Arusha Accords that would create a power-sharing government with the RPF. This agreement displeased many conservative Hutu, including members of the Akazu, who viewed it as conceding to enemy demands. Among the broader Hutu populace, the RPF military campaign had also intensified support for the so-called "Hutu Power" ideology, which portrayed the RPF as an alien force intent on reinstating the Tutsi monarchy and enslaving Hutus, a prospect met with extreme opposition.
Rwanda (/ruːˈɑːndə/ or /ruːˈændə/ ( listen); Kinyarwanda: U Rwanda [u.ɾɡwanda]), officially the Republic of Rwanda (Kinyarwanda: Repubulika y'u Rwanda; French: République du Rwanda), is a sovereign state in central and east Africa and one of the smallest countries on the African mainland. Located a few degrees south of the Equator, Rwanda is bordered by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Rwanda is in the African Great Lakes region and is highly elevated; its geography dominated by mountains in the west and savanna to the east, with numerous lakes throughout the country. The climate is temperate to subtropical, with two rainy seasons and two dry seasons each year.
Paul Kagame (/kəˈɡɑːmeɪ/ kə-GAH-may; born 23 October 1957) is the sixth and current President of Rwanda having taken office in 2000 when his predecessor, Pasteur Bizimungu, resigned. Kagame previously commanded the rebel force that ended the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. He was considered Rwanda's de facto leader when he served as Vice President and Minister of Defence from 1994 to 2000.
Kagame was born to a Tutsi family in southern Rwanda. When he was two years old, the Rwandan Revolution ended centuries of Tutsi political dominance; his family fled to Uganda, where he spent the rest of his childhood. In the 1980s, Kagame fought in Yoweri Museveni's rebel army, becoming a senior Ugandan army officer after Museveni's military victories carried him to the Ugandan presidency. Kagame joined the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), which invaded Rwanda in 1990; leader Fred Rwigyema died early in the war and Kagame took control. By 1993, the RPF controlled significant territory in Rwanda and a ceasefire was negotiated. The assassination of Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana was the starting point of the genocide, in which Hutu extremists killed an estimated 500,000 to one million Tutsi and moderate Hutu. Kagame resumed the civil war, and ended the genocide with a military victory.
The Hutu /ˈhuːtuː/, also known as the Abahutu, are a population inhabiting the African Great Lakes region. They mainly live in Rwanda, Burundi, and the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, where they form one of the principal population divisions alongside the Tutsi and the Twa.
The Hutu is the largest of the four main population divisions in Burundi and Rwanda. According to the Central Intelligence Agency, 84% of Rwandans and 85% of Burundians are Hutu, with Tutsis the next largest ethnic group at 15% and 14% of residents in Rwanda and Burundi, respectively.
The Twa pygmies, the smallest of the two countries' principal populations, also share language and culture with the Hutu and Tutsi. However, they are distinguished by a considerably shorter stature.
The Hutu are believed to have first emigrated to the Great Lake region from West Africa in the great Bantu expansion. Various theories have emerged to explain the purported physical differences between them and their fellow Bantu-speaking neighbors, the Tutsi. One such thesis, largely based on oral tradition, posits that the Tutsi experienced some admixture with or were partially descended from migrants of Caucasoid stock, who usually were said to have arrived in the Great Lakes region from the Horn of Africa and/or North Africa. These pastoralists were then reckoned to have established aristocracies over the sedentary Hutu and Twa. Through intermarriage with the local Bantus, the herders were gradually assimilated culturally, linguistically and racially.
Background Information of Rwandan Genocide: -Rwandan Genocide was a 1994 mass execution of Central African groups called the Hutus and Tutsis -In a period of 100 days between April 6, 1994-mid-July 1994 between 500,000 and 1,000,000 Tutsis and thousands of moderate Hutus were executed. -The mass killings were done by two Hutu extremist groups called the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi. -This conflict dates back centuries over land ownership after the colonization of Africa. -In 1985, Paul Kagame started the Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) because he was fed up with the lack of rights the Tutsis had in Rwanda. -On October 1, 1990 the RPF invaded Rwanda and this action was seen as a threat by the Rwandan government. -On April 6, 1994 the President of Rwanda and President of Burundi ...
Rwandan Genocide 7 April – 15 July 1994 The Rwandan genocide, also known as the genocide against the Tutsi,[2] was a genocidal mass slaughter of Tutsi in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority government. An estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed during the 100-day period from April 7 to mid-July 1994,[1] constituting as many as 70% of the Tutsi population. Additionally, 30% of the Pygmy Batwa were killed.[3][4] The genocide and widespread slaughter of Rwandans ended when the Tutsi-backed and heavily armed Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) led by Paul Kagame took control of the country. An estimated 2,000,000 Rwandans, mostly Hutus, were displaced and became refugees.[5] The genocide was planned by members of the core political elite, many of whom occupied positions at top levels of...
A ruandai népirtás ruandaiak százezreinek szervezett legyilkolása volt 1994-ben. A népirtást főleg két hutu milícia, az Interahamwe és a Impuzamugambi követte el kb. 100 nap alatt, 1994. április 6-ától július közepéig. Legalább 500 000 tusi és több százezres nagyságrendű mérsékelt hutu vesztette életét. Más becslések szerint a halottak száma 800 000 - 1 000 000 között volt. Ebből kb. 10% volt hutu. A leggyakrabban véres etnikai konfliktusnak tekintik, melyben a többségben levő hutu milíciák a hutu többségű kormánnyal karöltve etnikai tisztogatást hajtottak végre a kisebbségben levő, de hagyományosan vezető szerepet betöltő tusik és a mérsékelt, a népirtással egyet nem értő hutukkal szemben. A népirtást erős felbujtó propaganda előzte meg, amelyből kivették részüket a a rádióállomások és ...
JP. MUGABE WAKOZE MU NZEGO Z'IPEREREZA MURI DMI ARATUBWIRA KUGITABO U.S MADE 1.Mugabe Jean Pierre umwanditsi w;Igitabo U.S Made ni muntu niki? a.Ubuzima waciyemo mu nyaka ya 90 kugera uvuye mu Rwanda ubwo wari umwanditse w;ikinyamakuru le Tribun du Peuple b.Warafashe urafungwa inshuru zirenze imwe , ndetse uvuga ko hari umugambi wo kukwica wari watanzwe na leta yariho icyo gihe ya Habyarimana. c.Ese mu byukuri President Habyarimana mwapfaga iki muri icyo gihe? d.Nibiki wandikaga byatumye regime ya Habyarimana itakwihanganira? 2.Byabaye ngobwa ko uhunga u Rwanda ujya muri Congo ari naho wakomeje ujya muri FPR inkotanyi muri 1992 a.Kuki wafashe icyemezo cyo kujya mu FPR inkotanyi? b.Wakoze akahe kazi ukigera muri FPR Inkotanyi? 3.Mu gitabo cyawe U.S Made usobanura neza ikibazo cy...
1. ELIMINASI SUKU TUTSI OLEH SUKU HUTU DI RwANDA. Pembantaian yang terjadi di Ruwanda dilakukan oleh suku yang berkuasa di pemerintah yakni suku Hutu, Interahamwe, dan milisi impuzamugambi. Pembantaian ini tidak pandang bulu. Laki-laki, perempuan, dan anak-anak dibantai di lokasi mereka berada. Baik ketika berada di jalan, rumah, sekolah, tempat persembunyian, Gereja. Mayat mereka dibiarkan tergeletak dan menjadi sumber penyakit setelah membusuk. 2. HOLOCAUST oleh NAZI JERMAN Holokaus tidak hanya memakan korban keturunan Yahudi, tetapi juga warga sipil dan tahanan perang Rusia. Diperkirakan 6 juta Yahudi dan 11juta orang Rusia menjadi korban Hitler dan SS. Aktivitas pembantaian ini berusaha dibendung beberapa petinggi Wehrmacht atau angkatan darat Jerman, yang menghormati hukum perang b...
Visit the Genocide Memorial in Rwanda with http://www.hakunamatatatours.com The mass murder of 800,000 people happened in the East African country of Rwanda. For 100 days, the Hutus slaughtered the Tutsis, just hours after the President's Juvenal Habyarimana death on April 6 until mid-July. The genocide claimed nearly 10% of Rwanda's population. Rwanda's genocide was the culmination of the Belgian colonization. The Tutsis were the favorites. Two decades of good life, opportunities, and power over Rwanda proved catastrophic in the end. Ethnic tensions between the Hutus (the majority), and Tutsis (the minority) is no longer a new issue. Clashes between the two have always been this way and were heightened after Belgium granted Rwanda's independence. Shortly thereafter, the Hutus overthr...
Völkermord in Ruanda Als Völkermord in Ruanda werden umfangreiche Gewalttaten in Ruanda bezeichnet, die am 6. April 1994 begannen und bis Mitte Juli 1994 andauerten. Sie kosteten circa 800.000 bis 1.000.000 Menschen das Leben, die niedrigsten Schätzungen gehen von mindestens 500.000 Toten aus. In annähernd 100 Tagen töteten Angehörige der Hutu-Mehrheit etwa 75 Prozent der in Ruanda lebenden Tutsi-Minderheit sowie moderate Hutu, die sich am Völkermord nicht beteiligten oder sich aktiv dagegen einsetzten. Die Täter kamen aus den Reihen der ruandischen Armee, der Präsidentengarde, der Nationalpolizei (Gendarmerie) und der Verwaltung. Zudem spielten die Milizen der Impuzamugambi sowie vor allem der Interahamwe eine besonders aktive Rolle. Auch weite Teile der Hutu-Zivilbevölkerung beteiligte...
SUBSCRIBE NOW!!!! http://www.youtube.com/user/MMMVintageVideos The O. J. Simpson murder case (officially the People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson) was a criminal trial held at the Los Angeles County Superior Court in California. The trial spanned from the jury's swearing-in on November 2, 1994,[1] to opening statements on January 24, 1995,[2] to a verdict on October 3, 1995.[3] The former professional football star and actor O. J. Simpson was tried on two counts of murder after the deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and waiter Ronald Lyle Goldman, in June 1994. The case has been described as the most publicized criminal trial in American history.[4] Simpson was acquitted after a trial that lasted more than eight months. The Rwandan Genocide was a genocidal...
The Rwandan Genocide was a genocidal mass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority. During the approximate 100-day period from April 7, 1994 to mid-July, an estimated 500,000--1,000,000 Rwandans were killed,[1] constituting as much as 20% of the country's total population and 70% of the Tutsi then living in Rwanda. The genocide was planned by members of the core political elite known as the akazu, many of whom occupied positions at top levels of the national government. Perpetrators came from the ranks of the Rwandan army, the National Police (gendarmerie), government-backed militias including the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, and the Hutu civilian population. The genocide took place in the context of the Rwandan Civil War, an ongoing conflict beginn...
The Rwandan Genocide was a genocidal mass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority. During the approximate 100-day period from April 7 to mid-July 1994, an estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed,[1] constituting as much as 70% of the Tutsi and 20% of Rwanda's total population. The genocide was planned by members of the core political elite known as the akazu, many of whom occupied positions at top levels of the national government. Perpetrators came from the ranks of the Rwandan army, the National Police (gendarmerie), government-backed militias including the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi, and the Hutu civilian population. On April 6, 1994, an airplane carrying Habyarimana and Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira was shot down on its desce...
http://www.blogtalkradio.com/radio-ihuriro/2017/05/01/unu-televiziyo-vrt-yaganiriye-na-agata-habyarimana-ku-mateka-ye-nayu-rwanda 1. Ibitero by'Inyenzi mu myaka ya za 60. 2. Kudeta yo muri 73 umugabo we Jenerali Yuvenali HABYARIMANA yakoreye Perezida Gerigori KAYIBANDA bari inshuti kugeza no mu miryango. 3. Impunzi z'Abanyarwanda Perezida OBOTE wa Uganda yamenesheje, zaza mu Rwanda ntizakirwe nk'izitashye iwazo. Ibyaje kuvamo FPR igatera u Rwanda muri 1990. 4. Igitero cya FPR, ifungwa ry'abiswe ibyitso, isura y'u Rwanda yahazahariye. 5. Ukwitabira Inkotanyi k'urubyiruko rw'Abatutsi. 6. Amashyaka menshi, harimo iry'intagondwa rya CDR. 7. Inkambi z'abahunga imirwano, nk'iya Nyacyonga. Guheza inguni (radicalisation): itozwa rya gisirikare ry'Interahamwe n'Impuzamugambi. 8. Amasezer...