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Posts Tagged ‘Thessaloniki’

Thessaloniki: Anarchists claim responsibility for destruction of mobile phone antennas (Greece)

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

Modern capitalistic society is a society of control. And this because the system engages in an unending and total attempt to maintain the normality of social life. From this condition of control, the technology of surveillance could not be absent, as the technological development is directly related to the progression of authority and its ways it imposes itself.

State and capital, as active users of technology, shape this form of surveillance, aiming at profits and their own further imposition. From cameras in big cities and public transport for the security of those “who have nothing to hide” (and for this reason prefer to show everything) to the cameras in work spaces in order to “secure” our productivity and normality in consumerist procedures. And from the new biometric IDs to personal files on everyone, which is formed in relation to visited internet sites, preferences, music listened to, books read, financial transactions, data that is recorded by various colossal companies that have identified a big part of our lives with targeted ads and product promotion for consumption.

As years pass, as much as technology develops, we will have to deal more and more with inventions that, consciously or not, contribute to repression. This is a logical consequence since a big part of research on this field is financed and guided by state and inter-state authorities, as well as multinational companies that try to solve their concern for better fortification and profit production. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Black December: Words inspired by last nights events in Thessaloniki (Greece)

Monday, December 7th, 2015

As time flies, the hatred grows.
As the stones of the old world are cracked, it is on us to shatter them to ashes.
Let black smoke fill the skies of the cities of the hatred.
Let us burn all that represents the statues of the oppressors, the prisons of
society and the symbols of enchainment.
Let us not forget our comrades who have fallen in the battle for freedom.
Let us not forget those who have died from the bullets of oppression.
For Alexandros, for those who died or are imprisoned, fighting for what they believed.
Let those in power have fear for their lives, let the barricades on the old world burn!

Lets meet each other on the streets,
for insurrection,
for a Black December!

Thessaloniki 07-12-15

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Posted in Autonomy

Solidarity Poster from Thessaloniki about the appellate court of comrades G.Naxakis and G.Sarafoudis (Greece)

Thursday, October 15th, 2015

Via ActforFree:

“… In many languages, idioms, symbols, we refer to those missing. And
every sorrow and every rage acquires a name, a face, a history, a void
that hurts and shames.
The world and its history is full of absences. And absences become a
mumble, a powerful word, a cry or a scream.
We do not scream for repentance. We do not cry for mercy. We do not
complain about resignation.
We do these things in order for those who are missing to be able to find
their way back. So they know that they are here, even if they are
missing. So they do not forget that we do not forget, we always
This is the reason for resistance. For insurrection. Because the moment
will come, where those who owe us everything, will pay.
Whoever persecutes will pay, whoever imprisons will pay, whoever hits
and tortures will pay.
Because the system that created, nurtured, protected and with which it
covered crimes, dressed like a bad government, will be destroyed. It
will not be beautified, it will not be reformed, and it will not be
modernized. It will be demolished, it will be destroyed, it will end,
and it will be buried.
This is why are message is not one of those, that aims at the comforting
of those who suffer because of one or many absences.
Because we know the same sorrow. Because we have the same rage in our
guts. Because given that we are different, we become the same.
This is the reason of our resistance, the reason for our insurrection.
For the sorrow and rage.
This is why:
Do not hesitate. Do not sell out. Do not surrender… ”
The communities of the oppressed who fight are without their hostage

are tried in the appellate court for a bank robbery with DNA samples as
the only evidence.

Manuscripts from the Absolute

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Interventions concerning the cases of comrade Nikos Romanos and Evi Statiri and Athina Tsakalou (Greece)

Tuesday, July 14th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:

In the past 10 days there have been interventions with hundreds of leaflets in Orestiada, Alexandroupoli, Thessaloniki and Komotini from comrades and friends of the Anarchist Squat UTOPIA A.D., concerning the cases of comrade Nikos Romanos and Evi Statiri and Athina Tsakalou.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Text of the hunger striker Spyros Mandylas (Greece)

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:


Today, 12/04, I am on the 30th day of hunger strike. In these 30 days of hunger strike I’ve lost 13 pounds, sugar and pressure levels are at breaking point and I had some fainting episodes. The possibility, after a proposal from the doctors, of me being transferred to a hospital is open in the following days. So, I declare that my hunger strike will continue there too and I make it now clear that it will not accept serum and I do not allow doctors administer it to me even if I fall into a coma. The responsibility for my life is mine alone. The responsibility, however, for my imprisonment falls exclusively on the judges Lygas, Panagiotakopoulou, Stergoudi, Zografos and on my 39 co-defendants.

All this time I consciously chose not to speak my mind with a second personal text, since the demands of other hunger strikes that had started before me were not satisfied at all. So I only published some updates on the state of my health. Besides, anyone who wanted to know what was going on, was able to find out.

All this time my 39 co-defendants, rather than trying to contain their humiliation they have engaged in a cheap game of impressions, online comments and texts filled with lies, while others have chosen the tactic of the ostrich. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Comrade Spiros Mandylas re-arrested and held in Thessaloniki – Now on hunger strike (Greece)

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

UPDATE: Text by anarchist prisoner Spiros Mandylas about his new arrest and his hunger strike

Inter Arma received and translated:

Comrade Spiros Mandylas was arrested today [10 March] in the afternoon and he will be presented tomorrow before the persecutor, who will decide whether he will be detained or not. He is held in the General Police Agency of Thessaloniki and he refused to be subjected to body control, something that infuriated the cops. He is strong and in high spirits.

The reason for his arrest is the fact that he didn’t pay the 5.000 fine he was sentenced to by the trial that ended last Thursday 05/03, a trial that took place without the presence of the comrade and his lawyer, while his co-defendants, except one, legitimized the trial, thus his sentence, with their presence there.

A text written by the comrade will be published in the following days.

A previous text written by the comrade about this case

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Posted in Social Control

Open letter by Spyros Mandylas concerning the trial about the conflict within the movement in 2012 in Thessaloniki (Greece)

Friday, February 27th, 2015

From InterArma:

Today, Thursday 26th of February, the trial concerning the inner-movement conflicts of 2012 in Thessaloniki was continued after a break.

From my side, it became clear from the first moment, the fact that the trial cannot take place at this time because my lawyer Fragiskos Ragousis faces some impediment and I am already on the trial concerning “Phoenix” project which takes place in Athens.

Today, the court decided to begin the process although I was not represented by a lawyer. It should be noted that in this trial I am accused of felonies concerning explosions, possession and use of explosives etc. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

CCF Escape case: Text concerning recent events by Anarchist Squat Nadir (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Thursday, January 29th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:


We are not going to talk about how C’ type prisons are structured, how they were built or how they’re going to be improved. We will just say that they are not any kind of impenetrable barrier or some invincible beast. C’ type prisons are another act of war against the prisoners of war. They are the answer of the state against anarchists who haven’t bent down their heads, that every day hone the axe of war, who haven’t quit and haven’t delayed in action against the enemy. They are built for those who didn’t turn into “coffee shop guerrillas” or “imprisoned ideologists” towards repression. Besides, the state never spared these people. And the state’s monopoly of violence has always been broken only when the recipient of it disputed it through action.


On January 4th, there was an escape from Korydallos prison planned by the members of CCF. The previous day, the cops disrupted the escape, for which they admit that it was one of the most perfectly organized hits of the last decades. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Thessaloniki: Claim of responsibility for a bank arson (Greece)

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

Act for freedom now! receives:

When the enemy seems to be standing up well and uses all means to crash anything opposite, then the attack towards him, his symbols and infrastructures is the only way. Wherever we look we see various types of authority, either called cop, judge either called school, bank, church, prison. Institutions of a rotten system that every day remind us that we are not free. Their real value will be shown with their destruction and through ashes and wreckage their beauty will be shown. No more compromises fit here right now. Their place should be taken over by determination and continuous struggle.

In the undeclared war which is taking place, when there isn’t direct usage of weapons, then other means are mobilised in order to hit the mind and the soul of every unrepentant revolutionary.

The new high security prisons are aiming right at that, his extermination. When its their turn, judges and prosecutors give revengeful long sentences. Prosecutor Olga Smirli confirmed her role at the trial for the ATE bank (now Pireaus Bank) in Pyrgetos Larisa giving away 16 years to G.NAXAKIS and G.SARAFOUDIS, with the only evidence being their political identity.

Either the two comrades participated in the robbery, either not, we are with them and we dedicate them the attack on Pireaus Bank on the early hours of the 10th of September in Sykies, Thessaloniki. This act is a small sign of solidarity and a message that everything continues…

Lets fight, everyone in their own way, forcefully, with the means that they have, till the end, until total liberation.



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Posted in Direct Action

Anarchists of Mytilene: About the latest raids and arrest of Antonis Stamboulos (Greece)

Saturday, October 11th, 2014

On October 1st, the anarchist Antonis Stamboulos is arrested by the counter-terrorist agency accused of terrorist actions. His arrest was hyped from the media, in a furious journalistic climate, based on findings of guilt and imaginary scenarios as signed directly from the 12th floor of the police headquarters.

At the same time, under coordinated counter-terrorism investigations in Athens and Thessaloniki, five people were arrested, the two of whom were detained and driven to Korydallos prison, on charges of aggravated possession of weapons and possession of explosives. The arrested Panagiotis Michalakoglou claimed responsibility for the weapons found in his house, while M.B. has nothing to do with the case.

Antonis Stamboulos, from the first time of his arrest, refused to have any kind of communication with the cops, giving a struggle of dignity continuing till today, since he is on a hunger and thirst strike in Larissa prison from October 6th [Antonis ended the thirst strike October 11th, and issued a new letter explaining his position], demanding his transfer to Korydallos prison, so as he can be close to his familiars. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control