In a stunning revelation, 71 percent of likely voters who identified themselves as Democrats told the Rasmussen survey, published today, that they believe Hillary Rodham Clinton should continue running for the presidency if she is indicted in connection with the use of a private e-mail server while Secretary of State. Today’s Seattle Times fact-checks some of her statements regarding the e-mail scandal ... ....
photo: AP / U.S. Customs and Border Protection via AP
U.S. Atty ... “We will continue to use every tool available to seek justice on behalf of the victims of the San Bernardino terrorist attacks.”Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, opened fire on San Bernardino County workers at a holiday party on Dec ... ....
Article by Correspondent Dallas DarlingMany Americans are still disappointed over the debate that should have been between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Indeed, feathers flew over the weekend as some called the presumptive Republican presidential candidate a “chicken” and “coward” for making excuses to back out ... Sanders, for his part, immediately responded with “Game On.” ... Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) ... more democratic ... ....
Backlash over the killing of a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo has fanned social media anger against the mother of the tot who slipped into a restricted area where he was in danger of being mauled. At the same time, witnesses of the incident are trying to put things in perspective and calm passions against the mother’s “negligence” or the zoo’s decision that led to the shooting of a rare gorilla....
(Source. Children's Hospital of WisconsinInc). May 31, 2016. MILWAUKEE - Thanks to the generous support of Milwaukee's HometownRock 96.5 WKLH listeners and donors throughout Southeast Wisconsin, The 19th annual WKLH MiracleMarathon for Children's Hospital raised $1,134,985. WKLH broadcast the 36-hour radiothon live from Children's Hospital May 26-27 ... Donations can still be made online at About Children's Hospital of Wisconsin....
(Source. ISE - The Irish Stock Exchange plc). Morgan Stanley & Co. Int'l plc. FORM 8.5 (EPT/RI). PUBLIC DEALING DISCLOSURE BY AN EXEMPT PRINCIPAL TRADER WITH RECOGNISED INTERMEDIARY STATUS DEALING IN A CLIENT-SERVING CAPACITY. Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the 'Code'). 1. KEY INFORMATION. (a) Name of exempt principal trader.. Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc ... SABMiller Plc ... SABMiller Plc ... 985.9221 ZAR ... 985.9221 ZAR ... 985.9771 ZAR ... 985.9771 ZAR....
location ... For more information on STAA, call 985.892.8650 or visit ... For more information, call 985.892.8650 or visit ... For more information, call 985.605.0363 or email ... For more information, call 985.789.6889 or visit SAL will hold its monthly members meeting June 14 at 7 p.m ... For more information, call 985.796.4114 ... ....
(Source. CST Mining Group Ltd) e_A160819 1..2 ... NetMind Financial Holdings Limited. 網 智 金 控 集 團 有 限 公 司. (formerly known as CST Mining Group Limited中科礦業集團有限公司*). (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability). (Stock Code. 985). CHANGE OF COMPANY NAME;. CHANGE OF STOCKSHORT NAME; AND. CHANGE OF COMPANY WEBSITE ... in Chinese ... CHANGE OF COMPANY NAME ... 00 a.m. on 6 June 2016. The stock code of the Company will remain unchanged as ''985''....
(Source. SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health ServicesAdministration) ... 'Crises such as this one can take a heavy toll on people and communities, including on their emotional health and well-being ... One such program is SAMHSA's Disaster Distress Helpline (Call 1-800-985-5990 or text 'TalkWithUs' to 66746), which provides immediate counseling to anyone in need ... The toll-free Helpline is confidential and multilingual ... (noodl....
(Source. Miton WorldwideGrowthInvestment Trust plc) 9f7c8ed7-b81e-40b9-bd73-9857f86445de.pdf For filings with the FCA include the annex. For filings with issuer exclude the annex. TR-1. NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTEREST IN SHARESi. 1. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached. ii. Miton GlobalOpportunities plc (SEDOL. 3436594) ... Percentage based on Issued Share Capital of 25,279,985....
(Source. The RestaurantGroup plc). The Restaurant Group plc (the 'Company'). Results of AGM. The AnnualGeneral Meeting of The Restaurant Group plc was held on 12 May 2016. Voting was conducted by way of a poll and all resolutions put to the Annual General Meeting were passed. The number of votes for and against each of the resolutions and the number of votes withheld were as follows..Resolution. Votes For. %. Votes against. % ... 1 ... 0.06 ... 985,491....
Tekla HealthcareOpportunities Fund PaidDistribution. On May 31, 2016, Tekla Healthcare Opportunities Fund paid a monthly stock distribution of $0.1125 per share ... The aggregate of the net unrealized depreciation of portfolio securities and net realized gains on sale of securities is -$58,120,985, of which $68,853,704 represents net unrealized depreciation of portfolio securities ... All amounts are expressed per common share ... Current....
(Source. Scania AB). 'Terminator' is a huge vacuum tanker mounted on one of the largest-ever Scania chassis built in the UK. Cleaning and maintaining the super-sized sewers of London is an epic task that needs huge, specialised equipment ... Terminator, which cost its owners GBP 750,000 (EUR985,000) was unveiled in April at the CommercialVehicle show in Birmingham, England, and is expected to be in service by the early summer ... Why Scania?....