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Posts Tagged ‘Pola Roupa’

Open letter of Pola Roupa about the attempt to break Nikos Maziotis out of Koridallos prison (Greece)

Monday, March 14th, 2016

via contrainfo:

Below is the first part of the comrade’s long letter; originally published in Greek on Athens IMC (March 8th 2016).

Under other circumstances, this text would be written by Revolutionary Struggle. However, the outcome of the attempt to break out the comrade Nikos Maziotis of Koridallos prison obliges me to speak personally.

On February 21st [2016], I attempted to break out Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis by helicopter. The operation was planned so that other political prisoners could join us, who wished to make their way to freedom. Details of the plan, how I managed to evade the security measures and board the helicopter armed, have no special significance and I will not refer to them; despite the fact that there has been a lot of misinformation. Just for the sake of clarity, I will only mention that the plan was not based on any previous helicopter prison escape, it is not associated with any findings of plans not yet implemented, and I do not have any relation to another fugitive person despite media portrayals to the contrary. Also, this attempt was not preceded by any escape plan that “was wrecked”, as reported by some media.

A quarter of the journey after our takeoff from Thermisia in Argolida, I took out my gun and I asked the pilot to change course. Of course, he did not understand who I am, but he realised it was an attempted prison break. He panicked. He attacked me pulling out a gun – a fact he “omitted”. Also because they will likely try to refute the fact he was armed, I remind everyone that there are publicly available reports about the discovery of two mags in the helicopter. One was mine, but the second wasn’t mine. The second mag was from his own gun, which he dropped from his hands during our scuffle during flight. And as for me, of course I had a second mag. Would I go to such an operation with only one mag?

He lost control of the helicopter and shouted in panic “we will get killed”. The description that was presented of a helicopter substantially unmanageable is true. But these images did not result from my actions, but his. The helicopter was losing altitude and swirled in the air. We flew a few meters over electricity wires. I screamed to him to pull up the helicopter, to do what I tell him so no one will get hurt.

Within no time at all, we were on the ground. Those who speak of a dispassionate reaction of the pilot, apparently judging from the result, don’t know what they are talking about.

Instead of doing what I told him to do, he preferred to risk crashing with me in a collision of the helicopter, which didn’t happen by chance. It goes without saying that upon entering the helicopter and trying to gain control of it, to direct it to the prisons, I had made my decision. If he refused to do what I told him, I would naturally react. Those who claim I was responsible for the uncontrolled descent of the helicopter, from 5,000 feet to the ground, what did they expect? That I would have said “if you don’t want to come to the prisons, never mind”? I fired my gun and we engaged – both armed – in a scuffle during flight.

He preferred to risk crashing with me on the mountain than to obey. When we finally landed on the ground with speed, even though I knew the operation was lost, I had every opportunity to execute him. I consciously decided not to do so. Although I knew that with this decision I was endangering my life or freedom, I did not execute him even though I had the chance. He himself knows this very well. The only factor that held me back was my political conscience. And I took this decision, risking my own life and possibility to get away.

Regarding the prison escape operation itself, it’s obvious that all possible safety measures were taken in order to safeguard the undertaking against the armed guards patrolling the prison perimeter, and I even carried a bulletproof vest for the pilot as well. In this case, the purpose was to make the prison break happen in a way that would ensure the lowest possible risk for the helicopter, the comrades and, of course, the pilot. I acted with the same thought when we landed on the ground; despite the fact that the operation failed because of the pilot; despite the fact that he was armed. I essentially put his life over my own life and safety. But I am to reconsider this specific choice.

Organising to break out Nikos Maziotis was a political decision, as much as it was a political decision to liberate other political prisoners as well. It was not a personal choice. If I wanted to only liberate my comrade Nikos Maziotis, I wouldn’t have chartered a large helicopter – a fact that made the operation’s organising more complex. The aim of the operation was the liberation of other political prisoners as well; those who actually wanted, together with us, to make their way to freedom.

This action, therefore, despite its personal dimensions that are known, was not a personal choice but a political one. It was a step in the path to Revolution. The same goes for every action I have carried out and for every action I will make in the future. These are links in a chain of revolutionary planning aimed to create more favourable political and social conditions, for broadening and strengthening revolutionary struggle. Below I will refer to the political basis of this choice; but first I have to talk about facts, and the way I have operated until now in regard to some of these facts.

As I previously mentioned, every action I carry out concerns an act related to political planning. In the same context, I expropriated a branch of Piraeus Bank on the premises of Sotiria Hospital in Athens last June [2015]. With this money, in addition to my survival in “clandestinity”, I secured the organising of my action and financing of the operation for the liberation of Nikos Maziotis and other political prisoners from Koridallos women’s prisons. The reason I refer to this expropriation (I couldn’t care less about the penal consequences of this admittance) is because, at this time, I consider it absolutely necessary to disclose how I operate in regard to the safety of civilians, who in certain circumstances happen to be present in revolutionary actions I am involved in, and my perspective about this issue on the occasion – always mutatis mutandis – of the prison escape attempt.

In the case of the expropriation of Piraeus Bank branch, what I mentioned to the bank clerks when we walked into the bank was that they should not press the alarm button, because this would endanger their own safety, since I wasn’t willing to leave the bank without the money. I did not threaten them, nor would they ever be in danger because of me. They would only be in danger because of the police, if cops arrived at the spot and we subsequently had an armed clash. And the police would only arrive if any clerks pressed the bank alarm. This was a development which they themselves wanted to avoid. Because people who happen to be present in every such action are not afraid of those trying to expropriate, but instead the police intervening. Besides, it’s really stupid for anyone to attempt to defend money belonging to bankers. And for the record, when a female clerk told me “we ourselves are also poor people,” I suggested to her that we step over to a “blind” spot, where cameras can’t see us, to let her have 5,000 euros, which she did not accept, apparently out of fear. If she had accepted the money, she can be sure I would not speak publicly about it. And one detail: what I was holding was a medical apron to conceal my gun while waiting outside the bank; it was not a towel(!), as mentioned several times.

In every period of time, in the struggle for Revolution – as is also the case in all wars – at times the revolutionaries are obliged to seek the assistance of civilians in their fight. The historical examples are too many – an attempt to document them would fill an entire book, and this isn’t the time to expand on the matter – both in Greece and in armed movements and organisations in other countries. In such cases, however, we essentially ask them to take sides in a war. Once someone refuses to assist, their stance is not just about the particular practice, but an overall hostile stance against the struggle. They endanger or cancel undertakings, they put the lives of fighters in danger, they throw obstacles in the way of a revolutionary process. They take a position against a social and class war.

Neither at Piraeus Bank branch nor during the attempted helicopter escape did I make my identity known. Therefore, no one involved in these cases knew that those were political actions. But after the failed escape attempt, and given that – as I already mentioned – I had the opportunity to kill the pilot but I didn’t, risking my own life, I have to make the following public: from now on, whenever I need the assistance of civilians again, and if I deem it necessary, I will make my identity known from the outset. Since my mission in any case concerns the promotion of the struggle for overthrowing the criminal establishment, let everyone know that any possible refusal of cooperating and effort of obstructing the action will be treated accordingly.

I am, of course, aware of the personal details of the pilot, but I did not threaten his family. I would never threaten families and children.

This is my balance sheet after the escape attempt, one I must make public.




Pola Roupa
member of Revolutionary Struggle

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Prison sentences in the 2nd trial against Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

UPDATE: Post-sentencing statement of Nikos Maziotis.

On March 3rd 2016, the Koridallos prison court sentenced all co-accused in the second trial against Revolutionary Struggle with regard to the attack with a car bomb containing 75kg of explosives against the Bank of Greece’s Supervision Directorate in central Athens on April 10th 2014; the shootout in Monastiraki on July 16th 2014 (when comrade Nikos Maziotis was injured and recaptured by police); and expropriations of bank branches.

Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis was sentenced to life in prison plus 129 years and a fine of 20,000 euros.

Revolutionary Struggle (fugitive) member Pola Roupa was sentenced to 11 years in prison on misdemeanor charges (if arrested, she will stand trial on felony charges, too).

Antonis Stamboulos was sentenced to 13 years in prison.

Giorgos Petrakakos was sentenced to 36 years in prison plus a fine of 9,000 euros.

-via contrainfo.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Dark Nights #44 : ‘Turn up the Heat’ & ‘Communique by CCF – Urban Guerilla Cell′ – Feb 2016 (ACN)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Dark Nights #44

1. Turn up the Heat.
2. Communique by CCF – Urban Guerilla Cell.
3. ‘Forever Guilty’ – Text by Panagiotis Argirou on the trial for the 250 attacks of the CCF / FAI-IRF.
4. ‘Against the Slander of Civil Anarchism’ by Sureños Incivilizados (Chile)
5. Civitavecchia, Italy: FAI/FRI take responsibility for an explosive attack on the city court.
6. Athens, Greece: FAI take responsibility for two incendiary attacks.
7. Athens, Greece: FAI take responsibility for an explosion at Tax Office.
8. Direct Action Chronology.
9. Police allege helicopter escape attempt by revolutionary comrades held hostage in Korydallos Prison, implicate comrade in clandestinity Pola Roupa of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)


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Police allege helicopter escape attempt by revolutionary comrades held hostage in Korydallos Prison, implicate comrade in clandestinity Pola Roupa of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Over the last days an anti-terrorist media spectacle is unfolding in Greece. Police released a statement about an incident of attempted helicopter hijack on 21 February; a woman using a fake ID card and apparently with the description of Pola Roupa, clandestine member of R.O. – Revolutionary Struggle attempted to hijack a helicopter departing from Thebes with a pistol. The woman had booked a flight to pick up 5 people at a pre-arranged route, but caused the pilot at gunpoint to change direction towards Attica. At one point, the pilot fought back, being an ex-policeman, who claimed to have recognised Roupa through media photographs. He tried to take the pistol, leading to a struggle which ended in the helicopter being brought down with two bullet holes in the windshield and one in the instrument panel. The woman then escaped and so far has not been captured. Police recovered a pistol mag, headphones and a wig which were sent for forensic analysis. The police believe that this was an attempt to spring imprisoned member of Revolutionary Struggle, Nikos Maziotis, from Korydallos Prison, and they also speak as well of anarchist comrade Antonis Stamboulos, bank robber Giorgos Petrakakos and “at least 2 to 3 members” of R.O. – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire who are suspected of participating. The police now attempt to reconstruct the “synchronisation” of the imprisoned comrades and locate the woman who made the defeated hijacking operation.

Maziotis is held in the isolation dungeon which is the basement of the Woman’s Section of Korydallos, where members of R.O. – November 17 and R.O. – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire are also held. Searches by the security forces took place in all parts of the isolation basement yesterday night revealing absolutely nothing.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Updates from the new trial of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Saturday, October 24th, 2015

“Those who live on 300 or 400 euros a month are not terrorised by Revolutionary Struggle, but by you and your regime.”

In a climate of tension, a new trial for Nikos Maziotis unfolded in the specially designed court in the female prison wing of Korydallos. He is now being accused for acts allegedly committed during the period that he was wanted by police. His co-defendants are his fugitive companion, Pola Roupa, the anarchist A. Stamboulou who is denying the charges, and the recently arrested G. Petrakakos.

The defendants are charged with, among other things, the offenses of membership and participation in a terrorist organization of which the leader is claimed to be Maziotis, an accusation of exploding a car bomb at the Bank of Greece on Amerikis Street in April 2014, for which Maziotis has taken political responsibility, and also for supply and possession of explosives, explosions, and two robberies. Moreover, Nikos Maziotis is accused of attempted homicide in the shoot-out with policemen in Monastiraki in the summer of 2014 when he was arrested.

The manifesto and the banks

The request of the lawyers of Nikos Maziotis for the prosecution to produce representatives of the banks which he reportedly robbed, made the presence of the defense strongly felt. The accused took the floor and said the banks were, “predatory organizations, there was no robbery, expropriation is the reality of the event.”

And when asked by the court to speak in his defense, the accused read a text-manifesto with harsh words against the political system and the judges. “Those who live on 300 or 400 euros a month are not terrorised by Revolutionary Struggle, but by you and your regime,” he said addressing the judges. Nikos Maziotis declared himself an “anarchist prisoner of war”. He described the trial as political, claiming it was a title of honor for him to be armed.

The other defendant A. Stamboulou claimed himself an “anarchist prisoner of war” and denied the charges, claiming that they have no relation to reality as there has, “not been found any evidence against him.” And he called his trial “political” and attributed his persecution to the “rage of repressive mechanisms.”

G. Petrakakos, in turn, denied the charges and reserved the right not to speak in his own defense.

‘Evening’ trial

The tone went up further when the presiding judge announced that the court sessions would start at noon and will last until the evening as there is a risk of the expiration of 18 months [of pretrial detention time] for the accused Stamboulou. The legal advocates responded by invoking the “special status” of the trial, accusing the court that it gives priority to the principle of expediency, not of legality.

“Make a trial by yourself, your shame stands revealed!”, cried the packed audience.

“Arrange when we will come not from Pangrati but from the provinces,” complained witnesses.

“We will reach out to the Chief of Appeals, it is humanly impossible to meet,” said the lawyers.

Finally, after these reactions, the President interrupted the schedule for the morning of October 19, clarifying however that the other meetings will be held. . . in the afternoon and then proceeded to call out the the names of witnesses, amid loud protests.

(via The Barbarian Times)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Communique by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire about the hunger strike (Greece)

Thursday, March 12th, 2015


On March 3rd, “justice” decided on the pre-trial detention of the mother of the comrades Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos and the second one’s girlfriend, with the charge of accession and participation in a terrorist organization.

Behind the obvious ridiculousness of the charge, it is the morbid vindictiveness of the counter-terrorism unit and the judicial authority in hiding, which wishes to blackmail emotionally both the two comrades and all of us. It is not just a vengeance tending to the zillion, it is an attempt to disqualify us. Essentially, they demand an unconditional surrender from us, a silent truce and a farewell to dignity, otherwise there will always be some “hospitable” cells for our relatives in the prisons of democracy.

We will not do them the favor. The war against the power has been indelibly forged inside us and flows like blood in our veins. We will not hand over one millimeter to the enemies of freedom, judges and cops.

We are facing the most vulgar sentimental siege. Beloved ones, who have no political affinity with us, but only a biological and sentimental one, have been kidnapped and kept as hostages by the judicial mafia. In this specific case, the priesthood of justice even abrogates the ridiculousness of its own official rules since, on the pre-trial detention measure, their “holy” law stipulates that «pre-trial detention shall apply only in cases where the defendant is suspected of escape or committing similar offenses».

Which one, even of our enemies, thinks that our relative are “suspected of escape” or “committing crimes” – which they haven’t actually committed? Apparently no one…

This narration of the current affairs is not a part of a personal story or an emotionally charged bracket during the experience of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

On the contrary, it is a part of the total repression strategy, coordinated by the high priests of judges, cops and journalists.

The first doors have already started to knock at dawn…

On Saturday, the police operation under the code name “Galatas” (“Milk man”) is made known, in order for the fugitive – member of the R.S. (Revolutionary Struggle) to be tracked down [Pola Roupa], while press reports talk about possible research in the paternal home of the member of R.S., Nikos Maziotis. Moreover, the same day, police and public prosecutors raid anarchists’ homes, after an «anonymous phone call concerning the existence of weapons and explosives».

Although the conclusion of the researches was concentrated into the fucking official paper with two words, «nothing found», in fact, we are in the preface of police and judicial heavy handedness.

Inside this confounded field, where sadness and rage mix with each other, at the same time, with our own hunger strike about the liberation of our relatives, there’s the hunger strike against the C’ type prisons, the terror-law, the 187 law, the hood-law, the fascist police manipulation of the taking of DNA, as well as the liberation of Savvas Xiros taking place. This hunger strike was organized and announced long ago and has our full political agreement. We urgently decided on our hunger strike, as a gag reflex to the captivity imposed to our relatives.

These two hunger strikes are, however, directly linked as they meet as the supplementation of one another. Specifically, the hunger strike about the liberation of our relatives is the physical and political ramification of the terror law application, whose abolition is set as a request of the other political prisoners’ hunger strike.

In our case, we propose the pointed–personal reference to our relatives, because the threat of the constant upgrading of the terror law, from an image of the future, has turned into the fascist current reality, which captivates our own people.

This is why there is no middle way. Either our relatives are released, or there will be the first hunger strikers to die during the last 40 years in Europe, with a left government as a background.

We once more make clear that we don’t ask a thing for ourselves. We have claimed full political responsibility for the whole plan of our escape from Koridallos prison, we have made our self-criticism on our “failures” in public and we keep unrepentant our will for freedom and anarchy, which will only come from our own hands, not by the passive awaiting of the laws.

What we demand is the liberation of our relatives, kidnapped by power.

It would be conscientious and emotional suicide, if we tried to transfuse our political features to this case. No matter how much we hate the logic of victimization, we would be blind if we did not recognize that, in this case, our relatives are the prosecutors’ scapegoats – trophies for our choices.

This is why, when we talk about our relatives, we don’t completely release our words’ roughness, as we do not intend to play political games on the backs of our people. Moreover, nor their legal defense has anything to do with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. We will always be by their side, the way they have been by our side, without our political choices intersecting.

The only certain thing is that we maintain our roughness and the absoluteness of our own choices to the decision on hunger strike until death. We move on with the confidence of the ones playing it all for the triumph of the unconquered and free life.

Perhaps it is blood needed for the freedom to grow.
But this is how it is…

We die the way we chose to live; with dignity that won’t capitulate even against death.

Because, genuine freedom only exists in the struggle for freedom.




1. For the abolition of the A’ counter-terror law (article 187),
2. For the abolition of the B’ counter-terror law (article 187A),
3. The abolition of the hood-law,
4. The abolition of the C’ type prisons law,
5. The liberation of Savvas Xiros for medical reasons,
6. The abolition of the Public Prosecutor provision requiring the violent taking of DNA (and generally, the police manipulation with the construction of culprits through DNA).

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF,
Imprisoned Members Cell


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Thessaloniki: Claim of responsibility for a bank arson (Greece)

Tuesday, November 4th, 2014

Act for freedom now! receives:

When the enemy seems to be standing up well and uses all means to crash anything opposite, then the attack towards him, his symbols and infrastructures is the only way. Wherever we look we see various types of authority, either called cop, judge either called school, bank, church, prison. Institutions of a rotten system that every day remind us that we are not free. Their real value will be shown with their destruction and through ashes and wreckage their beauty will be shown. No more compromises fit here right now. Their place should be taken over by determination and continuous struggle.

In the undeclared war which is taking place, when there isn’t direct usage of weapons, then other means are mobilised in order to hit the mind and the soul of every unrepentant revolutionary.

The new high security prisons are aiming right at that, his extermination. When its their turn, judges and prosecutors give revengeful long sentences. Prosecutor Olga Smirli confirmed her role at the trial for the ATE bank (now Pireaus Bank) in Pyrgetos Larisa giving away 16 years to G.NAXAKIS and G.SARAFOUDIS, with the only evidence being their political identity.

Either the two comrades participated in the robbery, either not, we are with them and we dedicate them the attack on Pireaus Bank on the early hours of the 10th of September in Sykies, Thessaloniki. This act is a small sign of solidarity and a message that everything continues…

Lets fight, everyone in their own way, forcefully, with the means that they have, till the end, until total liberation.



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Posted in Direct Action

Interview mit Nikos Maziotis und Pola Roupa (Revolutionärer Kampf)

Friday, September 26th, 2014

Nikos Maziotis und Pola Roupa wurden 2012 in Athen besucht. Sie waren damals – nach 18 Monaten Untersuchungshaft – vorübergehend in Freiheit, da in Griechenland eine Maximaldauer an Untersuchungshaft vorgesehen ist. Nach 18 Monaten wurden sie also aus der Haft entlassen, natürlich war diese Entlassung an Bedingungen geknüpft. Sie durften das Land nicht verlassen, mussten sich regelmässig bei der Polizei melden. Die Zeit ausserhalb des Knastes nutzten sie, um das Projekt des “Revolutionären Kampf” bekanntzumachen. Es gab schriftliche Beiträge und Veranstaltungen. Ein Stück dieser Arbeit ist das von der RHI hergestellte Interview mit ihnen, das hier als MP3-Datei und auf deutsch übersetzt heruntergeladen werden kann.

Im Juli 2012 tauchten sie in die Illegalität ab. Kurz vor dem Besuch von Angela Merkel in Athen detonierte dann 2014 vor der Griechischen Nationalbank eine Autobombe. Später übernahm der “Revolutionäre Kampf” die politische Verantwortung für diese Aktion. Im Juli dieses Jahres wurde Nikos danach nach einer Schiesserei in Athen verhaftet. Pola Roupa wurde trotz einer Monsterfahndung der griechischen Polizei noch nicht verhaftet.

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Posted in Interviews

PDF: Erstes Interview mit Nikos Maziotis nach seiner Festnahme / Offener Brief aus der Klandestinität von Pola Roupa (Griechenland)

Monday, August 25th, 2014


Nikos-Pola Briefe

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Open letter of Revolutionary Struggle member Pola Roupa from clandestinity / Lettera aperta del membro di “Lotta Rivoluzuionaria”, Pola Roupa, dalla clandestinità / Offener Brief aus der Klandestinität von Pola Roupa, Mitglied des Revolutionären Kampfe (Greece)

Friday, August 15th, 2014

Italian & German version below, here are Spanish and Portuguese.

On July 16th, 2014 the armed dogs of the establishment unleashed a fierce manhunt, and comrade Nikos Maziotis, member of the Revolutionary Struggle, was hit by a cop’s bullet and fell covered in blood. The comrade gave his battle against the cops that were chasing him. The state apparatus in its totality triumphed over the arrest of the “No 1 most-wanted fugitive” in the country. So did the criminal and real archi-terrorist Samaras, whose government took over the reins from the former pro-memorandum governments in a campaign for the biggest social genocide that has ever occurred in Greece in a time of “peace”. Samaras has used the arrest of Maziotis as a means to the stabilization of his faltering government, in order to support a political and economic regime with rotten foundations, which has long been discredited in social consciences.

For the political and economic regime, not only in Greece but also internationally, the arrest of a revolutionary with the political calibre of Nikos Maziotis is a “significant success”, as stated by the United States. That’s because the comrade’s arrest is perceived by our enemies as a blow to the struggle for the establishment’s subversion, as a blow to the struggle for liberation from the yoke of capitalism and the State, as a blow to the struggle for social Revolution. The size of threat that Maziotis poses to the establishment is reflected in the high-pitched nauseating rejoicing on the part of the domestic and foreign political power. Because the comrade and the Revolutionary Struggle, the organization in which he belongs, are intrinsically linked to the systemic political destabilization, to the undermining of a rotten regime; linked to the consistent war against domination and contemporary barbarity; linked to the struggle for the overthrow of the State and capitalism, linked to the social Revolution itself. Comrade Nikos Maziotis was and continues to be committed to the Revolution. This is what he has fought for, this is what he still fights for; this is why they present him as No 1 danger to the establishment. Thus, the political gravity of this case should be the primary parameter in expressing solidarity with the comrade. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy