In a stunning revelation, 71 percent of likely voters who identified themselves as Democrats told the Rasmussen survey, published today, that they believe Hillary Rodham Clinton should continue running for the presidency if she is indicted in connection with the use of a private e-mail server while Secretary of State. Today’s Seattle Times fact-checks some of her statements regarding the e-mail scandal ... ....
U.S. Atty ... “We will continue to use every tool available to seek justice on behalf of the victims of the San Bernardino terrorist attacks.”Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, opened fire on San Bernardino County workers at a holiday party on Dec ... ....
Article by Correspondent Dallas DarlingMany Americans are still disappointed over the debate that should have been between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Indeed, feathers flew over the weekend as some called the presumptive Republican presidential candidate a “chicken” and “coward” for making excuses to back out ... Sanders, for his part, immediately responded with “Game On.” ... Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) ... more democratic ... ....
Backlash over the killing of a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo has fanned social media anger against the mother of the tot who slipped into a restricted area where he was in danger of being mauled. At the same time, witnesses of the incident are trying to put things in perspective and calm passions against the mother’s “negligence” or the zoo’s decision that led to the shooting of a rare gorilla....
(Source. PSUVikings). The 2016 Wine and Roses was the biggest and best ever for Portland StateAthletics!. The bottom line was PSU Athletics generated $529,841 from live and silent auction items and donations throughout the evening from the more than 525 guests that attended. This was an increase of $90,000 over 2015 and the most money ever raised at Wine and Roses ... 2016 Wine and Roses Scholarship video ... On Facebook!....
CSDIndia’s Head Office. (Source. ... This amount has risen from Rs. 28,96,639 in the year 2012-13 to a staggering Rs. 5,70,66,461 in the year 2014-15 ... Data provided by the CSD reveals that the penalty imposed for deficiencies in general items increased from Rs 13,61,841 in 2013-14 to Rs 30,07847 in 2014-15, in food items from Rs 30,33,284 to approximately Rs 1.55 crores and in liquor from Rs 1.46 crores Rs 3.85 crores....
(Source. Metgasco Limited). CORPORATE UPDATE AND STRATEGIC REVIEW. MANAGEMENT AND BOARD CHANGES. The Board of Metgasco advises that after five years of service as CEO and Managing Director, Mr. Peter Henderson is leaving the Company... Mr ... Business Management. ... The Company currently holds cash, bonds and investment fund assets (excluding accrued coupons) totalling $28,621,841, equivalent to $0.0715 per share, and has no debt ... ENDS ... (noodl....
(Source. Ezion Holdings Limited) FORM 3. SECURITIES AND FUTURES ACT (CAP. 289) SECURITIES AND FUTURES (DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS). REGULATIONS 2012 NOTIFICATION FORM FOR SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDER(S)/ UNITHOLDER(S) IN RESPECT OF INTERESTS IN SECURITIES. FORM. 3. (ElectronicFormat). Explanatory Notes. Please read the explanatory notes carefully before completing the notification form ... Part I - General. Name of Listed Issuer. ... 109,841,200. 109,841,200....
(Source. Moleskine SpA) da2f4869-7f93-4793-a716-4a67dae40f89.pdfSHAREBUYBACK INFORMATION. Milan, May 30, 2016 - Moleskine S.p.A. announces the purchase, from 20th May 2016 to 30th May 2016 of no ...144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999). The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below..Date. No. of purchased shares. Average price (euro). Total (euro). 20/05/2016. 86.640. 2,2027. 190.841,93. 23/05/2016. 103.000. 2,2017 ... 1....