Act For Freedom Now!

Nantes: Against the state of emergency, against the airport


Le Point, February 20, 2016Cbqi3_lXIAA5K_A-e1456215212685

On Saturday some 300 people participated in a demonstration in Nantes against the state of emergency which took place in a tense climate, but with no real clashes with the security forces that were there in number, an AFP photographer stated.
Les protesters, who responded to the call of the Nantes en résistance collective, marched behind a banner saying “resistance against states of emergency” and a giant marionette representing a judge with “state of emergency” written on blue white and red on the robes. Chanting “state of emergency, police state, you won’t take away our right to demonstrate,” they went through the streets for almost two hours.
The participants, some of whom wore masks, carnival for some, gas for others, threw pockets of paint on several facades, along the way, especially banks, EDF and the PS headquarters.
The facade of the Town Hall was tagged and several billboards destroyed. On several occasions the police used tear gas and stun grenades to contain the demonstrators in an area avoiding the hyper-centre of the city. But there was no confrontation or injuries.
Translated by Act for freedom now


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