Behind the scenes, D-backs count on Nevin, Bell

Edit MLB 20 May 2016
"I don't want to be disrespectful to any other guys in baseball who are doing his job, but I think Mike has to rank as one of the top guys in the business of development," D-backs general manager Dave Stewart said ... Stewart showed the confidence he has in Bell's ability to evaluate talent when the team was looking to add a left-hander at the end of April....

Solid Waste Licensing Committee to Meet (Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality)

Edit Public Technologies 20 May 2016
(Source. Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality). News Release. Contact Information. Doug Szenher / 501.682.0915 / FOR RELEASE. May 19, 2016. SOLID WASTE LICENSING COMMITTEE TO MEET ... The meeting will begin at 10.30 a.m ... --30-- ... (noodl....

Storage Tanks Advisory Committee to Meet (Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality)

Edit Public Technologies 20 May 2016
(Source. Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality). News Release. Contact Information. Doug Szenher / 501.682.0915 / FOR RELEASE. May 19, 2016. STORAGE TANKS ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO MEET. The Arkansas Petroleum Storage Tank Advisory Committee will meet at 9 a.m ... --30--....

Governor Doug Ducey Signs Legislation Revamping Economic Development (The Office of the Governor of the State of Arizona)

Edit Public Technologies 20 May 2016
(Source. The Office of the Governor of the State of Arizona). Office Will Work To Boost Job Creators And Expand Innovation. PHOENIX - Governor Doug Ducey today signed one of the top priority items of his January State of the State address, revamping economic development efforts in Arizona ... ### ... Original documenthttp.// ... (noodl....

UPDATE: Governor Doug Ducey Completes Action On All Bills (The Office of the Governor of the State of Arizona)

Edit Public Technologies 20 May 2016
(Source. The Office of the Governor of the State of Arizona). Governor Signs 374 Bills This Session, Vetoes 14. PHOENIX - Governor Doug Ducey has completed action on all legislation passed this session. Of the 388 bills that reached his desk, the governor signed into law 374 and vetoed 14 ... All additional bills signed today ... Original documenthttp.//

Governor Doug Ducey Enacts Regulatory Reforms To Protect Job Creators & Small Businesses (The Office of the Governor of the State of Arizona)

Edit Public Technologies 20 May 2016
(Source. The Office of the Governor of the State of Arizona). PHOENIX - Governor Doug Ducey today signed six bills aimed at protecting job creators from excessive government regulations and burdensome licensing requirements.. HB 2337 (regulation; deficiencies; opportunity to correct) ... ### ... Original documenthttp.// ... (noodl....

Doug Baldwin says it's going to be hard' without Lynch (NFL - National Football League)

Edit Public Technologies 20 May 2016
(Source. NFL - National Football League). Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Doug Baldwin made news a couple of weeks ago when he pleaded with coach Pete Carroll to take recently retiredMarshawn Lynch's uniform number out of the rotation going forward ... 24 during the 2016 season ... It's going to be hard to go along without him ... Original documenthttp.//

Ducey signs final bills from 2016 legislative session

Edit The Washington Times 20 May 2016
PHOENIX (AP) - Gov. Doug Ducey has signed the remaining 25 bills passed during the legislative session that ended earlier this month. The legislation signed Friday included a series of laws aimed at making the state more friendly for businesses and revamping and reorganizing state agencies that oversee economic development ... ....

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signs controversial puppy mill bill

Edit Business Journal 20 May 2016
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed a bill Thursday giving the state, and not cities, power to regulate pet stores. The measure came out of cities' attempts to restrict so-called puppy mills and the sale of dogs and cats from those types of mass breeding operations. Ducey signed Senate Bill 1248. The measure nixes anti-puppy mills ordinances pushed against pet stores in cities such as Phoenix and Tempe ... SB1248… ... ....

Heavy winds, gusts preface Bay Area rain storm

Edit San Francisco Chronicle 20 May 2016
Strong winds and powerful gusts Thursday were ushering in a storm system expected to bring rain to the Bay Area on Friday and prompted meteorologists to issue a weather warning for San Francisco International Airport ... Arriving planes were not expected to be delayed, but departures may take off a few minutes behind schedule, said Doug Yakel, an airport spokesman ... ....

State flags lowered to half-staff

Edit AZ Central 20 May 2016
The flag in front of the Arizona Capitol in Phoenix is lowered. Gov. Doug Ducey ordered all state flags lowered to half-staff in honor of slain Phoenix Police Officer David Glasser. Tom Tingle/ ... ....

Remark about kids taken out of context

Edit AZ Central 20 May 2016
Gov. Doug Ducey said comments he�made this week�about low-income parents who�don't care about their kids' academic success have been taken out of context and used to unfairly�criticize him.� ... ....

Applebee's launches the largest campaign ever in company history

Edit CNBC 20 May 2016
Jim Cramer spoke with DineEquity CEO Julia Stewart, who unveiled the company's new mission to take back America's neighborhoods ... ....