IFI Strategy

In the first half of 2013, the IFI undertook an extensive consultation process to reflect on our core purpose and missions with groups of stakeholders, including IFI audiences, members, IFI Council, Board, staff, and various funders and partners. 

Almost 1700 people engaged with the IFI’s consultation process which has resulted in a new strategy that builds on the IFI’s success in delivering its core aims to exhibit, preserve and educate.

The IFI has set out its key priorities for the next three years with IFI Strategy 2013-2016.


Message from President Michael D. Higgins
As Honorary Patron of the Irish Film Institute I welcome this important new strategy. The IFI has created a rich cultural space in Ireland; one which allows members and visitors to experience and explore the many different elements that make up the multi-faceted art form that is film making. This innovative and creative strategy will build on that important work, helping to ensure that the arts continue to be relevant and central in our ever-changing and evolving society.

Michael D. Higgins
Uachtarán na hÉireann
President of Ireland
Honorary Patron, Irish Film Institute

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