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Posts Tagged ‘Grigoris Tsironis’

Thessaloniki: Anarchists claim responsibility for destruction of mobile phone antennas (Greece)

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

Modern capitalistic society is a society of control. And this because the system engages in an unending and total attempt to maintain the normality of social life. From this condition of control, the technology of surveillance could not be absent, as the technological development is directly related to the progression of authority and its ways it imposes itself.

State and capital, as active users of technology, shape this form of surveillance, aiming at profits and their own further imposition. From cameras in big cities and public transport for the security of those “who have nothing to hide” (and for this reason prefer to show everything) to the cameras in work spaces in order to “secure” our productivity and normality in consumerist procedures. And from the new biometric IDs to personal files on everyone, which is formed in relation to visited internet sites, preferences, music listened to, books read, financial transactions, data that is recorded by various colossal companies that have identified a big part of our lives with targeted ads and product promotion for consumption.

As years pass, as much as technology develops, we will have to deal more and more with inventions that, consciously or not, contribute to repression. This is a logical consequence since a big part of research on this field is financed and guided by state and inter-state authorities, as well as multinational companies that try to solve their concern for better fortification and profit production. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Statement by Anarchist Grigoris Tsironis concerning the referendum on July 5th (Greece)

Monday, July 6th, 2015

The masks have fallen over the past five years and capital is now showing its true face. The people are dealing with a brutal attack by domestic and foreign capital and its spokesmen. Each collaborationist government willingly enforces austerity programs on the people, signing one memorandum after another in its desperate attempt to remain in power and hold on to its privileges unharmed.

The result of these policies is that we have been led to unemployment, poverty and wretchedness. Tomorrow the people are called to the ballots to give an answer to the blackmailing ultimatums of international financial capital once and for all. They have been called to decide if they will bow their heads and accept one more agreement which will make plutocracy rub its hands [in glee] or will raise their voices, stand tall and say NO to their further subjugation and wretchedness. In order to avoid such a prospect the slugs of the Media of Mass Deception carry out unprecedented propaganda and attempts at terrorizing daily, thus serving the interests of their capitalist bosses.

As an anti-authoritarian I of course do not have any illusions that social emancipation will come through governmental referendums, elections and giving authority to nation-fathers no matter what area they come from, but through mass struggles in the streets and the development of structures of solidarity, self-management and self-organization. Despite all this, I believe that in a country with a great fighting tradition it is our duty to resist and give the domestic and foreign capitalists a small example that the people are now willing to take their lives in their own hands, so that they themselves can decide about their future and not succumb to ultimatums and blackmail that mortgage their hopes and dreams.

The time has come for the people to believe in their strength and promote their dignity.

To say:
NO to subjugation,
NO to blackmail,
NO to the proposition of international usurers and their domestic collaborators,
NO to any left memorandum
And a big YES to solidarity and the struggle of the people.


Grigoris Tsironis
Trikala prisons

Ttanslated by Act for freedom now!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Nea Anchialos operation resulted in the death of Spyros Dravilas and the capture of Grigoris Tsironis and Spyros Christodoulou (Greece)

Monday, June 22nd, 2015

From ContraInfo:

‘… as of now forever free’
Honour to Spyros Dravilas


On May 29th 2015, during an anti-terrorist operation of the Greek police in the area of Nea Anchialos in Magnesia (in close distance to the city of Volos), Spyros Dravilas fell dead inside a safe house under unverified circumstances. The police operation against dubbed ‘Distomo robbers’ resulted not only in the death of Spyros Dravilas (an illegalist and ex-prisoner in struggle), but also in the arrest of Grigoris Tsironis (an anarchist comrade, very active over the past two decades, who was on the run since 2006) and Spyros Christodoulou (an illegalist and unruly ex-prisoner).

The authorities released an autopsy report indicating that Dravilas fired a rifle inside his mouth. Obviously we cannot know what really happened, but so far it seems that his close ones and the two arrestees themselves have not refuted this version of the story.

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Posted in Social Control

Solidarity to arrested Grigoris Tsironis and Spiros Christodoulou and in active insurrectionary memory of Spiros Dravilas (Greece)

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

+ “For Spyros”, by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

20 May 2015 – Greek police terror operation results in the arrest of two comrades and the execution of Spiros Dravilas:

Living a dignified path under the most adverse conditions

The police operation in Nea Aghialos on 20.5.2015 was crowned as a “success”. The TV cannibals stand over our friend’s dead body and scream: Grigoris Tsironis, Spiros Christodoulou and the deceased Spiros Dravilas are ruthless robbers and blood-thirsty murderers.

Grigoris was and remains a comrade. From his first arrests, a result of his participation in the Polytechnic occupation in 1995 and the struggles against the regeneration of Exarchia square in 1997, up to his participation in dozens of dynamic interventions of the anarchist movement and his active presence as a worker in the courier syndicate, Grigoris was always by our side. A fugitive as of January 2006 after the expropriation of a National Bank on Solonos street, he lived ten years of battle and survival against capitalism and its repressive mechanisms.

With a bounty on his head since 2009 for the same case and targeted all these years, he managed to maintain his humanity and militancy despite the adversities and the hunt set up against him by the modern persecution squad.

Spiros Christodoulou was and remains an unrepentant proletarian who carved and carves his own dignified path under the most adverse conditions: prison and illegality.

Just like Spiros Dravilas… He had tasted it from the age of 21 when he first came into contact with the harsh reality of incarceration. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Responsibility claim for the ATM arson barrage on 7/10, Athens (Greece)

Thursday, October 13th, 2011

7 October 2011

Responsibility claim for the ATM arson barrage on 7/10

In the early hours of Friday 7/10 we destroyed 6 bank ATMs at:

-Kannigos square, Pireus bank
-Vironas area, Probank
-Galatsi area, Alpha bank
-Kipseli area, Alpha bank
-Gizi area, Agrotiki bank
-Aiolou street, National bank

This action of ours we dedicate to anarchist comrade Simos Seisidis, who is in the hospital of Koridallos prisons and is tried on 16/9. Simos was wanted since 2006 -and has a bounty on him since 2009 along with comrades Marios Seisidis and Grigoris Tsironis, from Mihalis Hrisohoidis, of the sum of 600.000 euro- for the robbery of the National Bank on Solonos street, for which he was acquitted.

Simos after denying to stop at an accidental control, on 3/5/10 in the area of Keramikos, was chased and shot in the back by cop Panagiotis Bokos.

Afterwards Bokos in collaboration with the rest of the pigs that participated in the arrest, beat our comrade when he was down and already heavy wounded.

Afterwards Simos is hospitalized in the slaughterhouse of KAT hospital being guarded by well armed sadists of the police, that provoked him and harassed his family every time they visited him, functioning as arrogant handlers . Even the moment of amputation of his leg the cops did not hesitate to be in the operating room.

In a city where the uniformed mercenary that patrols and protects the plutocracy and its symbols continuously increases, trying to repress any reaction against the existing, some will always resist against the modern totalitarianism that they want to impose in our lives.

FREEDOM to anarchist Simos Seisidis.

SOLIDARITY to anarchist Aris Sirinidis, which is being tried for the comrade attitude that he kept to his persecuted friend Simos.

SOLIDARITY to the 2 wanted comrades Marios Seisidis, Grigoris Tsironis.


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Posted in Direct Action