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Posts Tagged ‘Tasos Theofilou’

Anarchist prisoner Tasos Theofilou deregistered from university by Ministry of Justice (Greece)

Friday, November 27th, 2015

via Insurrection News:

According to an article on OmniaTV, the Ministry of Justice did not allow anarchist-communist prisoner Tasos Theofilou to complete his education at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, despite the fact that the prison council had approved his controlled and supervised access to the internet. The ministry justified this decision based on the fact that the program Tasos was enrolled in did not lead to a bachelor degree, however the article states that the law was clearly misinterpreted.

Tasos’ sister, Maria, also remains remanded after being forcibly separated from her two children, on accusations based not on evidence but on her relation to her husband and brother, which in fact constitutes another example of penalization of prisoners’ families in an effort to punish and isolate inmates.

(via OmniaTV, translated by BlackCat)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communique of Network of Fighting Prisoners about the continuation of the hunger strike (Greece)

Friday, March 20th, 2015

Translated by Actforfree:

After the deposition of the legislation of the Ministry of Justice, there appears to be a first victory of the political prisoners’ hunger strike.

The abolition of the legal framework that defines the operation of the C’type prisons and the beneficial provisions for patients and disabled prisoners, that lead to the release of multi-injured guerilla of the revolutionary organization 17 November, Savvas Xiros, would feel (or at least not so soon) without the struggle that is being carried out. But there is much more to happen.

We do not care for any governmental statement or any promise coming from state employees. Every authoritarian mechanism that deals with a hunger strike by its stated enemies will go into a deterioration war that will include promises, negated deadlines, vague statements and anything that could wear us down physically and/or psychologically. Especially Syriza, who all during its political life as a major or minor opposition demeaned and de-politicized the hunger strikes carried out by anarchist hostages, has great experience in the systemic managing of such situations. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Combative prisoners on collective hunger strike as of March 2nd 2015 (Greece)

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

via contra-info:

On March 2nd 2015, combative prisoners launched a hunger strike in various Greek prisons. Their main demands are: the abolition of Article 187 (criminal organisation) and Article 187A (terrorist organisation) of the Greek Penal Code; of the “hoodie law” (acts committed with concealed physical characteristics); of the legal framework for Type C prisons; of the prosecutorial provision of forcible taking of DNA samples – and the immediate release from prison of Savvas Xiros (convicted for his participation in the R.O. 17 November) on health grounds.

So far, those who have joined the political prisoners’ mobilisation and collective hunger strike are three urban guerrillas incarcerated in the E1 wing of Domokos type C prison: Dimitris Koufontinas, Kostas Gournas, and Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis – and five participants in the Network of Imprisoned Fighters (DAK): Antonis Stamboulos (Larissa prison), Tasos Theofilou (Domokos prison), Fivos Harisis, Argyris Ntalios and Giorgos Karagiannidis (Koridallos prison). The rest of the comrades who participate in the Network of Imprisoned Fighters will join the hunger strike in the coming days.

Furthermore, in the E1 wing of Domokos type C prison, Giorgos Sofianidis has been on hunger strike since February 27th, requesting the abolition of type C maximum security prisons, in addition to his immediate transfer to Koridallos prison in order to continue his studies – and as of today, March 2nd, Mohamed-Said Elchibah also went on a hunger strike.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Phoenix Project #12 : ICR – FAI/IRF take responsibility for arson barrage in solidarity with Adriano Antonacci, Gianluca Iacovacci, other worldwide anarchist prisoners and the combative memory of Sebastian O. Seguel (Indonesia)

Friday, May 16th, 2014

Phoenix Project #12 [previous acts here.]

“Our words, carve today like a blade and our actions burn the bridges with yesterday… With tenacity and will, until we murder authority.”

- Conspiracy of Cells of Fire: Prisoners Cell, Andreas Tsavdaridis and Sypros Mandylas, (Letter to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai)

The declarations of war against authority won’t stop with one single action nor one single letter of publication. It is a totality of our lives, each one of us, who stands here as egoists under the name of International Conspiracy for Revenge (ICR) as part of the Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front. We won’t step back, even if we are isolated or deserted by the other “revolutionary anarchists” who devoted themselves to the dreams of society, those who let their own values as anarchists be imposed wholly by reformism, negotiation and conformity. We are out of their league and we won’t play their game. We have our own, one of violence and direct action. With nihilist comradeship through fire and fists to our comrades locked behind bars everywhere, in Europe, in South America and Mexico. Our comradeship also goes to those anonymous comrades who went underground to carry on a constant confrontation with Power.

Recent Situation Concerning the General Election in Indonesia

Since the first New Year fireworks started, all forms of oppression revelled in the curiosity and impatience before the general election (both the parliamentary election and the presidential election). We saw how the oppressors and the oppressed were walking hand-in-hand to celebrate what they call: The time of new hope for a better change. They printed the faces of those who are running for parliament and others are debating what should they do to contribute to make democracy better than they have it nowadays. Mass and social media all filled with empty words and the camouflage of how the general election will bring the oppressed to gain their freedom. And that is definitely right, because Indonesians will have the chance to choose who will be their oppressors for the next five years.

We are not even surprised when we found out that those who claimed themselves as anti-authoritarians were also merely trapped into the logic of giving your voice during an election or abstaining.

They producing memes, producing posters, shouting it out, organizing people, just not to vote. To say no to voting boxes, to say no to the parliaments candidates; they say no to the parties, they say no to every infrastructure of the voting system, but forget one important thing. To say no to the boundaries that kept them away from real freedom. They wish a different result by trying the similar way as used by Power. And how it can lead you to freedom? A question that doesn’t need an answer, since it is useless to question the choices of these people.

Anarchism is dead. And these people are the ones who proudly carry the coffin of their so-called ideology: Anarchism. An ideology of the weak and cowardly who called us “obsessed with violence” to cover up their fear. They are afraid to arm themselves and walk alone into battle, a long battle without end or goal.

And how different are we from these mobs?
We performed our disagreement with both those mobs by burning down two offices of the general election committee located in Donggala, Central Sulawesi on 16th April. We won’t stay away and let our enemy play around with their party of democracy. We directly sent our anger and transformed it into fire. We are not abstaining in this war. We attack.

We are not those anarchists who went to voting spots and painted slogans and chants on the ballot boxes. We won’t smear our values by letting our finger be painted with purple ink, a sign used by the authorities to identify who voted and those who did not. We won’t let one single inch in our body be polluted by our enemy. On the contrary, we attacked them without compromise.

On another chance, we sabotaged two cars (28th April) which were planned to transfer the ballots from South East Minahasa district to the capital city of province, Manado. We hit them not only to cause delay, but for our further action, which we cancelled because of an intervention by some “good citizens”. Next time, we will hit those who prevent us from our actions. With violence, of course.

Abstaining by not giving our voices is not enough for us. We want to bring this confrontation to be more wild than mere words or posters. We want to speak through fire, as we mentioned in one of our communiques before. But we don’t invite anyone to join us. We are not interested to have new members. We are not a party nor an anarchist collective. We are an armed group of the tendency of violence. To attack, and not to open a dialogue with our enemies.

Solidarity and Fire

During our campaign, we targeted some important spots which were never targeted before. We are expanding our targets by adding some more variety to them. On 19th April, for example, we burnt down the branch of the national electric office in Madiun, East Java. This action is part of our campaign to hit the vital spots of the enemy. By causing as much damage as we can. Causing terror as wide as we can. We set the fire early morning 3.00am, and let the flames do the rest. Awakening people in the morning with fire is our way to show our sarcasm to the workers who need to get up in the early morning for eight hours of slavery.

We chose this target as our way to send a message to Adriano Antonacci and Gianluca Iacovacci. Both are Italian comrades arrested and accused for several actions claimed by Anti-Civilization Subversive Individualities FAI/IRF. And our fire is specifically dedicated to two of them, to share our thoughts and dreams, our values and solidarity and to let both of them know that they are in our hearts. We will never forget comrades who are captured by the enemy.
And revenge is the only way to reply to this repression.

We continued our campaign by putting a similar incendiary device in the national electric company located in Semarang, Central Java, in early morning 23rd April, which failed to ignite. In fact, we swarmed over the security guard that came by when we were sneaking into the office. He is lucky we decided to let him down and not put an end to his life.

It’s not a mercy from us, but merely a warning that we are not playground kids who are playing around with fire. If one steps before our path, we won’t regret to help you to meet your end. All snoopers or wannabe good-citizens are part of the enemy for us. And please take it serious and do not say that we never warned you beforehand.

In the early part of this month, we continued our campaign by attacking another three power plants in three different places. One in Ternate (5th May), North Maluku and another two in Ambon (8th May), Maluku. We would like the enemy to know that all the regions are not safe and we will attack more and more next time.

All these actions are dedicated to our beloved comrades, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire; Prisoners Cell, Andreas Tsavdaridis – Spyros Mandylas, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Marco Camenisch, Monica Caballero, Fransisco Solar, Tamara Sol Vergara, Fredy Fuentevilla – Marcelo Villarroel – Juan Aliste Vega, Hans Niemeyer, Alvonso Alvial – Hermez Gonzales, Alfredo Cospito – Nicola Gai, Giannis Mihailidis, Grigoris Sarafoudis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Alexandros Mitrousias, Dimitris Politis, Fivos Harisis, Tasos Theofilou, Argiris Dalios, Giorgos Karagiannidis, Babis Tsilianidis, Giannis Naxakis, Nikos Romanos.

And to remember our brother, Sebastian O. Seguel, who fell in the battle against the enemy in Chile. These acts of revenge are for you, brother.

Through these actions, we want to re-call our comrades of FAI-IRF to once again strike and re-launch the Phoenix Project. This time, harder than before. We want to call all active cells of FAI/IRF to once again go to reinforce the war, this time until the end.

Violence of war against the existent
Down with Society
Fire to the enemies

International Conspiracy for Revenge (ICR)
Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI)
International Revolutionary Front (IRF)

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: Text concerning the hunger-thirst strike of anarchist hostages of the 4th wing of Koridallos prisons (Greece)

Saturday, February 22nd, 2014

via actforfree:

The following text is a presentation of what followed the incident with and also some general thoughts surrounding the institution of incarceration and how we stand across it as anarchists. Our desire was for it to come out earlier, but our transfer to another wing, the beating of Giannis by the CCF and various other prison matters delayed it.

On 13/12/13, when the yard closed we returned to human-guard Giannis Milonas a small percentage of the violence he applies everyday while holding a key. This specific guy insisted on his quarrelsome behavior when some comrades called him out on the ironic comments he made the day before.

This incident was, for the service, the reason to break up our community which had become a constant thorn for them. In the recent times there have been numerous clashes since we were trying with various ways and for matters we considered nodal, (hunger strike of communists from Turkey, the placing of barbedwire above the yards) to sabotage, to the measure that is possible, the function of the prison. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #38 : ‘Letters of Nicola Gai & Alfredo Cospito’ – Nov 2013 (ACN)

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Another issue of the international anti-prisons anarchist newsletter. Download and distribute as you like…

Dark Nights #38


1. Genoa, Italy – Court declaration of anarchist comrades Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai at the trial for the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare managing director Roberto Adinolfi.
2. ‘I want Comrades, not the mob…’ by the imprisoned members of CCF, plus Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas.
3. CCF trial updates.
4. Italy: Communiqué of counter-information group Culmine, target of ‘Operation Ardire’.
5. Italy: Comrade Gianluca Iacovacci transferred to the AS2 unit of the prison of Alessandria.
6. Italy: Comrade Francesco Carrieri imprisoned in Savona.
7. Switzerland: Update on anarchist comrade Marco Camenisch.
8. Mexico: Eco-anarchist and vegan straight-edge prisoner Braulio Duran is free.
9. UK: New zine ‘On the Out’ by Bristol ABC.
10. Greece: Letter from anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos.
11. Greece: Text by the detained anarchist comrades of the Nea Filadelphia case in Athens.
12. Greece: Letter from anarchist comrades arrested in Velvedo, Kozani about their trail on 29 November.
13. Greece: Letter of captive anarchist Spyros Mandylas.
14. Greece: About the case of imprisoned anarchist Tasos Theofilou.
15. Direct Action News.


Anti-Copyright Network 2013

International Network of Counter-information and Translation

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Posted in Library

‘Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – International Conspiracy for Revenge – FAI / FRI’ attack electrical substation with incendiary device in Manado (Indonesia)

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

From Membakar Senj[a]:

It’s always a reason to say that the lack of numbers is the main reason. But for us the only obstacle is fear. Theories, reasons and situations are the walls of the labyrinth which always became a reason for obstruction and restriction. As well as the accusations that the kidnapping of two members, of our comrades Billy and Eat, is a barrier to the ongoing actions for destruction.

On August 23, at a power plant in Kotamobagu, North Sulawesi, we put an incendiary device that failed to ignite. We were disappointed with ourselves and the ability of each individual who was involved in the attack. But on the other hand, we learned that no one should regret. Tonight August 31, we re-commit to do the same “crimes”. Leaving the device in order to burn an electrical substation in Tuminting, Manado.

The goal is clear. We are angry. Really angry!

This action is also as a response and as an answer to the unlimited solidarity from many rebellion comrades and companer@s.

To the uncontrolled and brave comrades in the darkness of Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Greece, Argentina, and England as well as to other places that were never mentioned.

To Olga and all the comrades from Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Tasos Theofilou who was recently arrested because he was an anarchist. Also we do not forget to mention Theofilos Mavropoulos, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Rami Syrianos, and Marco Camenisch who are undergoing a hunger strike. All of you are rebels who inspired us despite the fact that you are seized behind bars.

To Luciano Tortuga and Mario Lopez, also never forget to mention Ivan Silva and Carla Verdugo in Chile. Henry Zegarrundo, Juan Aliste Vega, Freddy Fuentevilla Saa, Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda also are an inspiration. Do not forget to dissidents like Felicity Ryder, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa also lastly to K. The fugitive member of the Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front (FAI / FRI).

But with fully of shame in our face we mention our two brothers in struggle, members of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell, Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front; Billy Augustan and Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat). Also do not forget the brave one of Kulonprogo; Tukijo. For those we send our greetings with the lights of fire from the street. To them we are sending our love.

These actions are also as a manifestation of anger and disappointment.
Impatience for those rebels who after attacks returned to run and hide and spent long time to keep waiting, including us.

Comrades, it is time to strike back.
Do not wait. Time to light it up!

Long Live Anarchy!

Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell
International Conspiracy for Revenge
Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front


Adalah sebuah alasan untuk mengatakan bahwa jumlah adalah alasan. Karena bagi kami ternyata satu-satunya halangan adalah ketakutan. Berbagai teori, alasan juga situasi dan kondisi adalah berbagai tembok labirin yang selalu jadi alasan tentang halangan dan pembatasan. Juga seperti tuduhan bahwa tertangkapnya dua orang kamerad anggota kami Billy dan Eat adalah penghalang akan aksi pengrusakan yang berkelanjutan. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Athens: Anarchist Tasos Theofilou arrested and accused of bank robbery and membership of the R.O. CCF (Greece)

Friday, August 24th, 2012

From actforfree:

Tasos Theofilou was arrested in Athens accused of robbing a bank in Paros Island August 18th, 2012 where a man was killed while trying to stop the robbers. He states that he is an anarchist.

He has denied having anything to do with the robbery and the murder at Paros. He claims he wasn’t even on the island that day. He is also accused of being part of the organization “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” and of carrying out terrorist actions. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control