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Posts Tagged ‘Fuck the Police’

1st May – Fuck Parade, Commercial Street, 6pm, London (UK)

Friday, March 11th, 2016

Fuck you all, it’s the Fuck Parade

Meet Sunday 1st May 2016, 6pm @ One Commercial Street, Aldgate, London E1 7PT. Bring what you expect to find.


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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin: Burning cars and broken windows after police raid against Rigaer 94 (Germany)

Saturday, February 13th, 2016

Attack on police riot van in Friedrichshain during demo of Feb 6 2015

“R94 Lives!” read the fresh graffiti. Daubed in red paint across an office of Berlin’s ruling SPD scum, which lost its windows too, the slogan (since scrubbed off) referred to a massive police raid on an East Berlin squat on January 13, one of the largest and most controversial in Berlin’s recent history.

Following an attack of a police officer nearby, a 500-strong anti-riot team backed up by special forces, dogs and helicopters stormed into the so-called “occupied house” at 94, Rigaer Strasse (or “R94”) on Wednesday night. Police raided the two houses next door the following day and kept up a heavy stop-and-search presence till now.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5Zth5-uiV8

Taking place at one of Berlin’s best-known anarchist project, the raid has sent shockwaves through the city, sparking a heated debate on whether it was a case of necessary public safety or unlawful police overreach. For the police and their defenders, the raid was an inevitable consequence of continuing disorder and antagonism coming from the squat. For their critics, the assault on the officer was an excuse used by the police to launch an only quasi-lawful attack on people who they disliked. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Berlin: Political projects of Friedrichshain’s northKiez call for a demonstration on 6/2 (Germany)

Sunday, January 24th, 2016

After the major offensive on Rigaer 94 by 500 cops, SEK, a K-9 unit and a helicopter, the northKiez of Friedrichshain is still under siege. There are constant controls all around Rigaerstraße and the streets are patrolled by massive swathes of cops.

We take the attack on the night of 13.01.2016 on Rigaer 94 and the assault on Liebig34 on the same evening as an attack on all of us! It is an affront to all of us that resist, organise, plan, act and network every day; against all those that cannot pay their rents anymore and get displaced.

To the cops and politicians speculation to be able to force us into capitulation and resignation by repression we respond: Forget it! We will not yield a centimeter! Now more than ever!

We are calling everyone, to go out on the streets with us on February 6th to fight against ‘danger zones’, police terror and displacement.

Call to action:
Defend rebellious structures, create neighbourhoods of solidarity!

Saturday 6th February 2016 | Berlin

Gathering at 16:00 in front of Wagenplatz Rummelplatz, Gürtelstrasse 26

Demonstration at 17:00 (be on time!)

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Posted in Autonomy

Brescia: Claim of the attack on the police training centre and communiqué of Cellula Anarchica Acca (Italy)

Thursday, January 14th, 2016

During the night between 17th and 18th December we placed a device (8kg of gunpowder) at the police ‘training centre’ in Brescia. A symbolic action intended to cause material damage. We chose that time so as not to harm people indiscriminately.

With this action we began our projectuality of Anarchist attack as Cellula Anarchica Acca (C.A.A) in affinity with the black international, and add ourselves to the call for action for a BLACK DECEMBER.

We are joining this trajectory because:

We like the idea of an international coordination of anarchists for direct action.
Our idea of ‘complicity’ goes beyond groups and factions.
We are using the means we consider appropriate, seeking growth in the minimal details of the action. In that sense this action is nothing in terms of material damage, but it is important in arming our self-organization, especially at a time when we sense great resignation among anarchists in Italy.

We attacked one of the armed wings of the state. Cops from all over Italy and other states are trained at this ‘school’. This is also a little signal against war.

We are in solidarity with all those who struggle against all states and capital.
Our thoughts go to the many comrades who are repressed, locked up, tortured or killed at the present time and in the past. In solidarity with all prisoners in struggle.

This is a signal of complicity to those who are locked up: To Alfredo for shooting Adinolfi; to Chiara (NO TAV anarchist) for the attack on the construction site; to Nicola Gai, who with Alfredo kneecapped the Ansaldo managing director, which is the least he deserved; to Nico (NO TAV anarchist).

To Monica and Francisco, who are resisting in the Spanish prisons with simplicity and dignity.
To Tamara Sol, who showed us how to avenge our comrades.
To Nikos for his simple and humble contribution to a call for struggle.
To the comrades of the CCF.
To the comrades who struggle in prison and outside.


Reply to the text entitled ‘Under pressure’.
The main push to action is not pressure that makes us explode, but unlimited passion that liberates.
That is what pushed us to arm ourselves that night in Brescia: The passion of trying to free ourselves from exploitation, that of a life that deserves to be lived, the passion for freedom.
Passions are desires transformed into action, the most wonderful gestures of life in the face of the pervasive banality of the spectacle. It is this passion without limits that exploded that night in Brescia.

The questions we put to who wrote that text are:
Do actions not speak for themselves?
Why talk about actions now?

We didn’t like reading ‘this is the pressure that exploded that night in Brescia’, concerning that action, even it was written in ‘good faith’. We didn’t live it like that. Actions per se don’t always speak for themselves, and this is proof of it.

Anarchist Cell Acca


[Editors’ note: we assume that the text referred to is 'Sotto pressione' published by finimondo.org]

Translated by act for freedom now

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Posted in Direct Action

Dealing with “counter-terror” cops at the airport (UK)

Tuesday, January 12th, 2016

via RabbleLDN, also see – “Schedule 7″ – Important Advice for Anarchists Travelling To/From the UK.

Bristol Anarchist Chases Away Counter-Terror Police

Today at Stansted Airport, plainclothes police officers pulled aside a travelling anarchist (Tim from Bristol) and seemingly sought to coerce him into becoming an informant with a combination of intimidation, veiled threats, and offers of free alcohol. But when he started recording the officers on his mp3 player they quickly terminated the exchange and made a sharp exit.

He believes he was targeted by counter terror police because of his Anarchism, stating: “Anarchism is about ordinary people standing up to the rich and powerful – exactly what the police are there to prevent. These people claim to be protecting us, but they spend most of their time blacklisting trade unionists, spying on activists and harassing ethnic minorities.”

Here’s his full account of what happened today:

“As I was leaving the EU e-passport gate about 1pm today, I was approached by a man who came out from behind the desk to the left. He was a similar height to me, with short light brown hair/beard, and a light northern English accent. He said “Hi Tim, I’d like to have a word with you. I think you know what this is about”. I got my phone out and called a friend as soon as he started speaking. I told him I had a phone call which I needed to take. A man who had approached in the mean-time from the right, wearing a grey suit-jacket, asked me to turn my phone off. I repeated that I had to take the call. When my friend picked up I asked them to call my solicitor. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Santiago: Explosive device placed in the Comisaria de San Miguel (Chile)

Sunday, November 8th, 2015

From Noticias de la Guerra Social

At dawn on October 29, 2015, anonymous hands placed an explosive device in the 12° Comisaria de San Miguel. The device consisted of a fire extinguisher filled with black powder and it would have been placed around 2am. The bomb was placed near the intersections of Gran Avenida with Alvarez Toledo, close to the court of appeals in San Miguel and the Fiscalía Sur [Prosecutors of the Southern district], precisely at the gate of the police barracks.

Police bastards who were on duty at the police station noticed a suspicious bag in the police station perimeter, activating all security protocol.

To the place came the GOPE [Grupo de Operaciones Policiales Especiales / Police Special Operations Group] who managed to remove the device without it detonating, then they took it to their offices in Cerrillos to analyze it. Finally Renato Avellao, that bastard Colonel of this putrid institution stated: “There are security cameras throughout the environment of the barracks and it is through these images we will detect which person left the bag with the extinguisher on the side of the unit. It was in the hours of the morning.”

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Posted in Direct Action

London: Report of action against Police base on Blackstock Road (UK)

Friday, November 6th, 2015

Anonymous Submission

Last night a Metropolitan Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team base on Blackstock Road was targeted in response to a wave of police violence and control in Hackney and larger London. Pigs are frisking us on our estates; assisting in the eviction of our family and friends; containing and violently suppressing our protests and everyday resistance. Armed with public order sections and counter-terrorism legislation, they criminalise our communities and cultures.

At yesterday’s Million Mask March and the Free Education demonstration the day before, the Met police excelled in invasive repression and control. Riot cops attempted for hours to put a baton over the head of central London protest; but our resistance cannot be contained to designated protest zones. All around London, lines of social conflict are marked. Where the ground is ours, resistance is on our terms, at our times and outside their enforced zones.

Resistance to police control is as permanent as it is necessary. There is always a police car burning. In Lambeth, Southwark and Hackney, pigs feel blows from their own batons. A family is refusing to be evicted from their council flat; a firework is hitting a pig van on patrol; a mob of people are pulling someone from the grips of Met officers.

Everywhere we are creating our own lines of social war and resistance.
Violence and sabotage is ours and we will continue to use it.

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Posted in Direct Action

Police attacked, vehicle in flames, clashes and arrests in London 5 Nov demo (UK)

Friday, November 6th, 2015

Thousands of angry demonstrators, a riotous carnival atmosphere and edgy embattled police lead to scenes of disorder and chaos in London last night as the Million Mask March called by Anonymous took place in Westminster. 50 people were arrested by cops on various charges related to the demo, including 3 men who were accused of carrying knives, lock picks, gas canisters, plus smoke and paint grenades; they remain imprisoned at this time.

Several police were injured, although only slightly, including a police horse. Fireworks were used to great effect against the police horses, causing them to startle and flee from the line, one police officer was thrown from his horse and injured in a fight with demonstrators outside Buckingham Palace.

A police car on Queen Anne’s Gate, near the Ministry of Justice was burned, as roving breakaway groups of anarchists and activists spread the chaos across the elite districts of power.

They should have expected us.

Never forgive – Never forget.

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Posted in Direct Action

Olympia Police Westside Substation Attacked (USA)

Saturday, October 10th, 2015

Early morning on October 2, we attacked the westside olympia police substation. We smashed the windows and door security keypads, glued the locks, tagged the outside, and trashed the inside with paint mixed with brake fluid. One tag read “no cops no charges.” Our hearts swelled with joy. A few blunt objects, some super glue,and some paint can be found lying around in nearly any garage (make sure there is nothing incriminating left behind), or can be scored for a few bucks (use cash). A group of trusted comrades with a plan can break piggy’s hearts with relative ease, they are too demoralized to even clean up their own sty.

If this strikes you as “violent,” consider the fact that the police are the most consistently racist and misogynist of all mass shooters.

We loved seeing the light reflect off city hall’s shattered windows as the leaves turned from green to golden. We hope the westside substation stays trashed, with its windows boarded up, keeping out the sunlight. We hope that this way the swine get just a tiny taste of the misery they inflict on millions of people by imprisoning them in cells for years on end. We hope they incinerate themselves inside, and nothing is left, like the prisons we want to see in ashes.

We fight from where we stand. We hope others do the same.
We attack because we want to communicate with you, because we are inspired to act against the police.
We hope you will act in your own way to fight for a world without police.

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Posted in Direct Action

Police station attacked by United Anarchist Attack in Taksim – 20 July 2015 (Turkey)

Wednesday, August 26th, 2015


On 20 July 2015, the day the Suruç (Pirsus) massacre happened, thousands of protestors who were outraged against the massacre took to the Taksim streets and were attacked intensely by police. After the police attack, there were some clashes with police.

United Anarchist Attack militants who lost their anarchist comrades in Suruç massacre, attacked the police station in Cihangir during these clashes. They smashed the windows of police station and police cars in front of building with stones and sticks. After this publishing, United Anarchist Attack declared that they will not forget comrades Medali, Vatan, Alper, Evrim and Serhat and they’ll always remind them to everyone.

More photos on sosyal savas.

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