- published: 29 Jul 2016
- views: 189
Herod (/ˈhɛrəd/; Hebrew: הוֹרְדוֹס, Hordos, Greek: Ἡρῴδης, Hērōdēs; 74/73 BCE – 4 BCE), also known as Herod the Great and Herod I, was a Roman client king of Judea, referred to as the Herodian kingdom. He has been described as "a madman who murdered his own family and a great many rabbis", "the evil genius of the Judean nation", "prepared to commit any crime in order to gratify his unbounded ambition", and "the greatest builder in Jewish history". He is known for his colossal building projects throughout Judea, including his expansion of the Second Temple in Jerusalem (Herod's Temple), the construction of the port at Caesarea Maritima, the fortress at Masada and Herodium.
Vital details of his life are recorded in the works of the 1st century CE Roman–Jewish historian Josephus. Herod also appears in the Christian New Testament as the ruler of Judea at the time of the birth of Jesus, who orders the Massacre of the Innocents.
Upon Herod's death, the Romans divided his kingdom among three of his sons and his sister—Archelaus became ethnarch of the tetrarchy of Judea, Herod Antipas became tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea, Philip became tetrarch of territories east of the Jordan, and Salome I was given a toparchy including the cities of Jabneh, Ashdod, Phasaelis.
Herodes el grande
Pelicula La Ley de Herodes
La ciudad perdida de Herodes - Documental
Enigmas da Historia - Quem foi Herodes, o Grande.
Mundos Perdidos - Herodes O Grande.
La tumba de Herodes - Español latino.mp4
Herodes Antipas y las Luchas por el Poder, e Intrigas, en el Israel del Siglo Interior
HERODES, O GRANDE (1958) parte 1 filme completo legendado
Herodes - Uhlíř a Šíp
Actors: Joan Antoni González (producer), Nicola Di Pinto (actor), Leo Gullotta (actor), Paolo Vivaldi (composer), Luca Ward (actor), Elisa Plaza (producer), Edwige Fenech (producer), Fabrizio Donati (miscellaneous crew), Jan Cornet (actor), Ariadna Cabrol (actress), Esther Cases (producer), Roberto Siciliano (editor), Claudio Piersanti (writer), Daniela Valentini (producer), Emmanuel Exitu (writer),
Plot: The movements in the sky are written in an old map made of precious stones and kept in the bottom of the most ancient trunk in a forgotten temple. When the dance of the planets described in the old map takes place, something exceptional is bound to happen. Melkhior, the last of the wise man initiated to the Prophecy of Light has detected that the dance has already begun and decides to start the walk. But the never-ending routes in the arid desert, in a world punished by the war between Babylon's and Romans, only an old blind man and an orphan seem to believe in the language of the stars...
Keywords: astrologer, based-on-novel, magi, nativityActors: Javier Gurruchaga (actor), José Coronado (actor), Eduardo Campoy (producer), Eriq Ebouaney (actor), Imanol Arias (actor), Juan Echanove (actor), Martin Sheen (actor), Emilio Estevez (actor), Bob Buchholz (miscellaneous crew), José Sancho (actor), Iñaki Gabilondo (actor), Caelo del Río (composer), José Luis Gil (actor), Axel Carrère (producer), Craig Stevenson (actor),
Genres: Animation, Family,Actors: Carlos Saura (director), Pablo Núñez (miscellaneous crew), Carlos Saura (writer), Roque Baños (composer), Julia Juaniz (editor), Carmen Martínez Rebé (producer), Antonio Saura (producer), Antonio Hernández (producer), Pere Arquillué (actor), Margarita Kramer (miscellaneous crew), Pedro Moreno (costume designer), Carlos Saura Medrano (producer), Natacha Kucic (producer), Aída Gómez (miscellaneous crew), Aída Gómez (actress),
Plot: The story of Salomé told as one of extreme love and vengeance. A director prepares a troupe of flamenco dancers for a performance. He summarizes the story and describes his spring for the drama's action: Salomé's attraction to John the Baptist. When the prophet rejects her, she seeks revenge. We meet the principals. We watch rehearsals, a dress rehearsal, and then the performance. The movie is both about the performance and about preparation for performance.
Keywords: ballet-dancing, ballet-flamenco, performance, stageActors: Franco Interlenghi (actor), Mattia Sbragia (actor), Renato Scarpa (actor), Luca Bernabei (producer), Ida Di Benedetto (actress), Ennio Fantastichini (actor), Tobias Moretti (actor), Carla Maria Perrina (miscellaneous crew), Laura Vergelli (miscellaneous crew), Andrea Prodan (actor), Imma Piro (actress), Marco Frisina (composer), Paola Sangiovanni (miscellaneous crew), Francesco Dominedò (actor), Mohammed Hamza Regragui (miscellaneous crew),
Plot: The people of Jerusalem are suffering under the reign of HEROD, and are hoping to be delivered from the Roman occupiers by the Messiah # whose arrival, it is rumored, is to take place very soon. Unlike his nephew JUDAS, who wants to join the zealots (freedom fighters), the 35-year-old widower JOSEPH is not interested in participating in any fighting against the Romans. He is well aware that such an uprising would be pointless, and Judas's death shortly afterwards confirms this. The other men in the village have to hide, and Joseph gets a visit from JOACHIM and ANNA, asking him to marry their unprotected 14-year-old daughter MARY. Joseph agrees, but promises to preserve her chastity. Nevertheless, one day Mary tells him, in Anna's presence, that she is pregnant. Believing in this immaculate conception is very difficult for Joseph, as is the message that her son JESUS will end the reign of Herod, which is announced to him in a vision. Their son is born in a Bethlehem cattle shed and heralded as the new Messiah by the Three Magi. King Herod also finds out about the rumor, and decides to kill all of Bethlehem's firstborn. Joseph and Mary escape to Egypt. It is only after the death of Herod # when Jesus is eleven years old # that Joseph and Mary return to Nazareth. The parents' relationship to their child is placed under strain by Jesus's insistence on recognizing God as his father, rather than Joseph. It is only on his deathbed that Joseph professes his faith in his son, whose divine nature he has now recognized, and asks him forgiveness.
Keywords: place-name-in-titleActors: Paulo Branco (producer), Luís Miguel Cintra (actor), João César Monteiro (writer), Canto e Castro (actor), João César Monteiro (director), João César Monteiro (actor), Fabienne Babe (actress), Rita Blanco (actress), Stéphanie Mahet (editor), Isabel Branco (costume designer), Teresa Roby (actress), Francesca Prandi (actress), André Engel (actor), Dinis Gomes (actor), Carla Bogalheiro (miscellaneous crew),
Genres: Drama,Actors: Jef Burm (actor), Walter Cornelis (actor), Maurits Goossens (actor), Ugo Prinsen (actor), Jeanine Schevernels (actress), Alex Cassiers (actor), Joris Collet (actor), Emmy Leemans (actress), Jef Cassiers (director), Anton Cogen (actor), Rik van Uffelen (actor), Marc Leemans (actor), Daniel De Cock (actor), Bob De Moor (actor), Leo Haelterman (actor),
Genres: Drama, Family,Actors: Veikko Uusimäki (writer), Kalevi Haapoja (actor), John Arden (writer), Olli Kosti (actor), Markku Passila (actor), Margaretta D'Arcy (writer), Heikki-Tapio Nieminen (writer), Jussi Huhdankoski (actor),
Genres: ,Actors: Freddy Fernández (actor), Carlos León (actor), Jesús Gómez (actor), Jorge Casanova (actor), Carlos Agostí (actor), Narciso Busquets (actor), Juan Gallardo (actor), Arturo Benavides (actor), Carlos Bravo y Fernández (actor), Pancho Córdova (actor), Claudio Brook (actor), Carlos Ancira (actor), Manuel Dondé (actor), Carlos East (actor), Tito Novaro (actor),
Genres: Drama, Family, History,Actors: Ricardo Adalid (actor), Francisco Reiguera (actor), José Baviera (actor), Víctor Alcocer (actor), Alfredo Wally Barrón (actor), Antonio Bravo (actor), Roberto Corell (actor), Julián de Meriche (actor), Héctor Godoy (actor), Alfredo Gutiérrez (actor), Tito Junco (actor), Carlos Bravo y Fernández (actor), Nathanael León (actor), Sergio Ramos (actor), Germán Robles (actor),
Genres: Drama, History,Actors: Manoel de Oliveira (editor), Paulo Rocha (miscellaneous crew), Manoel de Oliveira (producer), Manoel de Oliveira (writer), Manoel de Oliveira (director), José Régio (miscellaneous crew), Manuel Criado del Val (actor), Manuel Criado del Val (actor), João Luís (actor), Luis De Sousa (actor), Luis De Sousa (actor), José Fonseca (actor), Ermelinda Pires (actress), José Fonseca (actor), Ermelinda Pires (actress),
Genres: Drama,
La ley de Herodes es una película mexicana de 1999 dirigida por Luis Estrada. Se trata de una comedia satírica sobre la corrupción política en México. En el año 1949 los habitantes de la localidad de San Pedro de los Saguaros decapitan de un machetazo a su alcalde cuando trataba de huir del pueblo con el dinero de las arcas municipales. El licenciado López, Secretario de Gobierno, decide nombrar a Juan Vargas, encargado de un basurero y antiguo militante del partido, como nuevo alcalde hasta las próximas elecciones en las que él es firme aspirante a la gobernación del estado. Vargas afronta su misión con las mejores intenciones, hasta que poco a poco va descubriendo los beneficios del poder y la corrupción. Se transforma así en un tirano capaz de todo, incluso de recurrir al crimen, para ...
Los años transcurridos entre el 25 y el 13 a. de C. fueron los más prósperos del reinado de Herodes el Grande, uno de los personajes más controvertidos de la historia. El fundador de la ciudad de Cesarea, reflejo de su creador por su esplendor y también por su carácter, cruel y sangriento. En esta ciudad, Poncio Pilatos ocupó el cargo de gobernador, san Pablo fue encarcelado y san Pedro ayudó a un centurión romano a descubrir su fe. Pero el final de Cesarea se perdió en el tiempo, y sus tesoros terminaron sepultados bajo la arena y el mar de la costa mediterránea de Israel. Ésta es la fascinante historia de la ciudad perdida del rey Herodes.
O quadro que apresenta a veracidade histórica da Bíblia que sem sombra de dúvida, é o livro mais famoso da humanidade. Sejam, simpatizantes, crentes ou céticos, todos têm interesse em conhecer as histórias que ela contém. Ainda que seja para ser questionada, a Bíblia tem atraído a atenção até mesmo de críticos que pretendem combater seus ensinamentos e sua historicidade. Herodes (em hebraico: הוֹרְדוֹס, transl. Hordos; em grego: Ἡρῴδης, Hērōidēs), também conhecido como Herodes I ou Herodes, o Grande (ca. 73 a.C. — Jericó, 4 a.C. ou 1 a.C, foi um edomita judeu romano, rei de Israel entre 37 a.C. e 4 a.C.. Descrito como "um louco que assassinou sua própria família e inúmeros rabinos",[3] Herodes é conhecido por seus colossais projetos de construção em Jerusalém e outras partes do mundo antig...
Heródes - O Grande, governou a judéia a época do nascimento de Cristo. Na história e na bíblia, ele é tido como ditador homicída que tentou assassinar o menino Jesus, e que ordenou a morte de seus próprios familiares. Mas a reputação cruel de Heródes, ofuscou seu legado como construtor visionário. Ele arquitetou um dos mais ambiciosos projetos de construção da Terra Sagrada. Heródes deixou um legado em pedra que sobrevive até os dias de hoje, e agora nos iremos investigá-lo. De Massada, onde uma fortaleza desafia a gravidade dentro de um rochedo íngreme, a Sesárei, onde Heródes construiu o primeiro porto artifícial do mundo. O Heródium, onde uma motanha esconde um palácio fortificado, ao Monte do Templo em Jerusalém, na época, a maior estrutura do planeta. Nossos investigadores irão desven...
Herodes el Grande es uno de los más infames villanos del Viejo Testamento; famoso por instigar la masacre de todos los niños varones menores de 2 años nacidos en Belén. Si bien son pocos los eruditos que creen en esta historia, la mala reputación que siempre acompañó al nombre de Herodes obscureció el hecho de que fue también uno de los más grandes arquitectos de la historia mundial. Las fortalezas, templos y ciudades que construyó se caracterizaron por ser tan audaces que aún siguen sorprendiendo a arquitectos e ingenieros de la era moderna. Pero a pesar de la plétora de estructuras construidas en su nombre, un misterio quedó sin ser resuelto durante décadas: ¿dónde está su tumba? Acompañamos al arqueólogo israelí Ehud Netzer, estudioso de la tumba de Herodes desde hace más de tres décad...
Pedro RIba - Luces en la Oscuridad Antonio Piñero, catedrático de Filología Griega de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, especializado en lengua y literatura del cristianismo primitivo, esc ritor y co-autor de “El Trono maldito” de la editorial Planeta. Tras la muerte del rey Herodes I el Grande, en el 4 a.C., su hermana Salomé fue la depositaria de la última voluntad del rey de los judíos, que decidió que su sucesor en el trono de Judea fuera su hijo Arquelao. Sin embargo, Salomé prefería que fuera rey Antipas, hermano menor del designado, el que ocupara el trono vacante. En este sentido, y a partir de ese momento, dieron inicio una serie de luchas por el poder de Israel. Asimismo, a todos estos movimientos se sumaron varios pronunciamientos religiosos que proclamaban la venida del re...
Quando Herodes, o rei da Judéia é aprisionado pelos romanos, seu fiel tenente Aaron assume o comando de seu povo. Convencido que Herodes foi morto . Quando Herodes, o rei da Judéia é aprisionado pelos romanos, seu fiel tenente Aaron assume o comando de seu povo. Convencido que Herodes foi morto . Luisa é uma professora que foi condenada injustamente por um crime passional, nunca realmente cometido. Livre da prisão por bom comportamento, Luisa .
On a bridge across the Severn on a Saturday night
Susie meets the man of her dreams
He says that he got in trouble and if she doesn't mind
He doesn't want the company
But there's something in the air, they share a look in silence
And everything is understood
Susie grabs her man and puts a grip on his hand
As the rain puts a tear in his eye
She says, "Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life"
Driving through the city to the Temple Station
Cries into the leather seat
And Susie knows the baby was a family man
But the world has got him down on his knees
So she throws him at the wall and kisses burn like fire
And suddenly he starts to believe
He takes her in his arms and he doesn't know why
But he thinks that he begins to see
She says, "Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life"
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
She says, "Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life"
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
She says, "Don't let go
Never give up
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Wonderful life, wonderful, wonderful life
Don't let go
Wonderful life, wonderful, wonderful life
Don't let go