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Posts Tagged ‘Fuck the Church’

Hamburg: Churches desecrated in solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Germany)

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

In the early hours of March 20th 2016, unknown persons desecrated three churches in Hamburg with a fire extinguisher filled with paint, slingshot and stone. In addition to this vandalism, slogans such as “No God – No State – No patriarchy”, “Solidarity with Mónica and Francisco” and circle-A’s were spray-painted. Flyers were thrown on the streets, reading: “Religion means oppression! Against every domination! Solidarity with Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, anarchists imprisoned in Spain”.

via contrainfo… see the photos.

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Posted in Direct Action

Valence: Anarchist tags on two churches (France)

Monday, March 21st, 2016

Translated by Act for freedom now!, via Cette Semaine

Dauphiné Libéré, 13/03/2016 17:01

Funny discovery this morning for the parishioners of Our Lady of the Annunciation, at the Grand Charran and Notre Dame, rue Berthelot in Valence. During the night one or more individuals had doused the facades of the two religious buildings with red paint, not without also writing phrases with anarchist connotations. The council has decided to lodge a complaint.

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Posted in Direct Action

Brigada de la Muerte FAI/FRI – Reivindicación de amenaza a párroco de iglesia Los Sacramentinos (Chile)

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

English Translation

Reivindicación de amenaza a párroco de iglesia Los Sacramentinos

La iglesia y sus mutaciones a lo largo de la historia ha logrado prevalecer como símbolo y ejecutante de poder en el mundo, con pequeñas reinversiones han logrado que su moral y divina autoridad sigan siendo legitimas, permaneciendo así como forma de control para la humanidad. La sangre derramada por la inquisición en su época es reemplazada hoy por cánones morales, rutinas de comportamiento que no son más que el reflejo de una sociedad enferma. Heteronormatividad, supremacía del hombre por sobre todo, monarquías, justificación de la explotación humana y animal, vicios como machismo, pedofilia, el poder llevado a la escala más pequeña, la imbecilidad legitimada en más imbecilidad, y por supuesto no podría estar ausente el castigo más “duro” al que se puede someter a un bastardo pederasta: Una vida de oración.

A lo largo de la historia la iglesia siempre ha sido un blanco de ataque para quienes luchan contra el poder. No podemos olvidar como Mateo Morral atentó contra los reyes católicos en el año 1906. Acá en Chile el ataque tampoco ha sido la excepción, en el año 1915 el poder montó una cacería contra compañerxs anarquistas tratando de buscar a los responsables de ataques dinamiteros contra conventos religiosos. La Brigada de la Muerte en la España de 1936 saqueaba iglesias, profanaban tumbas de sacerdotes y asesinaban a los que se mantenían vivos por salvaguardar el fascismo en pequeños pueblos.

En la actualidad en Chile estas acciones han continuado, distintos células insurreccionales han bombardeado iglesias con cargas explosivas e incendiarias. Hasta en protestas han sido blanco de ataques, por ejemplo: La Iglesia de la Gratitud Nacional ubicada en plena Alameda. Su puerta principal fue incendiada por insurrectxs en una manifestación el 25 de agosto del año 2011. Esta nuevamente vio las llamas el 23 de mayo del año 2015 en la conmemoración por la muerte del anarquista Mauricio Morales, y días después, el 28 de mayo -nuevamente en una manifestación- sus puertas fueron alimentadas por el fuego anarquista.

Sin más, mediante este correo electrónico reivindicamos el envío de una carta a Rafael Cáceres Olave, párroco de la iglesia Los Sacramentinos en los días previos al juicio que enfrentaban lxs anarquistas Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar en España acusadxs de distintas explosiones en iglesias adjudicadas por el Comando Insurreccional Mateo Morral. La carta contenía un mensaje por nuestrxs compañerxs y balas. Elegimos a este sujeto por ser párroco de la iglesia a la que Mónica había sido acusada de atentar en el denominado Caso Bombas en Chile.

El incendio, el ataque, la amenaza contra cualquier representante de la iglesia y el poder esta plenamente justificada. Tenemos las armas y nuestra voluntad para atentar contra ellxs. Sus días de jolgorio han acabado.

Derribando su historia, falsa moral, poder y autoridad…
Nos erigimos y gritamos fuerte:
¡Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar a la kalle!
¡Muerte al estado/capital/iglesia y que viva la anarquía!

Brigada de la Muerte FAI/FRI

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Posted in Direct Action

1st May – Fuck Parade, Commercial Street, 6pm, London (UK)

Friday, March 11th, 2016

Fuck you all, it’s the Fuck Parade

Meet Sunday 1st May 2016, 6pm @ One Commercial Street, Aldgate, London E1 7PT. Bring what you expect to find.


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Posted in Direct Action

Mayday: Class War – Street Party (UK)

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Fuck the Police – Fuck the Tories – Fuck the lot of them – All Fucking Wankers


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Artefacto explosivo detona parcialmente contra la Iglesia San Pedro en Las Condes ($hile)

Friday, March 27th, 2015

[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

Cerca de las 9:00 de la mañana del 21 de Febrero del 2015, un fuerte estruendo afecta a la puerta lateral de la Iglesia San Pedro, cerca del sector del velatorio ubicada entre las calles Isabel La Católica con Vespucio, en la adinerada comuna de Las Condes. Una olla a presión repleta, cortada metálicamente para su fragmentación repleta de pólvora y esquirlas metálicas compuestas por clavos cortados, activado mediante un sistema de relojería detona parcialmente. La pólvora habría deflagrado sin lograr comprimirse y detonar completamente. (more…)

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Brighton: Anti-abortion Christian bigots confronted by anarchists (UK)

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

26/04/14, 11.45am, Brighton.

A roadside demonstration held by the Christian group “Society for the Protection of Unborn Children” at Preston Park was met with a spontaneous anarchist counter mobilisation.

The anarchists masked up and surrounded the protesters quickly, destroyed a large portion of their anti-choice propaganda and dispersed again before the police could arrive.

- some anarchists

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Brighton: Squatters attack cops with bottles and paintbombs, then set trap which leaves one cop with broken ribs (UK)

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

Just over a week ago, an Interim Possession Order was served on a squatted church in Brighton. Deciding to resist the IPO, the squatters barricaded the building, and took to the roof in protest and a large group of people gathered outside.

A Banner was hung from the roof stating “The meek shall squat the earth” in reference to some religious nonsense found within the church, and a black flag was flown whilst the squatters maintained a presence on the roof for 3 consecutive days.

Out of the numerous police patrols that passed, one cocky sergeant decided to parade around the church and threatened that the police would return at 5am in the morning to evict the squatters. (more…)

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Cops evicted the Orfanotrofio squat in Thessaloniki (Greece)

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

From Contra-info:

In the morning hours of September 2nd, 2013 the Greek police conducted another anti-squatting operation, this time against the Orfanotrofio squat, a former orphanage in the district of Toumba, Thessaloniki.

Seven squatters were arrested inside the building and charged with violating the law regarding occupation of public buildings, as well as weapon possession (an air pistol was allegedly found at the squatted house). All comrades were held in custody, scheduled to appear in the Thessaloniki courts.

Last year, it was announced that the ministry of Health handed over the squatted Orfanotrofio to the Holy Metropolis of Thessaloniki.

Fuck the State and the Church!
Immediate release of our comrades!

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Posted in Social Control

Madrid: Responsibility claim for the placement of an explosive device at Almudena Cathedral (Spain)

Monday, February 11th, 2013

From Contra-Info:

The house of god fucked up in Madrid
(Thursday, February 7th, 13.00pm)

We have demonstrated that your sanctified dens are vulnerable. The foundations of your Power have trembled by the kilos of our sacrilegious gunpowder, seeking a breach of your civic peace that has been based upon killings and persons locked up for years in the slammer. This is revenge. We have overcome the barrier of fear.

The target of the explosive attack is clear; to strike the Bourbon monarchy in their sacred sites. All their majestuosity is the fruit of oppression, and we, the oppressed, will end with it through insurrectional revolutionary violence. We won’t fall into the trap of waiting to be given the historical conditions. We believe that the conditions are propitious for attack as long as State, Capital and especially a rotten fascist royal family exist. We are determined. We do not wait. We act.

We do not hold the mistaken idea that we will achieve the destruction of all that oppresses us solely through actions such as this one. We are not fooling ourselves. We are not granting ourselves self-complacency. This is propaganda by the deed, which has existed for more than a century among the seditious and conspirators against Power. It is an appeal to war without limits using all our imagination and energy to end with this rotten world.

Fire to the slammer!
Long live Anarchy!

Insurrectionalist Commando Mateo Morral

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